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Introduction: Spoken Language can be spoken, written, manually signed, mechanically reproduced and synthesized by

Introduction: Spoken Language can be spoken, written, manually signed, mechanically reproduced and synthesized by computer Spoken language is the main way humans express themselves Humans spoke before they wrote Ø Reason why linguists start with the study of spoken rather than written language

Made to Speak

Made to Speak

Made to Speak Contemporary Linguistics: p. 2. Lungs: to supply air for speech Trachea

Made to Speak Contemporary Linguistics: p. 2. Lungs: to supply air for speech Trachea /treɪkiə/: wide pipe Vocal cords: to produce vibrations for speech sounds. Also known as “vocal folds” (found within the larynx /lærɪŋks/) Tongue: to articulate vowels and consonants Teeth: to provide place of articulation Lips: to articulate vowels and consonants Nose: to provide nasal resonance during speech

Specialization for Language Contemporary Linguistics Analysis: p. 14 -15 Organ Survival Speech Lungs Exchange

Specialization for Language Contemporary Linguistics Analysis: p. 14 -15 Organ Survival Speech Lungs Exchange CO 2 for O 2 Air flow Vocal Cords Cover tube to lungs Vibration Tongue Move food in mouth Articulation Teeth Chew food Articulation Lips Seal oral cavity Articulation Nose Breathing Nasal resonance

Sound-Producing System: Features Contemporary Linguistics: p. 18. Segments are produced by coordinating a number

Sound-Producing System: Features Contemporary Linguistics: p. 18. Segments are produced by coordinating a number of individual articulatory gestures including: Jaw movement Lip shape Tongue placement

Sound-producing System Sound is produced when air is set in motion Sets of filters

Sound-producing System Sound is produced when air is set in motion Sets of filters modify the sound in various ways Pharynx /færɪŋks/ (tube between larynx and oral cavity) Oral cavity Nasal cavity

Sound-producing system Lungs Vocal cords (or vocal folds) Larynx (vocal folds are within larynx)

Sound-producing system Lungs Vocal cords (or vocal folds) Larynx (vocal folds are within larynx) (the velum is the soft area Towards the rear of the roof of the mouth)

The Tongue Contemporary Linguistics: p. 23. Primary articulation organ It can be: Raised, lowered,

The Tongue Contemporary Linguistics: p. 23. Primary articulation organ It can be: Raised, lowered, thrust forward, retracted or rolled back Five areas of the tongue: Tip, blade, body, back and root

Introduction to Phonetics -DEFINITION -- PHONES & SEGMENTS - IPA

Introduction to Phonetics -DEFINITION -- PHONES & SEGMENTS - IPA

Thinking Phonetically 1. Exercise (p. 53) a) Find four words that show four alternative

Thinking Phonetically 1. Exercise (p. 53) a) Find four words that show four alternative spellings of the sound [f] b) Find six words that have the letter ‘a’ pronounced differently. c) Find four words in which different groups of letters represent only one sound. d) Find two words in which two different sounds are pronounced but not spelled out. Contemporary Linguistics: p. 53.

Phonetics Definition: The study of the inventory and structure of the sounds of speech.

Phonetics Definition: The study of the inventory and structure of the sounds of speech. Analyzes the production of all human speech sounds, Regardless of language.

Approaches to Phonetics Articulatory phonetics Studies the physiological mechanisms of speech production Acoustic phonetics

Approaches to Phonetics Articulatory phonetics Studies the physiological mechanisms of speech production Acoustic phonetics Measuring and analyzing the physical properties of the sound waves we produce when we speak

BEFORE WE GET STARTED Ø Read: The Onederful Werld ov Words CHALLENGE: Ø Find

BEFORE WE GET STARTED Ø Read: The Onederful Werld ov Words CHALLENGE: Ø Find words (end/parts of words) that are written the same but that sound different. Ø Find words (end/parts of words) that are written differently but sound alike.

Phones Definition: Speech sounds Infinite or finite possibilities of sounds? Finite The possibilities of

Phones Definition: Speech sounds Infinite or finite possibilities of sounds? Finite The possibilities of sounds is limited by the vocal tract According to one estimate: 600 consonants and 200 vowels

Units of representation Break up the flow of speech into individual sounds Segments (individual

Units of representation Break up the flow of speech into individual sounds Segments (individual phones or speech sounds) Syllables Cat Ø Class Ø Book Ø Extra Ø Nota: Some writing systems are phonetic and syllabic

International Phonetic Alphabet The IPA is a system of transcription Represent each sound of

International Phonetic Alphabet The IPA is a system of transcription Represent each sound of human speech with a single symbol « One sound, one symbol » Important: Enclosed in square brackets [ ]

Explore the IPA Go through pronunciation of different sounds: Ø Ø http: //www. yorku.

