Overview of Animal Diversity Chapter 32 General Features

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Overview of Animal Diversity Chapter 32

Overview of Animal Diversity Chapter 32

General Features of Animals are a diverse group of consumers that share major characteristics

General Features of Animals are a diverse group of consumers that share major characteristics • • All are heterotrophs All are multicellular Cells do not have cell walls Most are able to move All are very diverse in form and habitat Most reproduce sexually Have a characteristic patterns of embryonic development • Cells of all animals (except sponges) are organized into tissues 2

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan Five key transitions in animal evolution 1. 2.

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan Five key transitions in animal evolution 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tissues Symmetry Body cavity Development Segmentation 3

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 1. Evolution of tissues – Parazoa (Sponges -

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 1. Evolution of tissues – Parazoa (Sponges - the simplest animals) lack defined tissues and organs • Have the ability to disaggregate and aggregate their cells – Eumetazoa (all other animals) have distinct and well-defined tissues • Have irreversible differentiation for most cell types 4

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 2. Evolution of symmetry – Parazoa (sponges) lack

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 2. Evolution of symmetry – Parazoa (sponges) lack any definite symmetry – Eumetazoa have a symmetry defined along imaginary axes drawn through the animal’s body There are two main types of symmetry – Radial symmetry – Bilateral symmetry 5

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • Radial symmetry – Body parts arranged around

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • Radial symmetry – Body parts arranged around central axis – Can be bisected into two equal halves in any 2 D plane perpendicular to that axis 6

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • Bilateral symmetry – Body has right and

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • Bilateral symmetry – Body has right and left halves that are mirror images – Body has distinct anterior/posterior and dorsal/ventral divisions 7

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • Bilaterally symmetrical animals have two main advantages

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • Bilaterally symmetrical animals have two main advantages over radially symmetrical animals 1. Cephalization • Evolution of a definite brain area 2. Greater mobility 8

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 3. Evolution of a body cavity • Eumetazoa

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 3. Evolution of a body cavity • Eumetazoa produce three germ layers – Outer ectoderm (body coverings and nervous system) – Middle mesoderm (skeleton and muscles) – Inner endoderm (digestive organs and intestines) 9

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 3. Evolution of a body cavity • Three

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 3. Evolution of a body cavity • Three basic kinds of body plans a. Acoelomates have no body cavity 10

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan b. Pseudocoelomates have a body cavity between mesoderm

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan b. Pseudocoelomates have a body cavity between mesoderm and endoderm • Called the pseudocoel 11

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan c. Coelomates have a body cavity entirely within

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan c. Coelomates have a body cavity entirely within the mesoderm • Called the coelom 12

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • The body cavity made possible the development

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • The body cavity made possible the development of advanced organs systems • Coelomates developed a circulatory system to flow nutrients and remove wastes – Open circulatory system: blood passes from vessels into sinuses, mixes with body fluids and reenters the vessels – Closed circulatory system: blood moves continuously through vessels that are separated from body fluids 13

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 4. Evolution of different patterns of development •

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 4. Evolution of different patterns of development • The basic bilaterian pattern of development – Mitotic cell divisions of the egg form a hollow ball of cells, called the blastula – Blastula indents to form a 2 -layer-thick ball called a gastrula with: • Blastopore - Opening to outside • Archenteron - Primitive body cavity 14

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan Bilaterians can be divided into two groups •

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan Bilaterians can be divided into two groups • Protostomes develop the mouth first from or near the blastopore – Anus (if present) develops either from blastopore or another region of embryo • Deuterostomes develop the anus first from the blastopore – Mouth develops later from another region of the embryo 15

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • Deuterostomes differ from protostomes in three other

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan • Deuterostomes differ from protostomes in three other embryological features: – Cleaveage pattern of embryonic cells • Protostomes - Spiral cleavage • Deuterostomes - Radial cleavage – Developmental fate of cells • Protostomes - Determinate development • Deuterostomes - Indeterminate development – Origination of coelom • Protostomes - Forms simply and directly from the mesoderm • Deuterostomes - Forms indirectly from the archenteron 16

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 17

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 17

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 5. Evolution of segmentation – Segmentation provides two

Evolution of the Animal Body Plan 5. Evolution of segmentation – Segmentation provides two advantages • 1. Allows redundant organ systems in adults such as occurs in the annelids • 2. Allows for more efficient and flexible movement because each segment can move independently – Segmentation appeared several times in the evolution of animals 18

Traditional Classification of Animals • Multicellular animals, or metazoans, are traditionally divided into 36

Traditional Classification of Animals • Multicellular animals, or metazoans, are traditionally divided into 36 or so distinct phyla based on shared anatomy and embryology • Metazoans are divided into two main branches: – Parazoa - Lack symmetry and tissues – Eumetazoa - Have symmetry and tissues • Diploblastic - Have two germ layers • Triploblastic - Have three germ layers 19

A New Look At Metazoans • The traditional animal phylogeny is being reevaluated using

A New Look At Metazoans • The traditional animal phylogeny is being reevaluated using molecular data • Myzostomids are marine animals that are parasites of echinoderms • Have no body cavity and only incomplete segmentation and so have been allied with annelids 20

A New Look At Metazoans • Recent analysis of the translation machinery revealed that

A New Look At Metazoans • Recent analysis of the translation machinery revealed that myzostomids have no close link to the annelids at all • Instead, they are more closely allied with the flatworms (planaria and tapeworms) 21

A New Look At Metazoans • It seems that key morphological characters used in

A New Look At Metazoans • It seems that key morphological characters used in traditional classification are not necessarily correct • Molecular systematics uses unique sequences within certain genes to identify clusters of related groups 22

A New Look At Metazoans • Most new phylogenies agree on two revolutionary features:

A New Look At Metazoans • Most new phylogenies agree on two revolutionary features: 1. Separation of annelids and arthropods into different clades 2. Division of the protostome group into Ecdysozoa and Spiralia • The latter is then broken down into Lophotrochozoa and Platyzoa 23

A New Look At Metazoans Examples can be found in Table 32. 2 of

A New Look At Metazoans Examples can be found in Table 32. 2 of Raven et al. 24

Evolutionary Developmental Biology • Most taxonomists agree that the animal kingdom is monophyletic •

Evolutionary Developmental Biology • Most taxonomists agree that the animal kingdom is monophyletic • Three prominent hypotheses have been proposed for the origin of metazoans from single-celled protists 25

Evolutionary Developmental Biology 1. The multinucleate hypothesis 2. The colonial flagellate hypothesis 3. The

Evolutionary Developmental Biology 1. The multinucleate hypothesis 2. The colonial flagellate hypothesis 3. The polyphyletic origin hypothesis • Molecular systematics using r. RNA sequences settles this argument in favor of the colonial flagellate hypothesis 26