Nzev koly Zkladn kola a matesk kola Hluice
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Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola, Hlušice Autor: Paed. Dr. Vaňková Marcela Číslo projektu: CZ. 1. 07/1. 4. 00/21. 3235 Název: VY_32_INOVACE_1 A_03_Present simple. perfect or past Téma: Anglická gramatika v 7. a 8. ročníku ZŠ
ANOTACE: � � � 1) Materiál je určen pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ. Dle úvodních vět a tabulek učitel připomene žákům tvorbu času: předpřítomného a prostého minulého. Nové: rozdíl mezi užitím času předpřítomného a minulého, charakterizující výrazy (příslovce). 2) Následuje ukázka rozhovoru a procvičení: seřazení slov dle správného pořadí do vět – věta kladná, záporná, otázka v minulém a předpřítomném času. Pro individuální názornou práci je vhodné stránku vytisknou, rozstříhat slova a sestavovat věty manuálně. Kontrola dle vzoru. 3) Doplňování správných tvarů sloves v textu – příčestí minulé, tvary minulého času. Kontrola je po odhalení barevných obdélníků. 4) Závěr – zpestření gramatiky present perfect and past simple s obrázky – výroky ze života. 5) Zařazení materiálu do úvodních hodin – present perfect or past simple.
Present perfect or past simple? PAST NOW Present perfect: we think about the past and present together. Past simple: we think only about the past, not the present. I´ve written to John, so he knows what´s happening now. My grandmother wrote me a lot of letters last year. John has broken his leg and he can´t play tennis. John broke his leg two years ago.
DIALOGUES: Where´s Bill? He´s gone to Greece. He was there last year, too. Doctor, doctor, I´ve lost my memory. I see. How long have you had this problem? Here´s the medicine for you.
Exercises: Put the words in the correct order. love any Have ever you written letter? didn´t You much do last work week. school. finished I haven´t I studied since buy Did bread she the yesterday ? already read has He book the . went England to ago. They three months
Check your sentences: Have you ever written any love letter? You didn´t do much work last week. I haven´t studied since I finished school. Did she buy the bread yesterday ? He has already read the book . They went to England three months ago.
Put simple past verbs into the story „Cinderella“ be get up sweep make clean wash iron wash up put tidy do � Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. Every day she got up early, she swept the floors, she made the beds, she cleaned the furniture, she washed and ironed the clothes, she washed up all the dishes and put them away. She tidied all the rooms, and she did hundreds of other jobs.
Now put present perfect verbs into conversation. do sweep make clean wash iron wash up put tidy do � Well, Cinderella, have you done everything? Have you swept the floors? Have you made the beds? Have you cleaned the furniture? Have you washed the clothes? Have you ironed them? Have you washed up the dishes? And have you put them away? Have you tidied all the rooms? � No, I haven´t done anything. I´m going to marry the Prince. Goodbye!
COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. have eat find has eaten your The cat …. . ………. supper. has found Dad …………. . . his glasses. has had Bill …………… an accident. take find fall took She ………. . it off the table when I was out. find Where did he ………… them? Under his pillow. fell He ………. . off his bike last night.
CITACE: � � � � http: //office. microsoft. com/cscz/images/results. aspx? ex=2&qu=oko#ai: MC 900339198|mt: 0| http: //office. microsoft. com/cscz/images/results. aspx? ex=2&qu=oko#ai: MC 900217120|mt: 0| http: //office. microsoft. com/cscz/images/results. aspx? qu=komunikace&ctt=1#ai: MP 900386281|mt: 0| http: //office. microsoft. com/cscz/images/results. aspx? qu=doktor&ctt=1#ai: MM 900295154|mt: 0| http: //office. microsoft. com/cscz/images/results. aspx? qu=ko%C 4%8 Dka&ctt=1#ai: MP 900427655|mt: 0| http: //office. microsoft. com/cscz/images/results. aspx? ex=2&qu=pero#ai: MC 900441726|mt: 0| The Good Grammar Book, Michael Swan, Catherine Walter, Oxford University Press , 2008, p. 54 - 55 Project English 3, Oxford University Press, Tom Hutchinson, Grammar summary, p. 80 - 81