One Identity One Vision One Community ASEAN COMMUNITY
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One Identity One Vision One Community ASEAN COMMUNITY One Community, One Destiny YRDP Youth Alumni 30 April 2012 Developed and shared by Kem Ley, Research Consultant 012 78 70 84 Kem_ley@yahoo. com
OUTLINES 1) ASEAN & Global Architecture 2) ASEAN Overview 3) ASEAN in Figures 4) ASEAN People Forum 5) ASEAN & Youth 6) ASEAN & Education 7) ASEAN & Employment 8) ASEAN & Human Rights Declaration 9) Toward ASEAN Community 10)References
1) ASEAN & Global Architecture
African Union 1960 European Union 1952 ASEAN 1967 Global Architectures Arab League 1945 Soviet Union 1922
Population by continents Continent name Asia Africa Europe North America South America Oceania Antarctica Population (2011) 4, 140, 336, 501 994, 527, 534 738, 523, 843 528, 720, 588 385, 742, 554 36, 102, 071 4, 490
Population by Countries
18, 000 16, 543 16, 000 ASEAN estimated GDP 2010 compared other countries (US$ B) 14, 800 14, 000 12, 000 10, 000 8, 000 5, 365 6, 000 5, 273 4, 000 1, 719 2, 000 1, 367 1, 193 991 136 Re Source: ASEAN Community in figures 2010 al an d Ze Ne w pu bl ic of Ko re a st ra lia Au a di In EA N AS n pa Ja a in Ch A US EU 27 0
Mikhail Gorbachev Come to power in 1985 Democratization Dramatic drop of oil price in 1985 -1986 Reasons: • Wasteful use of natural Resources 1970 • Joseph Stalin’s Leadership • Cold War-Industrial Development-US/EU Moscow into bankruptcy Found 1922 Economic Growth stagnated Two Strategies 1. Freedom of speech: Policy of Glasnost 2. Economic Reform: Perstroika Soviet Union Failed in Dec 1991 Boris Yeltsin 15 Separate Countries Revolution in 1989 Eastern Europe Cold War 1980 -1991 Reagan Doctrine US Strategy in Soviet Unions' alliances
1942 UK promote Arab League to win WAR against Germany § 1959 First Petroleum Congress § 1964 Established Arab League (Educational, Cultural and Scientific organization) Weaken Arab League § Israel & Palestine Conflict § Three Gulf Wars § Political Issues 1998 Iraq War 1944 agreed maong Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, North Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan & Palestine 2003 Arab League 1945 1959 22 members Voted to remove US-UK troop from Iraq 21 -1 Kuwait 2007 Peace Summit in Riyadh 2011 -2012 Arab condoned the crackdown of protectors in Libya and Series § 1958 , added Morocco a& Tunisia §Official agreement on Economic, Cultural and Social Program Arab League condemned § 1961 -1977 , Kuwait, Algeria South Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Mauritania, Somalia, Palestine and Djibouti
1992 Free movement of goods, capital, services and people 1. the removal of trade barriers in the form of import restrictions. 2. harmonizing legislation and by introducing common European standards. Permanent Precedent of EU 1. 2. 3. 4. Representation EU Promotion EU Law Enforcement EU Foreign Policy 2002 1. 12 members -17 members 2. European Central Bank-Germany § Interest Rate Before member EU § Budget Deficit 1. Standard of § Sovereign Debt § Currency Stability Democracy, Justice Single Currency Single Market 1992 Founders 1. France 2. West Germany 3. Italy 4. Belgium 5. Netherlands 6. Luxembourg and Human Rights 2. Well functioning market economy 3. Implement existing Common EU Legislations Foreign Policy EU 1952 European Coal and Steel Community 6 Countriees-27 -28 Croatia in 2013 High Authority 1. Lasting Peach after WWII 2. Mutually interdependent 3. Trade 4. EU Military Alliance-NATO (ASEAN is not)
Peace and security in Africa Promote democratic, governance and human rights Political and economic integration African Union Found 1960 9 July 2002 Based in Ethiopia §Executive Council §Permanent representative council §Economic, social and cultural council § Civil Society Consultation bodies
2)ASEAN Overview