Explore the IPA Go through pronunciation of different sounds: Ø Ø http: //www. yorku. ca/earmstro/ipa/consonants. html (cons. ) http: //www. yorku. ca/earmstro/ipa/vowels. html (vowels) Nota bene: Sometimes two phonemes need to be used to represent a vowel. IPA Chart

IPA - Transcription Broad transcription Uses a relatively simple set of symbols to represent

IPA - Transcription Broad transcription Uses a relatively simple set of symbols to represent contrasting segments but does not show all phonetic detail Narrow transcription Show phonetic detail using an elaborate set of symbols Ø Here are fonts that you will need to see the IPA symbols:

IPA - Diacritics Contemporary Linguistics: p. 635. « Marks added to a phonetic symbol

IPA - Diacritics Contemporary Linguistics: p. 635. « Marks added to a phonetic symbol to alter its value in some way » Example: a circle under a symbol to indicate voicelessness. See your IPA chart http: //www. yorku. ca/earmstro/ipa/diacritics. html

For help with phonetics Linking sounds to symbols: IPA Help, SIL International http: //www.

For help with phonetics Linking sounds to symbols: IPA Help, SIL International http: //www. yorku. ca/earmstro/ipa/index. html http: //www. sil. org/computing/speechtools/ipahelp. htm http: //www. cambridgeenglishonline. com/Phonetics_Focus/ http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/# Identifying articulatory features: Interactive Sagittal Section, Daniel Hall, University of Toronto http: //www. chass. utoronto. ca/~danhall/phonetics/sammy * a bit confusing Practice transcribing:

Canadian, American & British Dictionaries When checking your transcription, be careful: Ø Remember that

Canadian, American & British Dictionaries When checking your transcription, be careful: Ø Remember that you are transcribing something that you have actually heard … so sometimes you just might be right! Always check if this is an American or British dictionary. Even if it is American, it doesn’t mean that the transcription is the same as what would be typically used in Canada. Boat: http: //dictionary. reference. com/browse/boat Ø http: //dictionary. cambridge. org/dictionary/british/boat Ø Contemporary Linguistic: p. 38 -40

The Onederful Werld ov Words Beware if heard, a dreadful word. That looks like

The Onederful Werld ov Words Beware if heard, a dreadful word. That looks like beard and sounds like bird. Watch out for meat and great and threat. They rhyme with suite and straight and debt. Ø Ø /hɜrd/ /wɜrd/ /bɪərd/ /bɜrd/ /mit/ /greɪt/ /θrɛt/ /swit/ /streɪt/ /dɛt/

Glottal States

Glottal States

Sound-producing system Glottal States Contemporary Linguistics: p. 20.

Sound-producing system Glottal States Contemporary Linguistics: p. 20.

Sound-producing system Glottal States Glottis: Space between the vocal folds Vocal folds may be

Sound-producing system Glottal States Glottis: Space between the vocal folds Vocal folds may be positioned in a number of ways to produce different glottal states

Glottal States: Voicelessness When the vocal folds are pulled apart. The air passes directly

Glottal States: Voicelessness When the vocal folds are pulled apart. The air passes directly through the glottis. Any sound produced when the folds are in this position are said to be voiceless. Put your fingertips to your larynx. Fish Sing House

Glottal States: Voicing When the vocal folds are brought together, but not tightly closed.

Glottal States: Voicing When the vocal folds are brought together, but not tightly closed. Air passes through and causes them to vibrate. Any sound produced when the folds are in this position are said to be voiced. Put your fingertips to your larynx. Zip Vow Or any vowel

Glottal States: Whispering is voiceless. No vibration of the cords. The vocal cords are

Glottal States: Whispering is voiceless. No vibration of the cords. The vocal cords are almost completely closed (though slightly apart at the back).

Glottal States: Murmur Known as a breathy voice Murmuring is voiced Vibration of the

Glottal States: Murmur Known as a breathy voice Murmuring is voiced Vibration of the vocal cords Vocal folds are relaxed to allow air to escape to produce a breathy effect.

Voiced or Voiceless? [p] [B] [b] [t] [H] [g] [f] [h] [v] [s] [d]

Voiced or Voiceless? [p] [B] [b] [t] [H] [g] [f] [h] [v] [s] [d] [z] [k] [i] Look up these sounds on your chart, then try to produce them. Then note whether they are voided or voiceless.

