Philippine Clean Air Act Republic Act 8749 Philippine

Philippine Clean Air Act Republic Act 8749

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 • An act providing for a Comprehensive Air Pollution Control Policy and for Other Purposes • Outlines the government’s measures to reduce air pollution • Incorporate environmental protection into its development plans • Sets emission standards for all motor vehicles and issues pollutant limitations for the industry

Purpose To protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.

Policies • Formulating a holistic national program of air pollution management • Encouraging cooperation and self-regulation among citizens and industries • Focusing primarily on pollution prevention rather than on control

Policies • Promoting public information and education and to encourage the participation of an informed and active public in air quality planning and monitoring • Formulating and enforcing a system of accountability for short and long-term adverse environmental impact of a project, program or activity

The measures adopted are PREVENTIVE rather than corrective

Emission Limits • Emission Limit values are laid down by The Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

Penalties Violation of this act will result to an imposition of a fine ranging from Php 2 k-100 k or imprisonment not less than 6 mos. but not exceeding 10 yrs. or both depending on the degree of violation.
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