18 th ASEAN SUMMIT 2011 JARKATA • ASEAN Declaration • 5 Countries 8 th Aug 1967 Regional Cooperation 1. Economic 2. Social 3. Cultural 4. Technical 5. Educational 6. Other fields Regional Peace, Stability through justice and rule Of Law Adherences to principles of UN Charter ASEAN Community 2020 -9 th ASEAN Summit in 2003 ASEAN Community 2015 -12 th ASEAN Submit in 2007 -Affirmed or CEBU Declaration 7 th Jan 1984 • Brunei • Vietnam 28 th July 1995 23 rd July 1997 • Loa • Myanmar • Cambodia 30 th April 1999 Fundamental Principles-TAC (Treaty of Amity and Cooperation 1976 1. Mutual Respects 2. Free from external interference 3. Settlement of Differences or disputes by peaceful manners 4. Renunciation of threat or use of force-Border Conflict 5. Effective cooperation among themselves
ASEAN 1) 1967 BBK Declaration 2) 1976 Concord Declaration 3) 1976 Treaty of Amity ASEAN Constitution 1979 Jakarta 10 Articles ASEAN CHARTER 55 Chapters Detailed ASEAN Constitution ASEAN Organizational Structure 1. The General Assembly 2. The Governing Council 3. The secretariat-ASEAN Roadmap Strategic Plan ASEAN Statistics
ASEAN Community 2009 -2015 ASEAN CHARTER Norms, Rule and Values Institutional Framework Legal Status Clear Target ASEAN Charter 15 Dec 2008 Jakarta Agreed by 10 ASEAN members states Accountability & Compliance
• ASEAN Declaration • 5 Countries 7 th Jan 1984 • Brunei 8 th Aug 1967 ASEAAN Summit ASEAN Summit • Vietnam 28 th July 1995 st • 1 1976, Indonesia • 2 nd 1977, Malaysia • 3 rd 1987, Philippines • 4 th 1992, Singapore • 5 th 1995, Thailand • 6 th 1998, Vietnam • 7 th 2001, Brunei 23 rd July 1997 • Loa • Myanmar • Cambodia 30 th April 1999 • 8 th 2002, Cambodia • 9 th 2003, Indonesia • 10 th 2004, Laos • 11 th 2005, Malaysia • 12 th 2007, Philippines • 13 th 2007, Singapore 14 th Summit : Hua Hin Declaration on the • 14 th 2009, Thailand Roadmap for an ASEAN Community th • 15 , 2009, Thailand • 16 th 2010, Vietnam • 17 th, 2010 Vietnam • 18 th , 2011 Indonesia • 19 th 2011 Indonesia • 20 th 2012 Cambodia
1) Foreign Ministerial Meetings § Development Planning § Standing Committee 2) Nuclear Free Zoon Commission 3) Defense Ministers Meeting 4) Law Ministers meeting 5) Ministerial meeting on transnational Crime § Tran national Crime § Drug Matters § Immigration department § Consular Affairs 6) ASEAN Regional Forum 1) Economic Ministers Meeting-High Level Task Force on ASEAN Economic Integration 2) ASEAN Free Trade Area-AFTA Council 3) ASEAN Investment Area Council-AIA 4) ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting § Central Bank § Customs 5) ASEAN Ministers Meetings • On Agriculture & Forestry • Energy • Minerals • Technology • Transport • Tourism • Mekong Basin Devel. 6) Committee on Science and Technology 7) Telecommunication and Information 8) Telecommunication Gegulators Councils Economic Community Political. Security Community Social Cultural Community ASEAN SUMMIT 1) Ministerial Meetings § Information § Culture & Art § Education § Disaster Mgt § Environment § Health § Labor (Declaration on Promotion & Protection of all migrant workers/Families § Rural Dev. & Poverty Reduction § Social Welfare § Youth § Civil Service Matters 2) ASEAN University Network 3) Centers § Biodiversity Centre § Disaster Management Centre § Earth Quake Information Centre § Specialized Metrological Centre
KEY EVENTS OF ASEAN TIMELINE KEY EVENTS 1967 Found in 8 August , Bangkok 1976 A Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC), Principles of non interference in the internal affairs of member countries 1992 AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area), Singapore Declaration 1994 Peaceful Conflict Resolution Mechanisms 1993 ASEAN Member state agreed on Vienna’s Declaration on Human Rights Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 2005 ASEAN PEOPLE FORUM , Malaysia, 11 th ASEAN Summit 2007 Acceleration of ASEAN Community 2015, CEBU Declaration 2008 ASEAN Charter as Legal Framework or Rule based Organization 2009 ASEAN inter governmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) 2012 ASEAN Human Rights Declaration
3)ASEAN in Figures
