Petroleum chemistry Origin of petroleum in nature 1 - Inorganic Hypotheses (in nineteenth century) A- Berrhelot theory (1866) Suggests that, petroleum formed by the action of carbonic acid or carbonates dissolved in ground waters on alkali metals present in earth’s interior to form acetylenes which under high temperature in and pressure in high depth give other hydrocarbos.
B- Carbid Theory (Mendeleeff Theory) Suggests that petroleum formed by the action of steam or water on metallic carbides in the inner portion of earth’s crust by the following steps 1 - Formation of Carbides
2 - Action of Steam on Carbides 3 - Reduction of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
There are five categories of general refinery processes and associated operations 1 -Separation processes A- Desalting B- Atmospheric distillation C- Vacuum distillation D- Light ends recovery / gas processing 2 - Petroleum conversion processes A- Catalytic cracking C- Alkylation E- Isomerization G- Coking B- Thermal cracking (Visbreaking) D- Polymerization F- Reforming