Personnel Security Personnel Security in General Purpose to

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Personnel Security

Personnel Security

Personnel Security in General Purpose Ø to insure that a firm hires those employees

Personnel Security in General Purpose Ø to insure that a firm hires those employees best suited to assist the firm in achieving its goals and once hired assist in providing the employees while they are carrying out their functions

Scope Ø Personnel Security Investigation ØSecurity Education Key Function ØIt serves as a screening

Scope Ø Personnel Security Investigation ØSecurity Education Key Function ØIt serves as a screening device to assist the organization in hiring suitable employees. ØIt is responsible for handling background investigation of prospective employees.

Elements of personnel security program Ø Adequate job specifications and performance standards. Ø Appropriate

Elements of personnel security program Ø Adequate job specifications and performance standards. Ø Appropriate recruitment selection criteria. ØBackground applicant screening procedures and standards.

Basic Considerations Ø It is the responsibility of the appointing authority to determine suitability

Basic Considerations Ø It is the responsibility of the appointing authority to determine suitability and loyalty of personnel he is appointing. Ø No person is entitled solely by virtue of his grade or position, to knowledge or possession of classified matter.

Personnel Security Investigation Interview ØThe purpose of the PSI is to preclude assignment of

Personnel Security Investigation Interview ØThe purpose of the PSI is to preclude assignment of people to sensitive position who are security risks. ØPSI must be detailed and complete to justify resultant action data he obtained and factually presented , so that adjudication of the case is freed for any need for presumptive evaluation.

Preparation ØThe personal history statement/job application form serves as basis for the PSI. ØThe

Preparation ØThe personal history statement/job application form serves as basis for the PSI. ØThe lead Sheet in the PSI is the investigative Plan used in security Investigation. Approach Ø Rapport – establishing good and wholesome relationship with the interviewee in order to develop mutual confidence and cooperation.

How to establish rapport: ØTalk of pleasant and common associations. ØBe in proper appearance/deportment.

How to establish rapport: ØTalk of pleasant and common associations. ØBe in proper appearance/deportment. ØAct like a professional – in approach. ØSee mutual interest to provide congenial atmosphere or case. ØEstablish contact though telephone appointment well in advance. ØApply the principles of interrogation.

Introductory Phase ØIdentify the interviewee - be sure you are talking with the right

Introductory Phase ØIdentify the interviewee - be sure you are talking with the right person. ØIdentify the subject of the PSI. ØState your business.

Interview Proper v. Establish are of knowledgeability ØWhen Subject Of PSI and Interviewee meet.

Interview Proper v. Establish are of knowledgeability ØWhen Subject Of PSI and Interviewee meet. ØUnder what circumstances. ØFrequency of contact. ØWhen they last saw each other communicated.

v. Establish the nature of one persons knowledge ØOfficial business – during working hours

v. Establish the nature of one persons knowledge ØOfficial business – during working hours ØNon- official business- non-working hours ØSocial-parties or social functions Øcasual

v. Development references ØNames of persons who know subject and their addresses. ØNames of

v. Development references ØNames of persons who know subject and their addresses. ØNames of who may know the leads to be proven or disproved

Precepts for the Interviewer ØBe professional in your approach ØBe specific in your questions

Precepts for the Interviewer ØBe professional in your approach ØBe specific in your questions ØDetermine the reasons for the interviewee’s opinions ØBe logical ØGet all the pertinent information for the first time

Thank You!!! John Javillo

Thank You!!! John Javillo