ASEAN and World Popultaion 8. 8 World ASEAN 92 § § § § Population Density Land Area (sqkm) Live Expectancy (year) Sex Ratio-M/F GDP per Capita GDP Growth at constant Price Unemployment Rate Infant Mortality Rate Access to safe drinking water Access to improved sanitation NER-Secondary School Adult Literacy Rate Youth aged 15 -29 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 : 578, 498, 000 : 134. 9 : 4, 345, 670 : 61. 0 -80. 7 : 99. 5 : 3092. 5 US$ : 7. 4% : 1. 0 -7. 9% : 2. 1 -71. 0% : 60 -100% : 28 -100% : 34. 1 -89. 1% : 77. 6 -95. 0% : 159, 613, 000 or 28%
GDP at current market Prices (US$ mn) 600, 000 546, 865 500, 000 400, 000 300, 000 264, 323 193, 108182, 702 161, 358 200, 000 96, 317 100, 000 24, 973 10, 759 10, 359 5, 579 Source: ASEAN Community in figures 2010 o La bo di a i Ca m ne nm ya M Br u ar m na et Vi Ph illi p in es or e ga p Sin M al ay sia nd ila Th a In do ne sia 0
Total Pop in 2010 6, 230, 000 5, 077, 000 15, 269, 000 28, 909, 000 415, 000 60, 163, 000 234, 181, 000 67, 312, 000 86, 930, 000 94, 013, 000 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 Indonesia Philippines Viet Nam Thailand Mayanmar Malaysia Cambodia Lao Singapore Brunei
GDP Per Capita (US$) Singapore 43, 929 Mayanmar Brunei 28, 830 Cambodia Malaysia 592 830 1, 040 8, 262 4, 735 1, 238 2, 0143, 023 Lao Viet Nam Thailand Indonesia Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 Philippines
Adult Literacy Rate 95 95 100 94 94 93 92 92 91 90 78 80 73 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 o La a m bo di Ca sia do ne an ay M In m ar sia M al ay m et Vi pi ilip Ph Na ne s nd ila ei un Br Th a Sin ga po re 0
Girl-Boy Ratio in Secondary School 120 109 109 107 100 101 99 91 82 80 81 60 40 20 0 Brunei Thailand Philippines Malaysia Mayanmar Indonesia Viet Nam Cambodia Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 Lao
NER (secondary School) 100 90 89 76 80 68 70 60 61 50 40 36 34 Lao Cambodia 30 20 10 0 Brunei Thailand Indonesia Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 Philippines
Internet Subscriber Per 10, 000 Pop 8, 000 7, 300 7, 000 5, 580 6, 000 5, 530 5, 000 4, 000 2, 390 620 a Ca m bo di s ne pi ilip Ph do ne sia o In et Vi Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 La Na m nd ila Th a ei un Br ay al M Sin ga po re sia 0 50 20 m ar 790 an 840 1, 000 ay 2, 000 M 2, 390 3, 000
Tourst Arrival (000) Annually 25, 000 24, 577 20, 000 15, 936 15, 000 10, 511 5, 050 3, 292 2, 513 2, 508 792 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 an ay M Ca m bo m di ar a o La pi ilip Ph Vi et Na ne s m sia In do ne re po Sin ga nd la ai Th M al ay sia 0 112 ei 5, 000 un 7, 003 Br 10, 000 Tourst A
Share of tourist from USA 20 18 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 M al a ys ia La o sia ne do In an m ar ei M ay un Br nd la ai Th Sin ga po re a di bo Ca m Na m et Vi Ph ilip pi ne s 0
Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 ia ys 5 al a Na m 5 M et Vi o La ar 9 m an sia ne s 10 M ay do In ne pi ilip re po ga 10 Ph Sin ei un Br a 20 di bo Ca m nd la ai Th Share of tourist from EU 25 20 17 15 12 9 7 4 4 0
Share of Intra ASEAN Tourist arrival 90 80 79 77 70 65 60 51 50 41 40 34 30 33 29 20 10 9 9 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 Na m et pi ilip Ph Vi ne s nd la ai Th In do ne sia a Ca m bo di re po ga un Br ar ei Sin M ay a nm sia ay M al La o 0
Cellular Phone Density per 10, 000 Pop 16, 000 14, 047 14, 000 12, 257 12, 000 10, 000 11, 060 10, 666 10, 056 8, 098 8, 000 6, 000 5, 118 4, 000 3, 778 2, 000 an ay M In do ne sia a bo di m Ca o La pi ilip Ph et Na ne s m ei Br un Vi M al ay sia nd Th a re po ga Sin ila Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 m ar 790 0 90
Venicles per 1000 Pop 900 815 800 700 672 600 500 397 400 300 286 145 60 35 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 an ay M 13 m m ar a di bo m pi ilip Ph Ca ne s o La re po ga Sin In do ne sia nd ila Th a ay al M Br un ei sia 0 Na 67 et 100 Vi 200
