Postwar Prosperity and Civil Rights 1941 1973 Unit

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Postwar Prosperity and Civil Rights 1941 -1973 Unit 13

Postwar Prosperity and Civil Rights 1941 -1973 Unit 13

1950 s America-Age of Eisenhower • “The Affluent Society” ? ? • Consumerism •

1950 s America-Age of Eisenhower • “The Affluent Society” ? ? • Consumerism • Conformity • Sunbelt • Political and Economic dominance of south/west • Middle class • GI Bill of Rights

I Like Ike-Political Consensus? ?

I Like Ike-Political Consensus? ?

How about now? ? ?

How about now? ? ?



Interstate Highway Act 1956

Interstate Highway Act 1956

Cold War of the 1950 s • Space Race • Sputnik 1957 • National

Cold War of the 1950 s • Space Race • Sputnik 1957 • National Defense Education Act • Advanced Placement • NASA • Military-Industrial Complex

Baby Boom 1946 -1960

Baby Boom 1946 -1960



Culture • Television • Rock-n-Roll • Elvis Presley • Teenager(Juvenile delinquent) • The Beat

Culture • Television • Rock-n-Roll • Elvis Presley • Teenager(Juvenile delinquent) • The Beat Generation: Beatniks • Jack Kerouac: On the Road

James Dean Rebel Without a Cause Elvis Presley

James Dean Rebel Without a Cause Elvis Presley

So Which is it? • Consensus/Conformity Challenge to conformity

So Which is it? • Consensus/Conformity Challenge to conformity

Civil Rights in the 1950 s • Truman desegregates military 1948 • Ike not

Civil Rights in the 1950 s • Truman desegregates military 1948 • Ike not a CR president. • Earl Warren • Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 • Overturns Plessy • “Massive resistance” at the state level • Southern Manifesto 1956

Civil Rights in the 1950 s • Brown v. Board of Education 1954 •

Civil Rights in the 1950 s • Brown v. Board of Education 1954 • Emmitt Till 1955 • Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955 -1956 • Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Integration of Central High School, Little Rock

Integration of Central High School, Little Rock

Civil Rights in the 1950 s • Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLC) • MLK •

Civil Rights in the 1950 s • Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLC) • MLK • Nonviolent resistance • Greensboro sit-ins 1960 • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC) • NAACP and CORE

Greensboro Sit In

Greensboro Sit In

Birmingham, Alabama

Birmingham, Alabama

The Struggle for Civil Rights • Letter from a Birmingham Jail • “justice too

The Struggle for Civil Rights • Letter from a Birmingham Jail • “justice too long delayed is • justice denied” • March on Washington 1963

LBJ Civil Rights • Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Title VII • Barriers

LBJ Civil Rights • Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Title VII • Barriers to voting • Freedom Summer • Poll tax, literacy tests • Voting Rights Act of 1965

Black Power • Watts Riot • Kerner Commission • Separatism • Malcom X •

Black Power • Watts Riot • Kerner Commission • Separatism • Malcom X • Black Panthers • Stokely Carmichael • Black Power • MLK Assassination

Chicano Movement and AIM • Cesar Chavez • United Farm Workers • American Indian

Chicano Movement and AIM • Cesar Chavez • United Farm Workers • American Indian Movement(AIM) • Indian Self Determination Act 1974