Parameters 1 Parameters Defined Parameters are used to

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Parameters 1

Parameters 1

Parameters Defined �Parameters are used to provide configuration values. Examples include flags to turn

Parameters Defined �Parameters are used to provide configuration values. Examples include flags to turn on/off certain processing and email addresses to which to send notifications. �Parameters are used to define valid/invalid values for validation purposes.

Role of parameters for validation �There are various data validation mechanisms in Rice/KFS: �Data

Role of parameters for validation �There are various data validation mechanisms in Rice/KFS: �Data dictionary-based validation �Document/business rules �Parameters

Data dictionary-based �Performs elementary validations of a business object/document prior to being saved �For

Data dictionary-based �Performs elementary validations of a business object/document prior to being saved �For example, it is able to determine which attributes are required and whether they conform to a necessary format (e. g. all numbers), and to display error messages if they do not conform.

Document Business Rules �Full fledged java classes (CODE) that allow for very flexible validation

Document Business Rules �Full fledged java classes (CODE) that allow for very flexible validation rule logic. Rules have access to all Spring services, giving them a wide range of computational power. �Document/business rules use parameters to perform some of its validation.

Parameters �Parameters are ideal when functional specifications require that a value be in a

Parameters �Parameters are ideal when functional specifications require that a value be in a list of allowed values (or not on a list of denied values). �Work well for straightforward matching and allowing for a different list of values. �Parameter-based validation allows functionals to change the list of values without revising code.

Compound Parameters �To provide flexibility, one allow and one deny constraining/constrained parameters can be

Compound Parameters �To provide flexibility, one allow and one deny constraining/constrained parameters can be logically combined to form a compound parameter. �For example, Asset object codes are not allowed on the Requisition, unless the Asset is an Inventory object code. �Have the same namespace and detail type and have very similar names.