Total Trade (US$ mn) 699, 273 700, 000 600, 000 500, 000 377, 719 400, 000 364, 531 293, 442 156, 993 300, 000 109, 660 11, 952 200, 000 10, 480 11, 798 100, 000 6, 938 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 o La a bo m Ca m an ay M di ar ei un pi ilip Ph Br ne s m Na et Vi In do ne sia ay M al la ai Th Sin ga po re nd 0
Rate of Growth of Import (%) 45. 00 40. 00 36. 40 40. 10 33. 50 33. 90 35. 00 27. 90 25. 50 22. 50 30. 00 20. 40 25. 00 20. 00 9. 10 15. 00 10. 00 0. 60 5. 00 ei un m an ay Br ar o La M Vi et Na m a di bo m pi ilip Ph Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 Ca ne s re po ga Sin M al ay sia nd la ai Th In do ne sia 0. 00
Rate of Growth of Export (%) 35. 40 40. 00 37. 60 29. 30 32. 70 34. 20 35. 00 28. 10 27. 10 30. 00 22. 50 19. 80 25. 00 20. 00 12. 00 15. 00 10. 00 5. 00 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 a bo m Ca m an ay M di ar m Na et Vi sia ay al M Th ai la nd o La ei un Br ne s pi ilip Ph do ne In Sin ga po re sia 0. 00
People who are living below National Poverty Line 40. 00 35. 90 32. 90 35. 00 32. 00 30. 10 30. 00 25. 00 20. 00 16. 60 14. 80 15. 00 8. 50 10. 00 3. 60 5. 00 0. 00 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 re po ga Br un ei Sin M al ay sia nd Th ai la m Na et Vi In do ne sia a di bo m Ca m ar an ay M Ph ilip pi La ne s o 0. 00
Access To Safe Drinking Water (%) 120 100 99 94 90 82 80 80 78 65 60 60 40 28 20 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 a di bo Ca m La o Na m et pi ilip Ph Vi ne s sia ne do In M ay an m ar nd la Th ai sia ay ei un Br M al Sin ga po re 0
Access to improved sanitation 120 100 95 93 92 90 80 80 65 60 48 40 20 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 La o a Ca m bo di ar nm ay a M In do ne sia ei un Br nd la ai Th t. N am pi ilip Ph Vi e ne s sia ay M al Sin ga po re 0
§Its the rights every mother and newborn child to survive pregnancy and childbirth and have a safe pregnancy, (Child Conventions, 1989, CEDAW, 1979, Int. Covenants of economic, social and cultural rights 1967) §MMR reflects a woman’s basic health status, her access to health care and quality of health care. §Worldwide, close to 600, 000 women are estimated to die each year from
Infant Mortality Rate per 1, 000 live births 80 70 71 69 62 60 50 40 30 31 26 20 ar m an M ay bo di a o Ca m La ne In pi ilip Ph do ne s nd la ai Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 sia 13 12 Th Vi e ei un Br M al ay re po ga Sin sia 2 0 7 6 t. N am 10
ASEAN Country Unemployment Rate-2008 -2011 8. 00% 7. 20% 6. 56% 7. 00% 6. 00% 4. 90% 5. 00% 3. 70% 4. 00% 3. 00% 2. 90% 2. 50% 1. 90% 1. 68% 2. 00% 1. 20% 1. 00% nd ila Th a a di bo Ca m or e ga p Sin et na m o Vi ay al Source: World Fact Book, CIA, 2011 La sia i ne M ya M Br u nm sia In do ne es in illi p Ph ar 0. 00%
4) ASEAN People Forum
Article 1 of ASEAN Charter: 13: To promote a people oriented ASEAN in which all sectors of society are encouraged to participate in, and benefit from, the process of ASEAN integration and community building History of CSO-AFP 2011 -APF 2005 -Malaysia 23 -26 Sept 2010, 2006 -Phillipines 2009 Thailand 2007 ASEAN Summit , Nov Signed ASEAN CHARTERArticle 14 Human Rights Body ASEAN Civil Society Conference 27 -28 Oct 50 participants Call for creation of Human Right Body SINGAPORE 800 participants A commitment to developing Human Rights Body Migrant Workers’ declaration-ASEAN Declaration on Promotion and Protection of Rights of Migrant Workers and their families Vietnam , 700 Participants Deputy PM Vietnam 1. ASEAN Human Rights Mechanisms 2. Urge to develop policy on protection of rights of people especially women, children, ethnic minority and disable…) Indonesia 3 -5 May 1, 330 Participants Human Rights Concerns Greater Access to information. Right to information Policy 18 th Summit 7 May 2011 2012 -APF 1, 200 Participants 4 WS were cancelled Cambodia 29 -31 Mar Summit 3 -4 April Transforming ASEAN into People Centre Community 1. Human Rights 2. Forced Eviction 3. Land Issues 4. Migrant Workers 5. Democracy 6. Child Rights 7. Disable Rights 8. Climate Changes 9. ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF PEOPLE Four sensitive issues were cancelled such as land rights, mass eviction, environmental issues and Burma Loa delegates were prohibited Laos, Thai, Myanmar, Cambodia & Vietnam sent Government-backed CSO representatives but Indonesia and Philippines are not
