Presentazione corso di Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum Hyderabad
Presentazione corso di Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum Hyderabad 21/01/11 An Example Of A Tourist Location Based Service (Lbs) With Open Source Software M. Deidda, A. Pala, G. Vacca University of Cagliari, ITALY DISIG Department of Structural Engineering, Infrastructural and Geomatic vaccag@unica. it
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Contents Introduction Definition of Location Based Service (LBS) LBS Standards Experimentation Conclusions
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Introduction Tourism is an economic sector in constant expansion, also due to technologies and services allowing tourists to request specific information in real time, through the Internet, everywhere in the world. Among these services there are Location Based Service (LBS), which are based on the current geographic location of the user.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 What is an LBS Service? Some tourists want to go to a restaurant, so they can to search it on the Internet. A better and faster way to locate it is to add further research criteria. A good choice is to add the area where the users are (position), the time when they want to eat (morning or evening) and the specific kind of restaurant they are looking for (e. g. Indian or Italian). This search can be done by using a Location Based Service. “Great Wall” Chinese Restaurant Silk Road, 45 Open Fri-Wed Dinner only Where? When? What? Position Information
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 What is a LBS The LBS is composed of 4 components.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Mobile device A tool for the user to request the needed information to service provider. The results can be given by speeches, pictures, texts and so on. Possible devices can be PDA, Mobile Phones, Laptops. . . But also car navigation units or tool boxes for road pricing in a lorry. PDA Navigator Mobile Phone Smartphone Laptop PC
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Communication Network The second component is the communication network, which transfers the data from the mobile device to the service provider and vice versa. This can be a Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) - GSM or UMTS, a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) - IEEE 802. 11 or a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) - Bluetooth. Network technology GSM (G 2) WWAN GPRS UMTS (G 3) WLAN WPAN Average range Base station distance 100 m – 35 Km Data Rate (Mbps) 0. 009 - 0. 014 0. 160 2. 0 Ultra Wideband 10 m 100 IEEE 802. 11 a 50 m 54 IEEE 802. 11 b 100 m 11 Bluetooth Home. RF Ir. DA (Infrared) 10 m 50 m 1 -1. 5 m needs line of sight 1 10 1 - 16 Frequency domain ~900 MHz, licensed Spectrum ~2. 4 & 5 GHz, not licensed Spectrum ~2. 4 GHz, not licensed Spectrum
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Positioning Component The positioning component is used to locate the mobile device. Several positioning techniques are used in LBS; these differ from each other in positioning accuracy, Time To First Fix (TTFF), service coverage, or costs and they are classified as follows: Network-based positioning Hybrid Terminal-based positioning
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Service Provider The service provider offers a number of different services to the user and it is responsible for the service request processing. Thanks to such services it is possible: - to calculate the positioning, - to find a route, - to search in Yellow Pages, - to search specific information on objects of user interest
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Data Provider Service providers will not usually store and keep all the information requested by users. Therefore, geographical database and location information data will be usually requested by authorities like mapping agencies or business partners like the Yellow Pages or traffic companies.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The LBS Standards To perform a Location Based Service a number of different elements, from technology to data providers, have to be included. To ensure that all the different technologies and devices work together, common standards for interfaces and descriptions have to be defined. - The ISO/TC 211 : 19132 (Location based services possible standard), 19133 (Location based services tracking and navigation) and 19134 (Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation). - The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): Open. LS.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The Open. LS Standard
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The experimentation is aimed at: - studying the accuracy of the positioning component, in particular in the GPS receivers for LBS applications - performing an Info-tourist LBS application complying with the Open. LS standard and developed with Free and/or Open Source software
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Positioning Component The choice of a LBS positioning component depends essentially on two factors: 1. required accuracy of the LBS kind 2. operating conditions, such as outdoor or indoor
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The receivers used in the test are the following: • HP i. PAQ hw 6915: HSGPS, 12 channels. • Geo. XT, Trimble L 1, 12 channels • Juno, Trimble L 1, 12 channels
