Percent Composition Percent Composition The gram formula mass

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Percent Composition

Percent Composition

Percent Composition The gram formula mass of a compound represents the TOTAL MASS of

Percent Composition The gram formula mass of a compound represents the TOTAL MASS of the compound What percent of the total mass is each element in the compound? Remember: percent means “out of 100”

For example…. This cup contains a total mass of 100 g of liquid. 75

For example…. This cup contains a total mass of 100 g of liquid. 75 g are “coffee” and 25 g are “cream”. What is the percent composition of the liquid in the cup? 75 g coffee 100 g total x 100 = 75% coffee 25 g cream 100 g total x 100 = 25% cream

What is the percent composition of potassium chlorate? Formula = KCl. O 3 Gram

What is the percent composition of potassium chlorate? Formula = KCl. O 3 Gram Formula Mass : K = 1 x 39 = 39 Cl = 1 x 35. 5 = 35. 5 O = 16 x 3 = 48 +______ 122. 5 g What percent of the total mass (122. 5 g) is each of the elements (K, Cl, and O) in the compound?

K = 39 g 122. 5 g x 100 = 31. 8 % Cl

K = 39 g 122. 5 g x 100 = 31. 8 % Cl = 35. 5 g 122. 5 g x 100 = 29. 0 % O 3 = 48 g 122. 5 g x 100 = 39. 2 % + ____ 100 %

Percent composition formula is in Table T (back page) mass of part mass of

Percent composition formula is in Table T (back page) mass of part mass of whole x 100

You try it! What is the percent composition of Mg. Br 2? Mg =

You try it! What is the percent composition of Mg. Br 2? Mg = 24 g x 1 = 24 g Br = 80 g x 2 = 160 g +_____ 184 g Mass of whole % Mg 24 g (mass of part) 184 g x 100 % Br 160 g 184 g = x 100 = 13. 0 % 87. 0 %

% Composition and Hydrates Same as other compounds, except treat the “water” as a

% Composition and Hydrates Same as other compounds, except treat the “water” as a part: What is the % composition of water in the hydrated compound Na 2 CO 3 • 10 H 2 O

Na 2 CO 3 • 10 H 2 O Total mass (GFM) = 286

Na 2 CO 3 • 10 H 2 O Total mass (GFM) = 286 g Mass of water (the “part”) = 10 x 18 g = 180 g % composition of water = 180 g x 100 = 62. 9 % water 286 g

You try it! What is the percent composition of water and calcium sulfate in

You try it! What is the percent composition of water and calcium sulfate in the hydrated compound Ca. SO 4 • 2 H 2 O 21 % water 79 % calcium sulfate