IPA: Voiced and Voiceless [p] & [b] [t] & [d] [k] & [g] [f]

IPA: Voiced and Voiceless [p] & [b] [t] & [d] [k] & [g] [f] & [v] [s] & [z] Etc. http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/#

Exercise 3: Voiced or Voiceless? a) Ex: Though a) /ox/ Voiced (vowel) b) Thought

Exercise 3: Voiced or Voiceless? a) Ex: Though a) /ox/ Voiced (vowel) b) Thought b) /t/ voiceless c) Form c) /m/ voiced * d) View e) Zoom f) Silk g) Pan h) Boat d) /u/ voiced e) /m/ voiced f) /k/ voiceless g) /n/ voiced h) /t/ voiceless (Contemporary Linguistic analysis: An Introduction – O’Grady et al. , 2009)

Voiced & Voiceless Contemporary Linguistic analysis: An Introduction – O’Grady et al. , 2009

Voiced & Voiceless Contemporary Linguistic analysis: An Introduction – O’Grady et al. , 2009 Table 2. 12 (p. 33) (consonants and glides) 1 st of pairs on IPA chart (left) – voiceless 2 nd of pairs on IPA chart (right) - voiced English Nasals - voiced Glides - voiced Usually English liquids (‘r’ & ‘l’) are voiced *but can also be voiceless Ø Vowels



Challenge CONSONANTS GLIDES (semi-consonants or semi-vowels) VOWELS Nota: Fill in the missing information with

Challenge CONSONANTS GLIDES (semi-consonants or semi-vowels) VOWELS Nota: Fill in the missing information with information given in book.

Challenge Glides Consonants Vowels Nota: Fill in the missing information with information given in

Challenge Glides Consonants Vowels Nota: Fill in the missing information with information given in book.

Sound classes: CONSONANTS Contemporary Linguistics: p. 21 Articulatory difference: May be voiced or voiceless

Sound classes: CONSONANTS Contemporary Linguistics: p. 21 Articulatory difference: May be voiced or voiceless May be made with either a complete closure or a narrowing of the vocal tract The airflow is either blocked momentarily or restricted so much that the noise is produced as air flows past the constriction. Consonants cannot be the nucleus of a syllable Ex: “cup” Ø http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html Ø [b] & [s]

Sound classes: VOWELS Articulatory difference: Vowels are produced with little obstruction in the vocal

Sound classes: VOWELS Articulatory difference: Vowels are produced with little obstruction in the vocal tract and are usually voiced Acoustic Difference: Vowels are more sonorous (acoustically powerful) Perceived as louder and longer lasting Ex: “happy” Vowels can be the nucleus of a syllable. Ø http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html Ø /u/

Sound classes: GLIDES Shows properties of both consonants and vowels May be thought of

Sound classes: GLIDES Shows properties of both consonants and vowels May be thought of a rapidly articulated vowel (auditory impression they produce) Produced with an articulation like that of a vowel Glides can never be the nucleus of a syllable Aka. Semi-consonants, semi-vowels

Place of Articulation

Place of Articulation

Articulation Organs : Tongue Contemporary Linguistics: p. 23. Primary articulation organ It can be:

Articulation Organs : Tongue Contemporary Linguistics: p. 23. Primary articulation organ It can be: Raised, lowered, thrust forward, retracted or rolled back Five areas of the tongue: Tip, blade, body, back and root

Consonants: Place of Articulation Contemporary Linguistics: p. 24 Also called points of articulation Each

Consonants: Place of Articulation Contemporary Linguistics: p. 24 Also called points of articulation Each point at which air stream can be modified to produce a different sound is called a place of articulation Places of articulation are found at the lips, within the oral cavity, in the pharynx /færɪŋks/ and at the glottis /glɒtɪs/.

Consonants: Place of Articulation

Consonants: Place of Articulation

Consonants: Place of Articulation http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html

Consonants: Place of Articulation http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html

Let’s Start Filling out our Chart

Let’s Start Filling out our Chart

Place of articulation: Bilabial /baɪleɪbiəl/ Any sound made with closure or near-closure of the

Place of articulation: Bilabial /baɪleɪbiəl/ Any sound made with closure or near-closure of the lips is said to be labial. Bilabial: sounds involving both lips Example: [p], [b] & [m] http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html

Place of articulation: Labiodental /leɪbioʊdɛntl/ Any sound made with closure or near-closure of the

Place of articulation: Labiodental /leɪbioʊdɛntl/ Any sound made with closure or near-closure of the lips is said to be labial. Labiodental sounds involving the lower lip and the upper teeth Example: [f] & [v]

Place of articulation: Dental and Interdental /dɛntl/ Dental: Sounds produced with the tongue placed

