Point of View Whos Really Telling this Story
- Slides: 22
Point of View: Who’s Really Telling this Story?
Silently look at this picture. What do you see?
What Did You See? Tell Your Partner. Old Woman Young Woman
There are Many Ways to View Something • We were all looking at the same picture, but saw different things. • We each have a different point of view, which makes us view things differently. • Authors use point of view to make YOU see the story a certain way.
Let’s Have Some Fun with Point of View • How would this story go if the little sister was telling it? • How would it go if the older sister was the narrator? • Do you see how they are in the same ‘story’ but see things very differently?
Let’s Have Some Fun with Point of View • How would this story be different if the father, mother, and child each wrote their own? • Do you see how they are seeing and experiencing the same ‘story’ but have different points of view?
Let’s Have Some Fun with Point of View
Now that you see how view effects the story, let’s learn the different types….
1 st Person View
I Can Tell You All About 1 st Person. . • First person means a character is the one telling the story. • It is kind of like reading a journal, or having someone tell you what happened to them. • You can spot first person because the book uses “I, me, my, and we” • Example: • I walked to school that crisp fall morning, crunching leaves under my feet.
2 nd Person View
You Know How to Explain 2 nd Person. . • 2 nd person is when I am talking to YOU. • Have you read “Choose Your Own Adventure”? • Those are written in 2 nd person • You can spot second person because the book uses “you and your” • Example: • You walked to school that crisp fall morning, crunching leaves under your feet.
3 rd Person View
Ms. Wilhite’s Class Knows What 3 rd Person Is. . • Third person means someone NOT in the story is the one telling the story. • Limited 3 rd: The narrator can be in one character’s mind. • Omniscient 3 rd: The narrator can be in every character’s mind. • You can spot 3 rd person because the book uses “he, she, they, them, and specific names” • Example: • James walked to school that crisp fall morning, crunching leaves under his feet.
One student from each group grab a book
You have three minutes to decide the Point of View in your group’s book. Remember… TEAMWORK!!
Who has ‘Journey Under The Sea’? Who has ‘Where the Red Fern Grows’? Point of View: 2 nd person Point of View: 1 st Person
Who has ‘The Giver’? Who has ‘Holes’? Point of View: 3 rd person limited Point of View: 3 rd person omniscient
How do Character’s Attitudes Affect the Story?
Let’s Buddy Buzz…. . How Might ‘Spongebob Squarepants’ be a different show if • Mr. Crabs told the story? • It was called ‘Patrick Starfish’? • It was about Squidward, and Spongebob was the annoying antagonist (what does that mean? )
Why Does All This Matter? ? ? • Point of view is the driver of the story. • It can steer it in many different ways and make YOU believe many different things, depending on who is telling it. • Point of view is important in real life because it helps us see situations from others perspectives. • It helps us gather all the information, then choose a side of an argument or belief system. • This helps you be more independent and think for yourself, because… do you want others to do your thinking for you?
Brain Break! https: //www. gonoodle. com/ch annels/zumba-kids/i-like-tomove-it--62
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