PERIOD 3 1754 1800 QUIZ 1 A Enlightenment

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PERIOD 3: 1754 - 1800 QUIZ 1 A. Enlightenment Age B. Pontiac’s Rebellion, 1763

PERIOD 3: 1754 - 1800 QUIZ 1 A. Enlightenment Age B. Pontiac’s Rebellion, 1763 C. Proclamation Act of 1763 D. French & Indian War E. Boston Massacre, 1770 F. Sugar Act, 1764 G. Stamp Act, 1765 H. Townshend Acts, 1767 I. Sons of Liberty J. Declaratory Acts, 1766 K. 1 st Continental Congress, 1774 L. 2 nd Continental Congress, 1775 M. North American War N. Referendum & Recall QUIZ 2 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. Adam Smith Thomas Paine Benjamin Franklin John Adams Abigail Adams James Madison Thomas Jefferson John Dickinson Toussaint L’Ouverture Alexander Hamilton Mercy Otis Warren Chief Little Turtle John Locke Jean J. Rousseau George Washington Alexis Tocqueville Salutary Neglect Manifest Destiny QUIZ 3 A. B. C. Whiskey Rebellion, 1794 Jay’s Treaty Washington’s Farewell Address, 1797 D. Democratic – Republican Party E. First Bank of the United States, 1791 F. Alien & Sedition Acts G. Battle of Fallen Timbers H. Treaty of Greenville I. Paxton Boys, 1764 J. Declaration of Independence, 1776 K. Articles of Confederation L. Proclamation of Neutrality, 1783 M, Pennsylvania Gradual Emancipation Law A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Battle of Saratoga Republican Government Treaty of Alliance Treaty of Paris, 1783 Great Compromise Bill of Rights Shays’ Rebellion Federalist Papers Judiciary Act of 1789 XYZ Affair, 1797 Federalist Party Battle of Lexington & Concord Battle of Yorktown