Place of articulation: Dental and Interdental /dɛntl/ Dental: Sounds produced with the tongue placed against or near the teeth [t], [d], [s] & [z] (in European French) Example: European French (temps, dire, sept, zizi) Interdental: Produced with the tongue between the teeth [θ] & [ð] Example: The words thing & this

Place of articulation: Alveolar /ælviələr/ Sounds produced when the tongue touches or is brought

Place of articulation: Alveolar /ælviələr/ Sounds produced when the tongue touches or is brought near to the alveolar ridge Example: [t], [d], [n], [ɹ], [r], [ɾ] [s], [z] & [l] Spanish “r” = [r] Ø http: //www. uiowa. edu: 80/~acadtech/phonetics/spanish/frameset. html (Vibrante)

Place of articulation: Alveopalatal & palatal /ælvioʊpælətl/ Alveopalatal area: Just behind the alveolar ridge

Place of articulation: Alveopalatal & palatal /ælvioʊpælətl/ Alveopalatal area: Just behind the alveolar ridge the roof of the mouth rises sharply Alveopalatal consonants: [ʃ], [ʒ], [ʧ] & [ʤ] Example: Show, measure, chip & judge Palatal glide: [j] Example: Yes & yours

Place of articulation: Velar /vilər/ Velum : Soft area towards the back of the

Place of articulation: Velar /vilər/ Velum : Soft area towards the back of the mouth Velar: Sounds produced with tongue touching or near this position [k], [g] & [ŋ] Example: Call, guy & hang Labiovelar: Sounds produced with tongue raised near the velum and the lips rounded at the same time [w] like in wet

Place of articulation: Uvular /juvjələr/ Uvula: Small fleshly flap of tissue that hangs down

Place of articulation: Uvular /juvjələr/ Uvula: Small fleshly flap of tissue that hangs down from the velum. Uvular: Sounds produced with the tongue touching or near this position. None in English European French « r » = [R]

Place of articulation: Pharyngeal /fərɪndʒiəl/ Pharynx: Area of the throat between the uvula and

Place of articulation: Pharyngeal /fərɪndʒiəl/ Pharynx: Area of the throat between the uvula and the larynx. Sounds made through the modification of the air flow in the pharynx by retracting the tongue or constricting the pharynx [ʕ] Example: The Arabic letter « ﻉ » like in Jesus

Place of articulation: Glottal /glɒtl/ Sounds produced using the vocal folds as primary articulation

Place of articulation: Glottal /glɒtl/ Sounds produced using the vocal folds as primary articulation [h] Example: Hog, heave

Same or Different Place of Articulation? Exercise 5 (O’Grady): a) b) c) d) e)

Same or Different Place of Articulation? Exercise 5 (O’Grady): a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) [s] : [l] [p] : [g] [l] : [r] [m] : [n] [f] : [h] [w] : [j] (…) Answers: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) same different same different

Manner of Articulation Contemporary Linguistics: p. 26

Manner of Articulation Contemporary Linguistics: p. 26

Manner of articulation: Oral vs Nasal Oral: Velum is raised cutting of the airflow

Manner of articulation: Oral vs Nasal Oral: Velum is raised cutting of the airflow to the nasal passages Nasal: Velum is lowered to allow air to pass through the nasal passages Both consonants ([n] [m] [ŋ]) and vowels ([ã] [õ] etc. ) can be nasal and are generally voiced Example: Sun, sum, sung No nasal vowels in English French: “in” “an” “on”

Manner of articulation: Stops are made with a complete closure either in the oral

Manner of articulation: Stops are made with a complete closure either in the oral cavity or at the glottis In English: Bilabial, alveolar and velar oral and nasal stops [p], [b], [m], [t], [d], [n], [k], [g], [ŋ] & [ʔ] Examples: Glottal stop in the sound [ʔ] like in the expression uh-uh (meaning “no”) or like in some British dialects [ʔ] is heard instead of a “t” (example: bottle)

Manner of articulation: Fricatives /frɪkətɪv/ Fricatives: Consonants produced with a continuous airflow through the

Manner of articulation: Fricatives /frɪkətɪv/ Fricatives: Consonants produced with a continuous airflow through the mouth Part of a larger class called continuants English fricatives: [f], [v], [θ], [ð], [s], [z], [ʃ], [ʒ] & [h]

Manner of articulation: Affricates /æfrɪkɪt/ or /æfrɪkeɪt/ Affricate: Non-continuous consonant that show a slow

Manner of articulation: Affricates /æfrɪkɪt/ or /æfrɪkeɪt/ Affricate: Non-continuous consonant that show a slow release of the closure. Affication: A process in which palatalized stops become afficates [ʧ] & [ʤ] Example: Church & Joke

Manner of articulation: Liquids Different variants of « r » and « l »

