Our God is an Awesome God He Reigns

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萬物在上帝懷中 祂照管宇宙聖潔偉大 其力量並智慧無邊 親愛主祂的確偉大 Our God is an Awesome God He Reigns from heaven above With wisdom, power and love Our God is an Awesome God

當我們在一起 As We Gather

願祢施恩此刻 降臨教會之中 願眾心高舉祢 聖名永不終 As we gather May Your Spirit work within us As we gather May we glorify Your Name

當此刻眾願意 彼此竭力服從 恩福必傾進會眾心中 恩福必傾進會眾 Knowing well that As our hearts begin to worship We’ll be blessed because we came

獻上感恩 Give Thanks

Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks to the Holy One Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son (Repeat) 歡欣 心裡感謝神 歌唱 歸於聖父 讚頌 你賜下慈愛獨生的愛子 (重唱)

And now let the weak say I am strong Let the poor say I am rich Because of what the Lord has done for us (Repeat) 今天心中剛強無懼怕 主的豐盛滿一生 皆因主手曾為我顯深恩 (重唱)

Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks to the Holy One Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son Give thanks, Give thanks 歡欣 心裡感謝神 歌唱 歸於聖父 讚頌 你賜下慈愛獨生的愛子 (重唱) 讚美!讚美!讚美!

讚頌榮耀祂 He Is Exalted

快樂 同讚頌 全宇宙 來讚頌無盡-榮耀救--主 快樂 同讚頌 全宇宙 來讚頌 洋溢-頌--讚--主--恩-He is exalted, the King is exalted on high I will praise Him He is exalted, forever exalted, and I will praise His name

尊貴救主, 全地順服祂真理 宇宙四方, 同熱烈地讚美歌唱 快樂 同讚頌 齊慶賀 神 永在為王 He is the Lord, Forever His truth shall reign Heaven and earth rejoice in His holy name, He is exalted, the King is exalted on high.

Shine Jesus Shine

愛似光今每刻耀明朗 照我心驅散黑夜迷茫 我救主是世間盼望亮光 賜我真理 脫解困惑敵擋 照耀我靈快樂滿腔 Lord, the light of Your love is shining In the midst of the darkness shining Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us Set us free by the truth You now bring us Shine on me, Shine on me

請你光照 今將輝煌去照耀四方 將聖火降使灰心得曙光 Shine, Jesus, Shine Fill this land with the Father’s Glory Blaze Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on Fire.

彷似溪澗 將恩福流往各地各邦 釋放真理 請將恩光發放 Flow, river, flow Flood the nations with grace and mercy Send forth Your word, Lord, and let there be light.

Still 安寧

願你靈常澆灌我 讓我靈停歇安躺你手 Rest my soul in Christ the Lord Know His Pow’r in quietness and trust

未怕海翻滾 星空震耳 讓我跟主飛隨著帶領 神我不驚慌 只因有你 讓我安寧 深知你愛 When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father, You are King over the flood I will be still and know You’re God
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