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The tests have been performed in critical conditions by recreating the operating conditions of LBS terminals, such as cities (urban canyons), shopping centers (indoors), under trees, etc. These conditions cause an absence or a degradation of the GPS signals, which affect the position calculation as follows: • The receiver cannot fix the position; • The positioning accuracy is not appropriate for the specific application; • The waiting time to calculate the position is too long.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 In particular, the following parameters have been studied: • Accuracy is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity to its actual (true) value. • Sensitivity intended as a measure of the receiver ability to track the satellites in conditions where the signal is heavily degraded (the ability to perform the pseudo-range measurement) • Consistency intended as the chipset ability to obtain a consistent positioning in every condition.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 THE TEST To study the parameters a path was surveyed. The path was represented by some parts where the GPS signal was in part attenuated and other where the GPS had full visibility. The path was surveyed with a sampling rate of 1 Hz.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Accuracy In order to assess the accuracy the path surveyed is compared with the same path surveyed with greater accuracy. Ipaq survey Juno survey
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The charts show the frequency histograms, where the ordinates correspond to the percentage of acquired GPS position within the following accuracy ranges: • Under 1 m • Between 1 and 2 m • Between 2 and 5 m • Between 5 and 10 m • Over 10 m (and up to a maximum of 100 m)
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Sensitivity To verify the receiver sensitivity we considered the number of receiver epochs recorded (one per second), also if in some epochs no position was available and these were compared with the acquired positions (independent of error ) Receiver expected positions acquired positions % JUNO 18310 926 5 Geo. XT 10303 3160 30. 7 i. PAQ hw 6915 20714 12526 60. 5
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Consistency It is the chipset ability to obtain a consistent positioning in every condition for further usages. In order to study this aspect we analyzed the percentages of positions acquired with an accuracy better than 10 m (maximum allowable error for stand-alone positioning in these conditions) Receiver % of accuracy < 10 m JUNO 90 Geo. XT 96. 4 i. PAQ hw 6915 74. 5
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The Info – Tourist LBS Application The LBS implemented by the Geomatics team of the University of Cagliari simulates an info-tourist service in Cagliari town centre. Infrastructure and application consist of: 1. mobile device with GPS receiver and Internet network access. We used the S 8000 Jet smartphone Samsung 2. Client software for the mobile device 3. LBS server 4. WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service) server - Geoserver 5. Database of the tourist interest point. The application was developed with Free and/or Open Source software and complies with the Open. LS standard for LBS services.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 In the Info-tourist LBS developed, the client sends its position and asks to the LBS server the information on the closest tourist point. In Open. LS terms this means to make a Reverse. Geocode operation. The answer is displayed on the mobile device together with a map coming from the WMS and WFS Services
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 THE LBS SERVER xls. py: contains the classes for interpreting the request messages and building the response messages in XLS, the XML format used in Open. LS for client-server communications location_utility. py: implements the Location Utility Service, for the part concerning the Reverse Geocoding operation rgc_xls. py (“Reverse Geo. Code”) is a Web Application following the WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) standard
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The LBS server: Sequence of Operations 1. The program starts by loading into memory the points of interest as a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Feature Collection, and constructing a Locator object (defined in simplefeatures. py) associated to them. Then it passes control to the WSGI server, which waits for requests. When a Reverse. Geocode. Request is received, it is interpreted for extracting the GPS position. The Locator object selects from the Feature Collection the points of interest which are nearer than a predefined search radius to the given position. For each point of interest, a Free. Form. Address object is constructed and initialized with its attributes. Then the address objects are encapsulated in the Reverse. Geocode. Response which is sent to the client.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The LBS Client Based on gv. SIG Mini by Prodevelop (http: //www. prodevelop. es/) Based on gv. SIG (Open Source GIS by the Generalitat Valenciana) Written in Java ME (Mobile Edition) Running on CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configuration) devices
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The Map The map used in the Web Map Service is the 1: 1000 scale map of the city of Cagliari in Shapefile format. Originally in the Roma 40 national reference system, it was converted to geographic coordinates in the ETRF 89 reference system.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 The Database The associated database contains all the information useful for an info-tourist LBS. In particular, the sites of historical-cultural-architectural importance have been selected, and for each of them the following data were collected: Name Short description URL of a picture URL of a Website Address Visiting hours Ticket price
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Conclusions The LBS service developed by the research group of the University of Cagliari is currently available only to obtain information for sites of tourist interest The research group is now implementing new functions; in particular, we are now studying the Route Service in order to calculate the route from the user’s current location to a requested point of interest. The next step will be to develop a client also for Apple devices like IPhone and Ipad.
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION
Presentazione corso di. Hyderabad Fotogrammetria Geospatial World Forum 21/01/11 Positioning Accuracy Low cost GPS (DGPS or stand-alone mode) HSGPS A-GPS Geodetic GPS (RTK mode)
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