Manner of articulation: Liquids Different variants of « r » and « l » Lateral: Varieties of « l » As laterals are articulated, air escapes through the mouth along the lower sides of the tongue English « r » Curling the tongue tip back into the mouth or by bunching the tongue upwards and back in the mouth

Manner of articulation: Liquids (continued) English « r » “Retroflex” [ɹ] or [r] =

Manner of articulation: Liquids (continued) English « r » “Retroflex” [ɹ] or [r] = Curling the tongue tip back into the mouth or by bunching the tongue upwards and back in the mouth Example: car & ride Transcribed as [r] in textbook Flap [ɾ] = Tongue tip strikes the alveolar ridge as it passes across it Example: North American pronunciation of bitter & butter

Manner of articulation: Voice Lag & Aspiration Lag: After the release of certain voiceless

Manner of articulation: Voice Lag & Aspiration Lag: After the release of certain voiceless stops in English, you can hear a lag or brief delay before voicing the following vowel Aspiration: Since the lag in the onset of vocalic voicing is accompanied by the release of air Transcribed with a small [h] Examples: pat [phæt], tub [thʌb] and cope [ khoxp] Examples of unaspirated: spat [spæt], stub [stʌb] and scope [ skoxp]

Glides Contemporary Linguistics: p. 33

Glides Contemporary Linguistics: p. 33

Manner of articulation: Glides Glide: Very rapidly articulated non-syllabic segment Jod or y-glide [j]:

Manner of articulation: Glides Glide: Very rapidly articulated non-syllabic segment Jod or y-glide [j]: Palatal glide W-glide [w]: Tongue raised and pulled back near the velum and with lips protruding or rounded. [M]: Voiceless (labio)velar fricative glide Example: When, where, which (but not in witch)

Let’s Practice Tell me the place of articulation and the manner of articulation of

Let’s Practice Tell me the place of articulation and the manner of articulation of these sounds: qp q Voiceless bilabial plosive qt q Voiceless alveolar plosive qb q Voiced bilabial plosive qh q Voiceless glottal fricative q. C q Voiced velar nasal q. B q Voiceless dental fricative q. G q Voiced post-alveolar fricative

Vowels Contemporary Linguistics: p. 34

Vowels Contemporary Linguistics: p. 34

Vowels: Sonorous, syllabic sounds made with the vocal tract more open than it is

Vowels: Sonorous, syllabic sounds made with the vocal tract more open than it is for consonants and glide articulation Produced by varying the placement of the body of the tongue and shaping the lips Can be altered by protruding or rounding the lips, by lowering the velum to produce nasal vowels or by constriction.

Vowel Qualities The placement of the body of the tongue: Vertical: high – mid

Vowel Qualities The placement of the body of the tongue: Vertical: high – mid – low Horizontal: front – central – back The shape of the lips: Rounded – Unrounded The lowering of the velum: Nasal vowel The degree of the vocal tract constriction: Tense – Lax

IPA Vowel Chart

IPA Vowel Chart

Tongue Placement http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html

Tongue Placement http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html

Vowels: Simple vowels & Diphthongs

Vowels: Simple vowels & Diphthongs

Diphthongs http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html

Diphthongs http: //www. uiowa. edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset. html

Vowels: Diphthongs American vs. English: http: //www. yorku. ca/earmstro/ipa/diphthongs. html

Vowels: Diphthongs American vs. English: http: //www. yorku. ca/earmstro/ipa/diphthongs. html

Vowels: Tense and lax

Vowels: Tense and lax

Review Lets write these words out phonetically: Note /noʊt/ My /maɪ/ Ebb /ɛb/ Degree

Review Lets write these words out phonetically: Note /noʊt/ My /maɪ/ Ebb /ɛb/ Degree /dɪgri/ Coat /koʊt/ Clutch /klʌtʃ/ Box /bɒks/ Bowl /boʊl/ Boy Attic /bɔɪ/ /ætɪk/

Write the spelling of the following transcription /ʍɛn praɪd kʌmz dɪsgreɪs kʌmz bʌt wɪθ

Write the spelling of the following transcription /ʍɛn praɪd kʌmz dɪsgreɪs kʌmz bʌt wɪθ ðə hʌmbl ɪz wɪzdʌm/ /prɒvɝbz əlɛvɪn tu/ When pride comes, disgrace comes, but with the humble is wisdom. (Proverbs 11: 2)

♥ David’s father (Anglophone) calls him: /deɪvɪd/ His mother (Francophone) calls him: /de: vəd/

♥ David’s father (Anglophone) calls him: /deɪvɪd/ His mother (Francophone) calls him: /de: vəd/ Ø Explain his mother’s pronunciation in comparison to his dad’s (the English pronunciation). Note: In French, we say /david/

Carole is a Francophone learning English. Wanting to ask for the /Hit/ She asks

Carole is a Francophone learning English. Wanting to ask for the /Hit/ She asks for the / Hqt / Ø Explain her pronunciation. What happened?

