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PRESENT SIMPLE/ PRESENT CONTINUOUS Present simple Present continuous Uses: 1. Routines 2. General things

PRESENT SIMPLE/ PRESENT CONTINUOUS Present simple Present continuous Uses: 1. Routines 2. General things 3. Facts Uses: 1. Actions that have not finished. 2. Things happenig arround now. 3. Paralel actions. Auxiliary verb: Do-does Auxiliary verb: To be am- is- are Add S to the verb in 3 rd person singular in affirmative form. Add ING to the verb

SENTENCE STUCTURE Present simple Present continuous Affirmative: Pron. + verb s (he-she- it) Pron.

SENTENCE STUCTURE Present simple Present continuous Affirmative: Pron. + verb s (he-she- it) Pron. + verb (i- you-we-they) Affirmative: Pron. +Aux. + verb ing Negative: Pron. + Aux. Not+ verb Negative Pron. + Aux. Not+ verb ing Interrogative: Aux. + Pron. + Verb ing

ACTIVITIES 1. Complete each sentence. Use the words in brackets. Use present simple or

ACTIVITIES 1. Complete each sentence. Use the words in brackets. Use present simple or present continuous. a) Richard (always, get up). . . . . before 7. 00. b) Hurry up! The bus (wait). . . . . for us! c) Where (we, go). . . . ? This is the wrong road! d) My friends (not believe). . . . . my story. e) Please be quiet! I (read). . . a very interesting book. f) (like, Susan). . . . . horror films? 2 Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space. a) ‘Someone. . B. . . for you outside. ’ ‘Who is it? ’ A) waits B) is waiting C) waiting b) ‘What. . . of this book? ’ ‘I think it’s fantastic!’ A) do you think B) is you think C) you do think c). . . in ghosts? A) Are you believe B) Are you believing C) Do you believe d) Kate is busy. She. . . for a test. A) is study B) is studying C) is studies e). . . a great time at the moment! A) We are have B) We’re have C) We’re having f) Tina usually. . . at 7. 00. A) get up B) is getting up C) gets up

ANSWERS a) Richard gets up. before 7. 00. b) Hurry up! The bus (wait)

ANSWERS a) Richard gets up. before 7. 00. b) Hurry up! The bus (wait) is waiting for us! c) Where (we, go) are we going? This is the wrong road! d) My friends (not believe) don’t belive my story. e) Please be quiet! I (read) am reading a very interesting book. f) (like, Susan) Does Susan like horror films? 2 Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space. a) ‘Someone. . B. . . for you outside. ’ ‘Who is it? ’ B) is waiting b) ‘What. . . of this book? ’ ‘I think it’s fantastic!’ A) do you think c). . . in ghosts? C) Do you believe d) Kate is busy. She. . . for a test. B) is studying e). . . a great time at the moment! C) We’re having f) Tina usually. . . at 7. 00. C) gets up

u 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. u Put the verbs into

u 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. u Put the verbs into the correct tense (present simple OR present continuous): The train always ________(1: leave) on time. "What's the matter? Why ________(2: cry/you)? " That's strange. They________(3: not to watch) TV. He________(4: not to speak) very good English. Please be quiet! I________(5: do) my homework. Where________(6: live/they)? Listen! John ________ music! (7: play) I never ________(8: go) to the swimming pool. Complete the following paragraph with the correct verb form. Harold Black's a famous pianist. He________(9: give) two or three concerts every week. He ________(10: travel) a lot and this week he's in New York. He________(11: stay) at an expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now. He________(12: have) his breakfast in the dining−room. He________(13: drink) a cup of coffee and he________(14: read) a newspaper. Harold's always very busy. He________(15: play) the piano regularly. He________(16: practise) for four hours every day. He________(17: go) to bed late and he always ________(18: get up) early. But he sometimes________(19: get) dressed too quickly, and this morning he________(20: wear) one blue sock and one red one!

ANSWERS 1. leaves 2. are you crying 3. are not watching (= aren't watching)

ANSWERS 1. leaves 2. are you crying 3. are not watching (= aren't watching) 4. does not speak (= doesn't speak) 5. am doing 6. do they live 7. is playing 8. go 9. gives 10. travels 11. is staying (= he's staying) 12. is having 13. is drinking 14. is reading 15. plays 16. practises 17. doesn't go 18. gets up 19. gets 20. is wearing

Choose the most suitable sentence or question. a) 1 I wash my hair. 2

Choose the most suitable sentence or question. a) 1 I wash my hair. 2 I’m washing my hair. b) 1 Do you know the answer? 2 Are you knowing the answer? c) 1 Do you wait for the school bus? You’re in the wrong place! 2 Are you waiting for the school bus? You’re in the wrong place! d) 1 That bike costs £ 350. 2 That bike is costing £ 350. e) 1 Do you understand? 2 Are you understanding? f) 1 I do my homework. 2 I’m doing my homework.

ANSWERS A) I’m washing my hair. b) Do you know the answer? c) Are

ANSWERS A) I’m washing my hair. b) Do you know the answer? c) Are you waiting for the school bus? You’re in the wrong place! d) That bike costs £ 350. e) Do you understand? f) I’m doing my homework.