Continues engagement of Civil Society Organization is two ways of communication and meaningful involvement but one off or sporadic invitation is one way communication and lost following up of proposed Issues. Empowerment of Vulnerable Group Representatives and space creation for them Informal Participation Mechanisms Internal CSO network Meaningful & Successful Engagement of CSOs 1. Common Platform with common goal 2. Collective Advocacy Efforts 3. Civil Society Leadership & Capacity in Policy Decision Making Process Engagement 4. Emphasize on the functions rather than forms of engagement 5. Continue (rather than one off ) engagement – Every stages instead of sporadic invitation 6. Creative use of new technology of Advocacy Formal Participation
CSO Statement on ASEAN Statement on Human Rights, Democracy, Rights of Women, Children, Indigenous groups, Climate Change, good governance. . 2005, 120 People-Malaysia, 11 th Summit 1 st APF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Access to information Participation in decision making Civil and Political Rights Environmental Sustainability Women, Youth and Indigenous Empowerment 2006, 300 people, Philippines , 12 th Summit 1. 2. 3. Democracy, Human Rights Gender inequality Exclusion of children and Youth 2007, 200 people , Singapore, 13 th Summit 1. 2. 3. Human Rights, Democracy Signing of ASEAN Charter Effective Mechanisms 2009, 500 people, 15 th Summit, Thailand 1. 2. 3. Human Rights and Democracy Good Governance Women , Children and Indigenous rights 2010, 700 people, Vietnam, 1. 2. 3. Human Rights and Democracy Rights of Vulnerable Group Gender inequality 2011, 1300 people, Indonesia, 18 th Summit 1. 2. 3. Rule of law Human Rights and Democracy Labor, Migrants…Youth, Sex Workers , Social Protection 2012, 1200 people, 20 th Summit, 8 th APF , Cambodia 1. 2. 3. Democracy and Human Rights Declaration ASEAN CSO Body Issus of Land Rights, Migrants, Gender, Disable, Human Rights,
Level of Participation Information Low Consultation Dialogue Broad Collaborative Mechanisms Influence Partnership High
Reformulation Monitoring Agenda Setting Process of the Political Decision Making Process Implementation Drafting Decision
Agenda Setting Information Consultation Dialogue Partnership Drafting Decision Implementation Monitoring Reformulation
MSM Rights CSO Statement – ASEAN 2012 Child Rights Land Rights Disable Rights Indigenous Rights Quality of Education Migrant Workers Human Rights Declaration Burma Democracy and Election Youth and reproductive Rights Peace Buiilding Rivers and Hydropower Climate Changes Extractive Industries Loss of Forest
5) ASEAN & Youth
ASEAN & YOUTH NER: 34 -89%, Youth 160 M/600 M or 37% 1 st AYF 2009, Thailand 2 nd AYF 2010, Vietnam 3 rd AYF 2011, Indonesia 4 th AYF 2012, Cambodia, 26 -28 th Mar 2012, at Golden Stadium Hotel-youth participation in transforming ASEAN into People Centered Community Students: 3, 190, 109 Student at Rural : 2, 582, 944 Primary Lower Sec Upper Sec GER 116 % 58. 5% 32. 9% NER 95. 2% 35% 20. 6%
History of ASEAN Youth Forums 1 -2 April 2012, Phnom Penh, Hotel Roles of Youth in ASEAN Community Building Topics: Youth Entrepreneurship and Youth Leadership 39 Youth from ASEAN Countries and 225 Youths from Public and Private Universities in PP § § § ASEAN Awareness ASEAN Entrepreneurship Skills ASEAN Youth Volunteerism ASEAN Youth Leadership 12% of GDP should allocated for Basic and tertiary Eduaction-2011 -VN Statements-ASEAN Youth Body 1. 2. 3. 4. Low quality of education High unemployment rates, unsustainable environment caused by destructive development project, Low quality of public health services.