Review : Battle of the Linguists Write these words out phonetically:

Review : Battle of the Linguists Write these words out phonetically:



Prosodie: Like a Song Listen: Could there be different meanings? Ø /naɪs drɛs/ How

Prosodie: Like a Song Listen: Could there be different meanings? Ø /naɪs drɛs/ How would you say these sentences? Nice dress! Nice dress?

Suprasegmentals All phones have suprasegmental (or prosodic) properties Pitch Loudness Length http: //www. yorku.

Suprasegmentals All phones have suprasegmental (or prosodic) properties Pitch Loudness Length http: //www. yorku. ca/earmstro/ipa/suprasegmentals. html

Suprasegmentals: Pitch All humans have the ability to control the level of pitch in

Suprasegmentals: Pitch All humans have the ability to control the level of pitch in their speech By controlling the tension of the vocal folds and the amount of air that passes through the glottis Tense vocal folds + greater air pressure = higher pitch There are two kinds of controlled pitch movements: Tone and Intonation

Suprasegmentals: Pitch - Tone language: A language where differences in word meaning are signaled

Suprasegmentals: Pitch - Tone language: A language where differences in word meaning are signaled by differences in pitch Ex: Mandarin Video: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=5 -_P_H 9 g. Mmo

Suprasegmentals: Pitch - Tone Register tones: Level tones that signal meaning differences Some tone

Suprasegmentals: Pitch - Tone Register tones: Level tones that signal meaning differences Some tone language have 2 or 3, even 4 tones Ex: High tone, middle tone, low tone Marked with diacritic [´] for high tones [`] for low tones Contour tones: Ex: Mandarin Rising pitch Falling pitch

Suprasegmentals: Pitch - Intonation: Pitch movement in spoken utterances that is not related to

Suprasegmentals: Pitch - Intonation: Pitch movement in spoken utterances that is not related to differences in word meaning Often does serve to convey information Terminal (intonation) contour Final intonation at the end = signals that the utterance is complete Non-terminal (intonation) contour Rising or level intonation at the end = often signals incompleteness

Suprasegmentals: Pitch - Intonation Different intonation rules depending on English speaker: Ex: “Exact change,

Suprasegmentals: Pitch - Intonation Different intonation rules depending on English speaker: Ex: “Exact change, please” (West Indian bus driver) Ø How would we say it in Canada? Discourse and language education, Evelyn Marcussen Hatch (1992)

Suprasegmentals: Length: Vowels and consonants whose articulation takes longer relative to that of other

Suprasegmentals: Length: Vowels and consonants whose articulation takes longer relative to that of other vowels and consonants Marked with diacritic: [: ] or IPA colon Nota: Not the same as English long and short vowels Ex: Hat [hæt] & hate [hejt]

Suprasegmentals: Stress Some vowels are perceived as more prominent than others Ex: [thɛləgræfɪk] =

Suprasegmentals: Stress Some vowels are perceived as more prominent than others Ex: [thɛləgræfɪk] = [ɛ] and [æ] Vowel nuclei that are more prominent than other are [ɛ] and [æ]

Suprasegmentals: Stress: A cover term for the combined effect of pitch, loudness and length

Suprasegmentals: Stress: A cover term for the combined effect of pitch, loudness and length Marked by diacritics: [´] for the most prominent or primary stress [`] for the second most prominent or secondary stress Examples in book (p. 38) Examples in www. dictionary. com MY TRICK: Rapper Stress Test

Suprasegmentals: Stress http: //home. cc. umanitoba. ca/~krussll/138/sec 3/stress. htm

Suprasegmentals: Stress http: //home. cc. umanitoba. ca/~krussll/138/sec 3/stress. htm

Suprasegmental/Prosodic properties Pitch: Tone: Pitch movement that is related to differences in word meaning.

Suprasegmental/Prosodic properties Pitch: Tone: Pitch movement that is related to differences in word meaning. Intonation: Pitch movement that is not related to differences in word meaning. Stress: (an) export vs. (to) export (an) object vs. (to) object

Let’s Practice: Suprasegmentals Mark the PRIMARYand secondary stresses on the following words:

Let’s Practice: Suprasegmentals Mark the PRIMARYand secondary stresses on the following words:

James Bond is sent to Jamaica to investigate the sudden disappearance of the island’s

James Bond is sent to Jamaica to investigate the sudden disappearance of the island’s Governor and his assistant. When he arrives, 007 begins to suspect that the Governor’s absence is in some way linked to Dr No, the reclusive owner of a remote island which lies between Cuba and Jamaica.

