Office of Regional Operations PRESENTATION TO STATE OFFICES

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Regional Office Locations

HRSA Regional Operations: Office Structure § Headquarters § Regional Administrators (RA), Deputy Regional Administrators (DRA) § Office of Regional Operations (ORO) and HRSA Bureaus and Offices, including Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP), staff § Regional Offices§ Each Regional Office has an Operations Plan focusing on 4 Core Functions and selected Essential Topics

ORO Core Functions • Serve as HRSA Liaisons • Serve as Regional Leaders • Conduct outreach to increase knowledge about HRSA's programs and priorities • Identify and report critical ground-level communications and information • Used to inform HRSA's operations, decision-making and allocation of resources • Engage federal, state and local partners • Build relationships to advance HRSA priorities • Provide targeted strategic action • Ensure the efficacy of regional resources • These include human capital, COOP, technology and facilities

ORO Essential Topics

External Affairs & Outreach Ø Intended Results: Effectively represent HRSA at local, state, regional, and national venues/events through broad education on HHS and HRSA priorities, program, funding opportunities and resources. Increase the knowledge base, convene, leverage resources, identify and promote best practices; particularly around the ACA. Ø Strategies: • Leverage the Regional Offices’ geographic proximity to impacted communities and networks of partners • Regular and face-to-face meetings in person with State leadership in each State • Regular and face-to-face meetings with HRSA grantees and stakeholders in the region • Speak at local, State, and Regional events about HRSA programs and priorities • ACA: target hard-to- reach populations, promote Coverage 2 Care.

ACA – Specific Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Represent: Serve as Agency rep for presentations, meetings, panel sessions, workshops, ceremonies, and Secretary visits. Educate: Existing and FY 15 target populations (Tribal, Ryan White stakeholders, rural, African Americans, Latinos, Immigrant, young adults, reentry, persons of all ages working at small businesses Convene: Lead or support events to bring together partners, leverage resources, and educate Disseminate: Identify and share best practices, tools, and cleared materials Surveillance: Identify and share trends, tools, and strategies Mechanisms: webinars, train-the-trainer, ECHO site model, in-person meetings, custom listserves

Key Stakeholders Strategic Stakeholder Partnerships HRSA B/Os Ø Intended Results: Maintain and foster HHS Regional Directors (RD) strategic partnerships to advance HRSA priorities, increase access to care, and drive ACA O/E. Ø Strategies: • Use results of strategic planning (Essential Topics) to define ORO strategic fit and partnership goals • Refine service offerings • Participate and represent HRSA on regional workgroups • Promote replication of activities • Connect local stakeholders and grantees with each other, with HRSA resources and other Federal resources HHS Regional Health Administrator (RHA) CMS & SAMHSA Regional Administrators Other HHS OPDIVs (ACF, AHRQ, ACL) Primary Care Associations State Offices of Rural Health Centers Area Health Education Centers State Medicaid Directors Tribal Organizations HIV/AIDS Organizations Governors/State Lawmakers State Health Officers Colleges/Universities

Surveillance Ø Intended Results: Maximize geographic location and proximity to grantees/target populations to identify and report critical ground-level information about regional/state activities to inform HRSA’s operations, decision-making, and allocation of resources. Ø Strategies: • • • Continue to refine the monthly Environmental Snapshot publication and the monthly Regional Director report Establish a new mechanism to support rapid/sensitive information exchange. Conduct surveillance and analysis of the health care environment, and communicate with HHS Regional leadership and HRSA leadership and staff about emerging regional, state, and local issues and trends

Regional Management Ø Intended Results: Ensure efficacy of HRSA’s regional resources which include human capital, technology, and facilities Ø Strategies: • Assess ability to realign staff functions to provide • • additional opportunities for regional staff. Additional focus on communications Promote effective regional events focused on staff • • Staff Education Day Staff Wellness Day

Rural Specific Activities � Connecting to HRSA Funding Opportunities Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (FLEX) Grants (R 1, 8 and 10) � SORH Regional Meetings ACA Overview Lessons learned with focus on increased rural outreach HRSA Updates � Understanding Trends and Issues Conference Attendance (Rural Health Round Table Symposium (R 1)) Rapid growth of rural area (e. g. , Bakkan Region (R 8)) Workforce � Meeting with Rural Health Departments Education and provide information (R 3 and 7) � ACA Education State-based Health Insurance Marketplaces � Support for utilization of Telehealth Resource Centers

HRSA ORO Headquarters Contact Information CYNTHIA GRUBBS, RN, JD SENIOR ADVISOR CGRUBBS@HRSA. GOV 301 -443 - 7070
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