ASEAN Community 2015 EDUCATION-FUTURE EMPLOYMENT Degree Program in the region Graduate Professional Skills Inter Cultural Skills English
ASEAN Community 2015 ASEAN AND YOUTH 2015, 2011 -2012 ASEAN&YOUTH 2010 -2011 1992 -2009 Once in every two years meeting 16 th ASEAN Youth Day Meeting VI AMMY 25 June 200 Vision powered by Action 2015 Common Themes 1. Leadership development 2. Entrepreneurship 2009 -2010 3. ASEAN Awareness Raising 15 th ASEAN Youth Day Meeting- Youth Forum and Festival 2011 AMMY VI 25 June 2009 -Youth Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Education Volunteerism toward ASEAN C 2015 1. Leadership dev. - ASEAN-CHINA Entrepreneurship Exchange 2. Entrepreneurship Program -Japan East Asia Network of Exchange for 3. ASEAN Awareness students and Youth - Youth Exchange Program-6, 000 -Asia Exchange Association- Asia Korea Frontiers engaged till 2012 Forum - ASEAN +CHINA Youth Bring the next generation of youth leaders or entrepreneurship Association dialogue relation on business, environment and Third Forum 15 Dec 2009, VN Tourist -ASEAN-CHINA YOUTH CAMP 2010 Flow of People § Workforce § Students § Exchange Program § Standard degree § University Network § Multi Cultural Skills § Professional Skills § Skill competitiveness § Employment Policy
6) ASEAN & Education
Roadmap 2009 -2016 Knowledge based ASEAN Community or Society § Achieve Universal Access to Primary Education across ASEAN by 2015 § Improve the quality and adaptability of education § Technical Skills, Vocational Training § Exchange Program § Review Scholarship Program § Use ICT to promote life long Learning including E-Learning § Internet Using § Promote early use of ICT at primary School § Develop ICT Expertise Centre § Promote Education Network at all levels § ASEAN University Network (26 members)-2010 -2011 report § ASEAN Youth Development Program § Establish Science and technology Centre-Research § ASEAN Development and Education Forum § Youth Entrepreneurship Forum § Youth Leadership Forum
Special Events on ASEAN EDUCATION Joint Statement-28 th Jan 2010, Cebu, Phillipine Date Events 24 Oct 2009, Thai Hua Hin Declaration on Education Cooperation 24 Oct 2009, Thai 15 th Summit, Thailand 28 Jan 2010, Phill 5 th ASED-ASEAN Ministers Meeting 28 Jan 2010 Phill 45 th SEAMEO Council Conference Early 2011 Five Year Work-Plan 2009 -2015 ASEAN Roadmap to ASEAN Community 2015 18 -19 Mar 2010, BBK Adhoc Technical Working Group Meeting on Education ASEAN Credit Transfer System (ACTS) in AUN Member Universities this year. 2010, Indonesia 4 th ASEAN Primary School Sport Olympiad (APSSO) in 2010. August 2011 10 th ASEAN Exchange Programme 31 st Jan -3 rd Feb 2011 46 th SEAMEO Council Conference in Indonesia 2012
ASEAN UNIVERSITY NETWORK_AUN 1995 Founders: 13 Universities 1999 ASEAN Charter §Board of Trustee (one from each Country members) §Secretary General §Secretariat of AUN §Office, BBK, Chualarlongkhan §Dialogue Partners (Canada, USA, China, Australia, India, Japan, New eland, UNDP, Russia, §ASEAN Sub-committe who in charge of AUN 2012 26 Members Cambodia 1. Royal University of Phnom Penh 2. Royal University of Law and Economic
Results to date Knowledge based ASEAN Community or Society § Hua Hin declaration to achieve Education in region (15 th Summit 24 Oct 2009 § Five Year work plan on Education (2011 -2015) in early 2011 § SEAMEO-Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization § Toward the development of Common Curriculum Framework on ASEAN Education at primary and Secondary School § 10 th ASEAN Student Exchange Program in BBK, 10 Dec 2010) § 2 nd ASEAN School Linkage Program (June 2009, KLL) § University Student Level Forum (13 -19 Nov 2009, Japan), 118 Students, 30 Universities § University Networks (26 Leading Universities)-ASEAN Credit Transfer System § ASEAN Entrepreneurship Skills Forums § ASEAN Youth Leadership Forum
ASEAN Education Declaration Hua Hin Declaration, 24 th Oct 2009, 15 th ASEAN Summit Declaration in to action-Readiness for ASEAN Community 2015 Education is a cross cutting issues in the three pillars of ASEAN Community Free Trade Policy in Educational Mutual Recognition All Professional Area Learn from Good Practices in EU such as Mutual Recognition Process and Student Mobility Programme Educational Standard Necessary capacity and Skills ASEAN knowledge, Information and Good Attitude to Public
