Paper Ribbons TONAL EXERCISE Task Ribbon Names v


Task – Ribbon Names v. Use a pencil to sketch out an accurate shape v. Using pencil I have created shadows to show tone and form v. I have also used a rubber to show any lighter highlighted areas Step 1 – Write out your name in cursive (joined up) writing Step 2 - Then you extend the edges back in space. They must all be the same direction, and the same length. Step 3 - For curves, you pick the outermost part of the curve you can find. These join to your edges you just created – try and keep the thickness the same. You are simply following the lines you have already created. See the video on the next slide. *Don't forget sometimes you have interior spaces that need to be addressed, like the o in Holly in the example. *

ü Now that you have your drawing you can now begin to practice your shading and tone. ü Remember you can use a tonal bar to help you. ü You will need to decide where your light source is to help with your shadows. As the light source is further away from this side the shadows are darker over here ü To make tones/shading on the letters stand out don’t forget you might need to shade the background too. ü To make shadows/highlights stand out you might need to contrast them closer together. The lighter side is usually where your light source is

If you’re feeling confident why not try it in colour too �Here’s how… Step 1: Write a word using the base color. The base color is the lightest shade of color you have among your set of pens. So if you have red, orange, vermilion, you must use orange as your base color.

Step 2: Decide which parts should be on top. Mark them using a pencil as a guide.

Step 3: Apply the colors on the shadow area starting from the darkest. We need to blend the colors carefully. The darkest should blend with the medium one and do it until you reach the base color. In our example, apply red starting from the pencil guide. Then gradually going farther from the pencil guide, next is vermilion, which should blend with red, and lastly orange, which should blend with vermilion.

Tip: You can use a little of black or brown as the darkest shade, except when working with neon colors like yellow, apple green, etc. I added a little brown. Now, we can see that some parts overlap the others.
- Slides: 9