Present Past Simple Continuous Perfect Continuous Future Simple

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Present Past Simple Continuous Perfect Continuous Future Simple Об авторе

Present Past Simple Continuous Perfect Continuous Future Simple Об авторе

 • • + I/we/you/they He/she/it - I/we/you/they He/she/it ? Do Does V V+s(es)

• • + I/we/you/they He/she/it - I/we/you/they He/she/it ? Do Does V V+s(es) do does not I/we/you/they He/she/it Ежедневная рутина (always, never, sometimes, often, seldom, usually, rarely, everyday) I go to school every day Расписание I have my examination on Saturday Законы Придаточное времени и условия(when, if) When you come from school we will go for a walk V V Меню

+ I/we/you/they He/she/it have has - I/we/you/they He/she/it have has ? Have Has I/we/you/they

+ I/we/you/they He/she/it have has - I/we/you/they He/she/it have has ? Have Has I/we/you/they He/she/it V+ed V 3 not V+ed V 3 • Действие произошло в прошлом отрезке времени(обязательно есть связь с настоящим)(this, for, since, by, before, today, this year/week/month) • Опыт в жизни(ever, never, once/twice/three times) I have never done climbing • Сообщение о случившемся He has fractured his arm • Результат на данный момент(already, yet, just) She has already done her homework • Количество сделанного Меню

I/we/you/they + He/she/it ? I/we/you/they He/she/it Did V+ed V 2 did I/we/you/they He/she/it not

I/we/you/they + He/she/it ? I/we/you/they He/she/it Did V+ed V 2 did I/we/you/they He/she/it not V V • Yesterday, last week/month/year, 3 years ago, in 1994, last, during the war I went to the cinema with my friends yesterday • Быстро сменяющиеся действия • Два действия в прошлом(одно раньше другого). Past Simple в позднем действии • Past habits(He used to go/went to school on foot) She used to have her hair dyed • Complete action or event Меню

I/he/she/it + We/you/they was were I/he/she/it We/you/they was were ? Was Were I/he/she/it we/you/they

I/he/she/it + We/you/they was were I/he/she/it We/you/they was were ? Was Were I/he/she/it we/you/they V+ing not V+ing • Действие, поисходившее в определенный момент в прошлом(at that moment, from…till… yesterday) I was reading a book at 5 o’clock yesterday • Действие, происходившее в определенный отрезок времени в прошлом (at that time, that year/month/week) That year he was studying English • Эмоциональные предложения(вспоминая прошлое) You were always grumbling! I was tired of it! Меню

I/we/you/they + He/she/it ? I/we/you/they He/she/it Had V+ed V 3 had I/we/you/they He/she/it not

I/we/you/they + He/she/it ? I/we/you/they He/she/it Had V+ed V 3 had I/we/you/they He/she/it not V+ed V 3 • Действие, законченное до определенного момента в прошлом или до начала другого действия в Past Simple He had gone before I could talk to him Меню

I/we + He/she/it/you/they shall will I/we He/she/it/you/they shall will ? Shall Will V not

I/we + He/she/it/you/they shall will I/we He/she/it/you/they shall will ? Shall Will V not I/we He/she/it/you/they • Действие, которое произойдет в будущем(tomorrow, next week/month/year) I shall go to the cinema tomorrow • Уверенность, неуверенность(maybe, I think, I am sure, I suppose) Maybe I will go to the cinema tomorrow • Решение, пришедшее в момент речи I will send you a postcard • Предсказание • Обещание • Действия, которые не контролируются • Просьба о совете V V Меню