ASEAN Community 2015 EDUCATION-FUTURE EMPLOYMENT Degree Program in the region Graduate Professional Skills Inter Cultural Skills English
RECOMMENDATIONS §ASEAN Standard Education and Enforcement Mechanisms §Feedback Mechanisms for Cambodia Youth and General Population § Awareness raising on ASEAN Education and Development § Standard Curriculum at Primary, Secondary School, University and Non Formal Education for Youth OUT OF SCHOOL § Scholarship program for CLMV § Education Project Funds for CLMV § Education Accreditation System § Education Reform § English Language at primary and Secondary School § Inter cultural Skills Training § Professional Skills Training
7) ASEAN & Employment
Total Pop in 2010 6, 230, 000 5, 077, 000 15, 269, 000 28, 909, 000 415, 000 60, 163, 000 234, 181, 000 67, 312, 000 86, 930, 000 94, 013, 000 Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 Indonesia Philippines Viet Nam Thailand Mayanmar Malaysia Cambodia Lao Singapore Brunei
Global Unemployment Rate 6. 50% 6. 30% 6. 10% 5. 90% 5. 70% 5. 50% 5. 30% 5. 10% 6. 30% 6. 20% 5. 60% 2007 2009 2010 Global Youth Employment Rate 13. 00% 12. 50% 12. 00% 11. 50% 11. 00% Source: ILO Report 2011 12. 80% 12. 60% 11. 60% 2007 2009 2010
Global Employment Ratio 61. 90 61. 70 61. 50 61. 30 61. 20 61. 10 60. 90 60. 70 2007 2009 2010 §Global Vulnerable Employment Rate is 50. 1% § The share of workers living with families below 2 US$ a day-poverty is estimated at around 39% § Global Poverty Rate is 20. 7% § Asia Unemployment rate is 5. 1% and Vulnerable Employment rate us 78. 5% Source: ILO Report 2011
ASEAN Country Unemployment Rate-2008 -2011 8. 00% 7. 20% 6. 56% 7. 00% 6. 00% 4. 90% 5. 00% 3. 70% 4. 00% 3. 00% 2. 90% 2. 50% 1. 90% 1. 68% 2. 00% 1. 20% 1. 00% nd ila Th a a di bo Ca m or e ga p Sin et na m o Vi ay al Source: World Fact Book, CIA, 2011 La sia i ne M ya M Br u nm sia In do ne es in illi p Ph ar 0. 00%
Cambodia Employment Status Employed : All persons who worked at least one hour during the reference period, the past seven days, or had a job/economic activity from which they were temporary absent are employed. Unpaid family workers are included in employed. Working age Pop 15 -64 8, 864, 000 - 66% In the Labor Force 7, 480, 000 - 56% Not in the labor force 1, 384, 000 Employed 7, 469, 000 -55% Unemployed 11, 000 Main Occupation 0. 10% 23. 50% 49. 20% 26. 90% Self Employed Paid Employed Unpaid family workers Other Cambodia Total Household : 2, 841, 897 CSES 2009, Mo. P
Cambodia Employment Status ASEAN and World Population 8. 8 q ASEAN Employment rate -1. 0 -7. 9% q Cambodia Unemployment Rate is 1. 68% (Census 2008) q Primary ( Agriculture): 72. 3% q Secondary (Industry): 8. 5% q Tertiary (Service): 19. 2% q % of Migrant : 26. 5% ( Census) q Income ( CSES 2009) q Self Employment : 70% q Wage and Salary: 27% q Transfer Service: 2% q Other : 1% q Expenditure (CESE 2009) q Food: 49% q Housing, Water, Electricity, Fuel: 19% q Health : 10% 92 Wo AS rld EA N
Sample of Cambodian Employment through SME, Economic Census 2011 Core Indicators Findings 2011 # of Establishments(182, 439 New establishments), Street business: 43, 653) 505, 134 Cambodia Owners 98. 9% 1 person engaged (%) 44% 2 persons engaged (%) 34. 9% 5 persons engaged and over 39, 537 10 persons engaged and over 13, 170 100 persons engaged and over 787 1000 persons engaged and over 119 Total # of person engaged 1, 676, 263 Male 650, 179 Female (56. 1%) 1, 026, 084 Tenure of business plan (owned) 68. 9% Tenure of business plan (Rented) 24%
Sample of Mining and Economic Land Concession as of 2011, World Fact book, CIA Core Indicators Status Cambodia Total Surface Areas 17, 650, 913 Mining and Economic Land Concession (22%) 3, 936, 481 Mining Concession 1, 900, 311 Economic Land Concession 2, 035, 170
18, 000 16, 543 16, 000 ASEAN estimated GDP 2010 compared other countries (US$ B) 14, 800 14, 000 12, 000 10, 000 8, 000 5, 365 6, 000 5, 273 4, 000 1, 719 2, 000 1, 367 1, 193 991 136 Re Source: ASEAN Community in figures 2010 al an d Ze Ne w pu bl ic of Ko re a st ra lia Au a di In EA N AS n pa Ja a in Ch A US EU 27 0
GDP at current market Prices (US$ mn) 600, 000 546, 865 500, 000 400, 000 300, 000 264, 323 193, 108182, 702 161, 358 200, 000 96, 317 100, 000 24, 973 10, 759 10, 359 5, 579 Source: ASEAN Community in figures 2010 o La bo di a i Ca m ne nm ya M Br u ar m na et Vi Ph illi p in es or e ga p Sin M al ay sia nd ila Th a In do ne sia 0