Let’s Practice Transcribing http: //www. umanitoba. ca/faculties/arts/linguistics/russell/138/ practice/prelim. htm Let’s go to “Some longer

Let’s Practice Transcribing http: //www. umanitoba. ca/faculties/arts/linguistics/russell/138/ practice/prelim. htm Let’s go to “Some longer words” As I read them aloud you will transcribe them in groups of two I will then ask for someone to come an transcribe them directly on the website We will then check the Transcriber’s “This is what I have …”

Review: Suprasegmentals What is pitch? What is the difference between tone and intonation? What

Review: Suprasegmentals What is pitch? What is the difference between tone and intonation? What is a tone language? How is length marked? What is a common word for stress?

Review : Battle of the Linguists Write these words out phonetically:

Review : Battle of the Linguists Write these words out phonetically:

Speech Production Contemporary Linguistics: p. 46

Speech Production Contemporary Linguistics: p. 46

Speech Production Is not a series of isolated events Complex Ø Articulatory organs are

Speech Production Is not a series of isolated events Complex Ø Articulatory organs are operating independently of each other Many fine adjustments are carried out very rapidly as we speak. As a consequence, speech production often results in the articulation of one sound affecting that of another sound

Speech Production: Coarticulation: More than one articulator is active Example: The sound [pl] =

Speech Production: Coarticulation: More than one articulator is active Example: The sound [pl] = [p] (bilabial- no tongue) + [l] (alveolar– with tongue) Ø Resulting in the tongue moving to the alveolar ridge (early) during the pronunciation of [p]

Speech Production: Processes: Articulatory adjustments that occur during the production of connected speech Result

Speech Production: Processes: Articulatory adjustments that occur during the production of connected speech Result in : A more efficient articulation A more distinct output

Speech Production: Processes Making articulation more efficient Example: Bank = [bæŋk] Ø Ø [æ]

Speech Production: Processes Making articulation more efficient Example: Bank = [bæŋk] Ø Ø [æ] (oral vowel) + [ŋ] (nasal consonant) Anticiption of the nasal consonant [ŋ] results in the nasalization of the vowel [æ] Key = [k] (velar) + [i] (Front, high and tense) Ø Results in a more palatal [k]

Speech Production: Processes Other examples: Parade = [pəreɪd] Ø More efficient articulation results in

Speech Production: Processes Other examples: Parade = [pəreɪd] Ø More efficient articulation results in the dropping of the unstressed vowel [ə] = [preɪd] Ø [p] (voiceless stop) + [r] (voiced lateral) = Voicelessness carried to [r]

Speech Production: Processes Making articulation less efficient Lengthen consonants and vowels when they are

Speech Production: Processes Making articulation less efficient Lengthen consonants and vowels when they are asked to repeat a word Example: « It’s Fred. » « Did you say ‘red’? » « No, it’s ‘Fffreeed’! » Greater articulatory effort, but … Ø Results in a more distinct form that is easier to perceive

Speech Production: Processes Adding a segment Example: « Stop screaming! » « What? Stop

Speech Production: Processes Adding a segment Example: « Stop screaming! » « What? Stop dreaming? » « I said, ‘Stop sc[ə]reaming!’ »

Speech Production: Common Articulatory Processes Assimilation: A number of different processes that are the

Speech Production: Common Articulatory Processes Assimilation: A number of different processes that are the result of the influence of one segment on another A sound becoming more like another nearby sound in terms of one or more phonetic characteristics

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Regressive assimilation: Assimilation in which a sound influences a

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Regressive assimilation: Assimilation in which a sound influences a preceding segment (e. g. , nasalization in English) Progressive assimilation: Assimilation in which a sound influences a following segment (e. g. , liquidglide devoicing in English)

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Assimilation - Nasalization of a vowel before a nasal

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Assimilation - Nasalization of a vowel before a nasal consonant is caused by speakers anticipating the lowering of the velum Example: Can’t [khænt] [æ] + [n] = nasalized [æ] Regressive assimilation or progressive assimilation?

