Ping Pong aka Table Tennis https www youtube

Ping Pong aka Table Tennis https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=l 0 nx. P-iz. D 2 U

2016 Olympic Table Tennis Rallies https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Nz 4 Zxfb 7 xx. M

Historical The game has its origins in England as an after-dinner amusement for upper-class Victorians in the 1880 s. Mimicking the game of tennis in an indoor environment, everyday objects were originally enlisted to act as the equipment. A line of books would be the net, a rounded top of a Champagne cork or knot of string as the ball, and a cigar box lid as the racket.

Equipment The ball: The international rules specify that the game is played with a light 2. 7 gram, 40 mm. The table: The table is 2. 74 m long, 1. 525 m wide, and 76 cm high The racket: Players are equipped with a wooden blade covered with rubber on one or two sides depending on the grip of the player.

The rules of the game Standing behind the end of the table, with the ball in the palm of one hand - over the table's height. Any hitting of the ball must be done such that the ball passes over the net. If the opponent cannot return it over the net and make it bounce on your side, then you win the point.

Serving Partners switch turns each possession Server can serve from whichever side s/he wants Throw the ball up and hit it on your side, over the net and into the diagonal quadrant of the opponent (do not bounce it before you serve) If the ball hits the net but still goes over, it’s FAIR (no lets or second chance to serve)

Scoring Play is to 11 or 21 points (alternating server every possession). In order to win, one must be ahead by two points (like pickle ball and badminton). We will play to 11 in PE If the team is tied at 10 -10 or 20 -20, for example, the normal order of service proceeds, but the serve alternates sides after every point instead of after every two points.

Scoring Points are awarded to the opponent for any of several ERRORS in play: Allowing the ball to bounce on one's own side twice Double hitting the ball. Allowing the ball to strike anything other than the racket Causing the ball not to bounce on the opponent's half (i. e. , not making a "good return) Placing one's free hand on the playing surface or moving the playing surface Offering and failing to make a good serve (i. e. , making a service toss and failing to strike the ball fairly into play) Making an illegal serve: (e. g. , one preceded by a player's hiding the ball or his failing to toss the ball at least 16 centimeteres in the air). Hitting the net with a racket or any body part, or moving the table.

The major competitions Competitive table tennis is most popular in Asia and Europe and has been gaining attention in the United States. The most important international competitions are the World Cup, World Championship and Olympics. There also professional competitions at the Club Level. The National League in countries like China, Germany, France, Belgium and Austria represent some of the highest level teams.

Balls of Fury https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=oa. AG 1 ch 69 j. U
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