GDP Per Capita (US$) Singapore 43, 929 Mayanmar Brunei 28, 830 Cambodia Malaysia 592 830 1, 040 8, 262 4, 735 1, 238 2, 0143, 023 Lao Viet Nam Thailand Indonesia Source: ASEAN Statistic 2011 Philippines
Recommendations § Eliminate the informal payment for Investors , Entrepreneur and all businessman §National Employment Policy and Research/M&E System § Review mining and Economic Land Concession for Employment Conditions § SME Support Policy and Exemption System § Manage MFI with full packages-Technical Skills, Marketing Skills and Financial Management Skills § Increased salary and benefits for Public Officials § Develop and Enforcement Minimum Wage Policy Civil Servants q Factory Workers q Hotel, Restaurant Workers q Domestic Workers q Construction Workers q Others
8) ASEAN & Human Rights Declaration
Background of ASEAN Human Right Body 1. World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, Austria June 1993 § 171 Countries and all ASEAN state members § Vienna Declaration-framework for the promotion and protection of Human Rights § ASEAN's commitment to and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms as set out in the Vienna 2. ASEAN Charter § Article 14: In conformity with the purposes and principles of the ASEAN Charter related to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms , ASEAN shall establish an Human Right Body. § This ASEAN Human Rights Body shall operate in accordance with terms of reference to be determined by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting
9) ASEAN 2012
PHNOM PENH AGENDA TIMELINE 3 April 2012 KEY STANDPOINTS 1) ASEAN Charter as Rule Based Organization 2) Roadmap 2009 -2015 toward realization of ASEAN Community 2015 3) Do. C 2002 and Co. C initiative 2012 ( Do. C : Declaration on conducts of parties) 4) Conclusion of ASEAN Human Rights Declaration 5) ASEAN Economic Research Institute 6) Effective implementation of Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 7) Implementation of ASEAN Declaration on the promotion and protection of the rights of migrant workers in the region 8) ASEAN agreement on disaster mgt and Emergency Response 9) ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the rights of women and children
PHNOM PENH DECLARATION TIMELINE 3 April 2012 Key Notes 1) People centred, People oriented and Rule based Organization 2) Do. C, Co. C based on International Law and 1982 UN convention on the law of the sea 3) ASEAN Human Rights Body and HR Declaration 4) ASEAN Common Visa for Non ASEAN Nationals 5) Social Welfare and skills program development for elderly, disable people, youth, women, children, vulnerable and disadvantaged group 6. Others indicated in Phnom Penh Agendas
Executive Body Civil Society Youth Legislative Body Private Sector
RECOMMENDATIONS §Amend ASEAN Constitution and Charter toward High International Standard of Democracy and Human Rights-UN Human Rights Declaration § ASEAN Strategic Plan, Blueprint with core indicators and measurement in transparent and accountable ways ( Target for achievement in 2015 -2020. § Fair and Transparent ASEAN Human Rights Body-ASEAN Declaration on Human Rights § ASEAN Civil Society Body § Obligation in ratification on the promotion and protection of all migrant workers and their families § ASEAN Common Policy and Guideline based on UN Conventions. CEDAW, Child Rights, Migrant Workers… § ASEAN Military Alliances as model of NATO § ASEAN Permanent Precedent § Representation § Promotion § Law Enforcement § Foreign Policy
Bibliographies §ASEAN, 2011, ASEAN statistic Leaflet, selected core indicators, ASEAN Foreign Investment Statistic, Database as of 6 July 2011; Country Submission § Ministry of Planning and Ministry of Health , Royal Government of Cambodia, 2010, Cambodia Health Demographic Survey, www. moh. gov. kh § Ministry of Planning. Royal Government of Cambodia, 2009, Cambodia Socio Economic Survey, www. mop. gov. kh , www. nis. gov. kh , www. db. ncdd. gov. kh § Ministry of Planning, RGC, 2008, Cambodia Demographic Census 2008 § Ministry of Planning, RGC, 2011 Cambodia Economic Census , March 2011 § ASEAN 2010, ASEAN Community in figures 2010 § Google Analysis and Reports § ASEAN Phnom Penh Agenda, 2012 § ASEAN Phnom Penh Declaration, 2012
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