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Assimilation - Voicing assimilation Devoicing: Example of Please [pliz]

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Assimilation - Voicing assimilation Devoicing: Example of Please [pliz] [p] (voiceless) + [l] (voiced) = devoiced [l] Voicing: Example of[af] (off or over) in Dutch Afbellen (to cancel): [f] (voiceless) + [b] (voiced) = [vb] (both voiced)

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Assimilation – Flapping A Process in which a dental

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Assimilation – Flapping A Process in which a dental or alveolar stop articulation changes to a flap [ɾ] articulation Example: Butter, writer, fatter, wader & waiter Example : “I bought it” [ajbɑtɪt] [ɑ] (stressed vowel) + [t] (dental consonant) = [ɾ] (flap) Flapping is considered a type of assimilation since it changes a non-continuant segment to a continuant segment

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Dissimilation: The opposite of assimilation. It results in two

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Dissimilation: The opposite of assimilation. It results in two sounds becoming less alike in articulatory or acoustic terms. Results in a sequence of sounds that are easier to articulate and distinguish Example: Fifths [fɪfθs] [f] + [θ] + [s] = [fts]

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Deletion: Is a process that removes a segment from

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Deletion: Is a process that removes a segment from certain phonetic contexts Occurs in everyday rapid speech In English, the schwa [ə] is often deleted when the next vowel in the word is stressed Examples: parade, corrode, suppose [preid], [krowd] & [spowz]

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Epenthesis: Is a process that inserts a syllabic segment

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Epenthesis: Is a process that inserts a syllabic segment within an existing string of segments Example: warmth [wormθ] [wormpθ] Example: Something [sʌmpθɪŋ] [sʌmθɪŋ]

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Examples: Warmth [wormpθ] = [m] + [p] + [θ]

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Examples: Warmth [wormpθ] = [m] + [p] + [θ] Length [lɛŋkθ] Prince [prɪnts] Tenth [tɛntθ] = [ŋ] + [k] + [θ] = [n] + [t] + [s] = [n] + [t] + [θ] Nota: In English the epenthesized consonant are all nonsonorant, have the same place of articulation as the sonorant consonant to their left, and have the save voicing as the non-sonorant consonant to their right

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Metathesis: Is a process that reorders a sequence of

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Metathesis: Is a process that reorders a sequence of segments Often results in a sequence of phones that are easier to articulate Common amongst children Examples: Spaghetti = pesghetti [pəskɛɾi] Prescribe = perscribe [pərskraɪb] Prescription = perscription [pərskrɪpʃən]

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Vowel reduction: A process that moves the articulation of

Speech Production Common Articulatory Processes Vowel reduction: A process that moves the articulation of a vowel (typically unstressed vowel) to a more central position In English: Reduction of a full vowel to a schwa [ə] Example: Canada [khænədə] (stressed vowel = æ) Canadian [khənejdiən] (stressed vowel = ej)

African American Vernacular English (AAVE)

African American Vernacular English (AAVE)

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) Listen and write down what you notice: Ø http:

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) Listen and write down what you notice: Ø http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Zqohw 8 n. R 6 q. E v Discussion General: Double negatives; Omission of certain auxiliary verbs;

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) Phonetically: Final “ng” /ŋ / = / n /

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) Phonetically: Final “ng” /ŋ / = / n / Ex. “Tripping ” = [trɪpɪn]) Ø Exception: not in one syllable words like “sing”

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) Phonetically: May not use dental fricatives in some instances:

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) Phonetically: May not use dental fricatives in some instances: /θ/ & /ð/ θ / (same) word-initially / ð / = /d / Word-medially or final / θ / = /t/ or /f/ ex: “month” = [mʌnt] word-initially / Word-medially or final / ð / = /v/ ex: “smooth” = [smu: v]

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) Phonetically: Word-final devoicing of /b/, /d/ & /g/ (ex:

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) Phonetically: Word-final devoicing of /b/, /d/ & /g/ (ex: “cub” = [kʌp]) Reduction of diphthongs (into monophthongs): /aɪ/ = /a: / /ɔɪ/ = /ɔ: / (ex: “boil” = [bɔ: l] ) Diphthongation: Simple vowel = diphthong (ex: “coach” = [koɪtʃ])

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) How do you think speakers of AAVE would pronounce

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) How do you think speakers of AAVE would pronounce the words:

Teaching AAVE Fox News and Black English – Ebonics: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=X_KKLkm.

Teaching AAVE Fox News and Black English – Ebonics: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=X_KKLkm. Ir. Dk Hooked on Ebonics: http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=leau 1 e. GZW 7 Q Education of AAVE (African American Vernacular English) http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=FS 2 n. Emglo 6 c



Canadian English Contemporary Linguistic: p. 38 -40 Canadian rising: /a/ becomes/ y / in

Canadian English Contemporary Linguistic: p. 38 -40 Canadian rising: /a/ becomes/ y / in Canadian English (in /yx/ and /yɪ/ ) Canadian Shift: /c/ & / o / = / o / / è/ & /ɪ/ = / è/ & /A/ Ø Go to chart and see if they are close and if they have the same features.