Pertemuan 16 Materi Understanding Knowledge Management Concept and

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Pertemuan 16 • Materi : ▫ • Understanding Knowledge Management Concept and Application Buku Wajib & Sumber Materi : ▫ Turban, Efraim, R. Kelly Rainer and Richard E. Potter (2003). Introduction to Information Technology. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Bab 11

DSS • Sensitivity Analysis ▫ the study of the effect that changes in one or more parts of a model have on other parts of the model • What-if Analysis ▫ checks the impact of a change in the assumptions or other input data on the proposed solution • Goal-seeking Analysis ▫ find the value of the inputs necessary to achieve a desired level of output

DSS • Components and Structure of DSS ▫ Data Management �Includes the database(s) containing relevant data for the decision situation ▫ User Interface �Enables the users to communicate with and command the DSS ▫ Model Management �Includes software with financial, statistical, management science, or other quantitative models ▫ Knowledge Management �Provides knowledge for solution of the problem; supports any of the other subsystems or act as an independent component


Enterprise Decision Support • Executive Information Systems ▫ Meet information needs of executives �Very limited time �Need to monitor and identify problematic trends �Need external as well as internal information ▫ ▫ ▫ Rapid access to data needed to executives Very easy user interface Highly graphical Often connected with online information services Incorporates email

Enterprise Decision Support • Executive Information Systems ▫ Capabilities of EIS �Drill down �Critical success factors and key performance indicators �Status access �Trend analysis �Ad hoc analysis �Exception reporting �Intelligent EIS �Integration with DSS; web accessibility

Enterprise Decision Support • Group Decision Support Systems ▫ Facilitate solution of semistructured and unstructured decisions by a group of decision makers ▫ Help the group be productive by mitigating some negative group behaviors ▫ Support the group’s process by encouraging idea generation, improving communication, and applying analytical tools as needed to the problem

Enterprise Decision Support • GDSS Implementations ▫ Face-to-face meetings – special ‘decision room’ created with linked computers and GDSS software; use is facilitated by trained leader ▫ Corporate ‘war room’ – information displayed graphically and analyses conducted for all to see ▫ Support for virtual teams – collaborative team tools for geographically dispersed teams; support discussion, calendars, polling, etc.

What can we do with the stored data? • Data mining – intelligent search of data stored in data marts or warehouses ▫ Find predictive information ▫ Discover unknown patterns • End users perform mining tasks with very powerful tools • Mining tools apply advanced computing techniques (learning, intelligence)

Data Mining and Analysis Concerns • Ethical Issues ▫ Valuable data-mined information may violate individual privacy ▫ Who is accountable for incorrect decisions that are based on DSS? ▫ Human judgment is fallible ▫ Job loss due to automated decision making? • Legal Issues ▫ Discrimination based on data mining results ▫ Data security from external snooping or sabotage ▫ Data ownership of personal data

Data Visualization • Analyzed data can be even more useful if presented using Data Visualization techniques ▫ Visual Interactive Modeling – graphic display of decision consequences ▫ Visual Interactive Simulation – simulation model is animated and can be viewed and modified by decision maker ▫ Geographic Information Systems – display data related to geographic location using digitized maps

What is Knowledge Management? • Key Concepts ▫ Knowledge assets - regarding markets, products, technologies, and organizations that a business owns or needs to own ▫ Best practices - collection of the most successful solutions and/or case studies ▫ Intellectual capital - collection of knowledge amassed by an organization over the years ▫ Knowledge system - collects knowledge, stores it in a database, maintains the database, and disseminates the knowledge to users ▫ Competitive intelligence - collection of competitive information

IT Support for Knowledge Management • Knowledge identification – what is important? • Knowledge discovery and analysis – finding and organizing knowledge • Knowledge acquisition – going and getting needed knowledge by asking or promoting idea generation • Establishment of organizational knowledge bases – storing and organization corporate knowledge • Knowledge distribution and use – ensuring that those who need knowledge can access it

Implementing Knowledge Management • Reorganize as knowledge-based organizations • Created a new position, chief knowledge officer (CKO) ▫ creating knowledge management infrastructure ▫ building a knowledge culture ▫ making it pay off • Facilitate organizational learning ▫ learn from their experiences in order to survive

Promoting Idea Generation • Key source of knowledge is creative idea generation by individuals or groups • Software tools (GDSS) can promote productive idea generation for groups • Software tools also available for individuals to help stimulate creative production of ideas
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
Knowledge process understanding
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