Pantomime What is pantomime Pantomime is a form

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What is pantomime? Pantomime is a form of theatre in which meaning is expressed

What is pantomime? Pantomime is a form of theatre in which meaning is expressed through gestures and facial expression. It may also be accompanied by narration or music. Props and set pieces are implied through movement/gestures without them actually being present.

Why should I learn about pantomime?

Why should I learn about pantomime?

 • It will enhance my understanding that performance is a process. • It

• It will enhance my understanding that performance is a process. • It will aid in being more aware of my surroundings in a performance. • I will be a more expressive performer in communicating physical aspects of a performance or character.

Narrative Pantomime • This is a form of performance where a group of actor/actresses

Narrative Pantomime • This is a form of performance where a group of actor/actresses act out a story silently simultaneously while a narrator reads the story aloud. • All props are pantomimed. This means that the performers act/react as if the said items are present. • Up to 2 chairs may be used in a performance.

The stage • The stage is to be used in a creative way so

The stage • The stage is to be used in a creative way so as to establish the setting (where the action of the story takes place). • 2 Chairs may be used, but are not required. • Remember your to use stage positions in creating your performance and keep the performance faced out towards the audience.

Examples of pantomime • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=GWbt. GA F_g. Xc Marcel Marceau

Examples of pantomime • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=GWbt. GA F_g. Xc Marcel Marceau • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Y 6 ESAm 7 Krw. M The Giving Tree

Each group will have: • 5 members (4 or 6 in rare cases. Mr.

Each group will have: • 5 members (4 or 6 in rare cases. Mr. Peebles will decide these groups. ) • 1 group member will be the narrator. They are expected to read the fairytale enthusiastically with consistent and varying character voices. • All other group members are responsible for expressing the action of the story through body movement, use of space, pantomimed props and facial expression. • Each group member is to be doing something active in the scene at all times (being a character or scenic element). No one may stand stagnant and uninvolved.

The Rubric • Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding (Demonstrates that narrative pantomime is a

The Rubric • Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding (Demonstrates that narrative pantomime is a theatrical form that relies on its members to communicate the material through expressive body/face/voice. ) • Criterion B: Developing Skills (Pantomime and/or vocal skills are developed, expressive, and present a clear intention in the performance. ) • Criterion C: Thinking Creatively (Explores and uses the techniques of pantomime and vocal choices to present a rehearsed and entertaining performance. )