Online Education Workshop 1 Dr Edward Shih 09032019

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Online Education Workshop 1 Dr. Edward Shih 09/03/2019

Common Myths About Online Education Open SUNY – The State University of New York https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=ZRae-JWsf. Zk (8: 30)

Moodle LMS introduction 1. What is Moodle? (1: 54) https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=3 ORs. UGVNx. Gs&t=7 s 2. Moodle 3. 8 Release Highlight (total 5 videos) https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=GWXr 59 o. Lbr. M&list=PLxc. O_MFWQBDd. Ju-ct 9 w. JQTTS 3 ow. R-l. ELq 3. Learn Moodle Basics 3. 8 (total 32 videos) https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=c. EROJvm. M 5 C 8&list=PLxc. O_MFWQBDf. Mnw. Mz. FBq 0 ab 9 w. SPni. XEkp

Developing Moodle Course Create a Moodle course https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=4 w. T 0 bx. Uzq. FY (7: 40) Improve the look of your Moodle course https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=tn 7 P 9 Jb 5 x 9 Q (8: 51) Make your design and layout more professional https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=FYyzf. ROhyg. Q (9: 41) See Moodle in Action - Mount Orange School https: //school. moodledemo. net/ (Practicing Moodle in this demo site)

Moodle Community Teaching with Moodle - Best Practices https: //docs. moodle. org/38/en/Teacher_quick_guide Share and receive an advice on the use of Moodle in teaching https: //moodle. org/mod/forum/view. php? id=41 Get Your Moodle. Clound Site for creating a Moodle class https: //moodlecloud. com/ Connecting and empowering educators worldwide https: //new. moodle. net/

Learning Analytics in Moodle 3 8 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=TFh. QVwk 1 CQY (1: 48) Moodle Learning Analytics Overview: Educators and Researchers https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Qyp 0 t. Is. C 714 (10: 05) Introduction to Moodle Learning Analytics for Designers | Elizabeth Dalton | #Moot. IEUK 19 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=k. LZf. Ft. Yed 7 c (1: 25: 44)

online course development

Something to take home What are in the market? - 4 -week classes

Something to take home Can we compete for it? - 5 -week classes - **Classes last 6 weeks for graduate programs and 9 weeks for doctoral dissertation courses.

Something to think How can they design those 4, 5, 6, 7 -week courses and get accredited?