Nzev koly Zkladn kola a matesk kola Hluice
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Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola, Hlušice Autor: Paed. Dr. Vaňková Marcela Číslo projektu: CZ. 1. 07/1. 4. 00/21. 3235 Název: VY_32_INOVACE_3 C_16_Countable/ Uncountable nouns Téma: Anglická gramatika v 6. a 9. ročníku ZŠ
ANOTACE: 1) Materiál je určen pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ. Dle úvodní stránky učitel navodí téma Food a tím Countable/ Uncountable nouns. 2) Následuje seznámení se základními výrazy vyjadřující množství počitatelných/ nepočitatelných podstatných jmen. 3) Procvičení Countable/ Uncountable nouns – zařazení výrazů do správné tabulky. 4) Procvičení počitatelnosti – výrazy: much, many/ a few, a little, úkolem je zakroužkovat správné. 5) Závěr – dle vzorových otázek vytvářet dialogy, použít slova dle obrázku, práce ve dvojicích - konverzace.
Countable/ Uncountable nouns What do you prefer, tea or coffee? How much sugar? No sugar for me. How much is it? What would you like to drink? Could you recommend us a good restaurant near the beach? May I invite you for a drink? I would like coffee with milk. BREAKFAST LUNCH SUPPER
Countable/ Uncountable nouns Countable nouns are nouns we can count. Uncountable nouns are nouns we cannot count. a/ an apple – two apples [ some] rice I eat a lot of apples. How many apples do you eat? I drink a lot of milk. How much milk do you drink? • too many [more than I need] - (příliš) • too much [more than I need] - (příliš) • a lot of / lots of - (mnoho) • some / a few – (několik) • some / a little – (trochu) • not many / [very] few - (velmi málo) • not much / [very] little - (velmi málo) • none - (nic)
Countable/ Uncountable nouns Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Write words in the correct column milk money bread . . . . . cherry sugar egg . . . . . rice orange tea . . . . . meat cheese biscuit . . . . . coffee water banana . . . . . yoghurt soup sandwich . . . . . flour strawberry tomato . . . . .
Much / Many – a few/ a little Choose the correct item and circle. How much/ How many apple juice is there? I’ve got a few/ a little coffee. Did he drink any milk? Not many/ Not much. How much/ How many cheese do you want? There isn’t many/ much cake. How about a little/ a few biscuits? Can I have a few/ a little apples, please? How much/ How many money do you need?
Much / Many – a few/ a little Correct: How much/ How many apple juice is there? I’ve got a few/ a little coffee. Did he drink any milk? Not many/ Not much. How much/ How many cheese do you want? There isn’t many/ much cake. How about a little/ a few biscuits? Can I have a few/ a little apples, please? How much/ How many money do you need?
MAKE DIALOGUES How much/ How many. . . do you want? Can I have a few/ a little. . . , please? How much/ How many. . . . do you need? . . . .
CITACE: http: //www. google. com/imgres? q=food+clipart&hl=cs&biw=1280&bih=515&tbm=isch&tbnid=cjg 4 hx. Hcy. Bu. Se. M: &im grefurl=http: //cz. 123 rf. com/photo_6919449_junk-food-clipart-elements-andicons. html&docid=b. TCDm. SOg. GYLVi. M&imgurl=http: //us. 123 rf. com/400 wm/400/boohoo 1005/booho o 100500001/6919449 -junk-food-clipart-elements-andicons. jpg&w=1200&h=1200&ei=2 p. Oz. Uf. Oj. C 62 P 4 g. T 7 wo. Hw. DQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=111&dur=13562&hovh =225&hovw=225&tx=113&ty=126&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=142&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1 t: 429, r: 0, s: 0, i: 81 http: //www. google. com/imgres? q=food+clipart&start=197&hl=cs&biw=1280&bih=515&tbm=isch&tbnid=a_e 6 w 2 EO Zor. Xs. M: &imgrefurl=http: //food-pictures. feedio. net/free-thanksgiving-graphics-table-of-food-free-food-clipart/desktoppub. about. com*library*holidays*pdh 022. gif/&docid=N_Ix. Fo 7 ke. VHw. UM&imgurl=http: //www. freevector. com/site_media/preview_images/Free. Vector-Free-Food-Graphics. jpg&w=1024&h=721&ei=q. ZWz. Uark. BLw 4 QS 4 uo. Dg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=188&page=9&tbnh=142&tbnw=202&ndsp=28&ved=1 t: 429, r: 0, s: 200, i: 4&tx =97&ty=79 http: //www. google. com/imgres? q=food+clipart&hl=cs&biw=1280&bih=515&tbm=isch&tbnid=O 7 Fp. SJ_WMDH 8 HM : &imgrefurl=http: //bestclipartblog. com/29 -food-clip-art. html/food-clip-art 3&docid=1 ot. FAn. CHSHCqf. M&imgurl=http: //bestclipartblog. com/clipart-pics/food-clip-art 3. gif&w=288&h=256&ei=2 p. Oz. Uf. Oj. C 62 P 4 g. T 7 wo. Hw. DQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=140&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=160& start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1 t: 429, r: 5, s: 0, i: 96&tx=75&ty=92 http: //www. google. com/imgres? q=food+clipart&start=93&hl=cs&biw=1280&bih=515&tbm=isch&tbnid=1 l 6 b. QOvq. N 1 m. Qr. M: &imgrefurl=http: //foodclipart. org/milk-royalty-free-food-clipartimages. html&docid=SMm. Cy. KFov. ZXX_M&imgurl=http: //foodclipart. org/images/stories/foodclipart/milk/Milk_Foo d_Clipart. png&w=654&h=800&ei=s. Jiz. UYGi. NY_04 QT 134 Go. BA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=141&page=5&tbnh=148&tbn w=121&ndsp=30&ved=1 t: 429, r: 18, s: 100, i: 58&tx=51&ty=92 Angličtina v kostce, Iva Dostálová, Fragment, 2006 Essential Grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press Project English 3, Oxford, Tom Hutchinson, Grammar summary Angličtina, Školní kurz gramatiky, Maria Birkenmajer, E. Maňko, Infoa 2008 The Good Grammar Book, Michael Swan, Catherine Walter, Oxford University Press 3 v 1 Angličtina – maturitní minimum, Infoa 2009, Donata Olejník Let’s study grammar, Anglick 8 gramatika pro 2. stupeň ZŠ, Infoa 2009, Milada Krajewska Spark 2, Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing 2010