Nuts and Bolts of Teaching Observing and Tutoring

Nuts and Bolts of Teaching, Observing, and Tutoring Abel Villarreal Sharon Duncan Center for Teacher Certification Austin Community College Part 1: Teaching 101

“TV” Training Tutors with Vision, “TV” began with a vision and spark between veteran teachers. Knowing that all students have special needs and a need a personal touch, we “birthed” a unique tutoring program with Bedichek Middle School in Austin, TX. Many thanks to Abel Villarreal, Gail Belcher, and Nancy Shaer for their enthusiasm, commitment, and vision. Sharon Duncan Director, Teacher Certification

“TV” Specifics ¡ ¡ Tutors interested in teaching come from Austin Community College Teacher Certification program, Associates of Arts in Teaching, or Middle School Math courses. Tutors agree to train using online “TV” training materials and a face-to-face session. Tutors agree to work with Ms. Shaer’s 8 th grade math students. Ms. Shaer will first assess student abilities, and along with last year’s TAKS scores’ disaggregated data, specific math questions (and answers) for specific objectives will be given to each tutor. Tutors will work with students for at least 16 hours during the semester (or as many times as possible).

Why do you want to be a teacher? Summer vacation ¡ Holidays off ¡ It’s an easy job ¡ More time with my family ¡ Instant gratification ¡ Teaching is an 8: 00 -4: 00 job ¡

WRONG! All of these answers are myths!

Another Myth “Those who can, DO; those who can’t, TEACH!” Teaching is a gift and a calling. Not everyone can teach. Most teachers agree that teaching is their most challenging job.

What we see in the media sways our view of teaching Rent or view one “teacher movie” from the following, put your feet up…watch with these thoughts in mind…

Determine: 1. Name two student perceptions that are imagined or exaggerated. 2. Name two real student perceptions that the movie failed to portray. 3. How you could blend the best qualities of the teacher movies with the best qualities of a real classroom teacher without losing sight of reality?

Blackboard Jungle, 1955 Juvenile delinquents synonymous with violent thugs; teacher is the gobetween for students and outside world; law and order era where delinquents eventually go to jail.

To Sir, With Love, 1967 English youth on verge of delinquency; time of long hair, Beatles, hippies; confrontation between teacher and students begins “real education” of youth. Teacher allowed to throw out curriculum and teach survival skills to students; issues of trust and respect played key role in student turnaround.

Conrack, 1974 Young teacher seen as Peace Corp volunteer in deep, isolated South Carolina island; students have had little or no contact with outside world. Rote learning as a basis of communication; teacher respect is a given; what was learned is not as important as HOW it is taught (dignity, integrity, respect, etc. )

Stand Deliver, 1988 First “good guy” Hispanic role model; works with hard core Hispanic delinquent students; tough love teaching with a twist of humor; connects outside world with real world examples; deep understanding of mathematics is key to passing in AP calculus exam and college opportunities; dedication, lots of extra hours in classroom, trust and respect keys to student success.

Lean on Me, 1989 African American version of Stand Deliver; good guy character is school principal with very unforgiving streak of tough love and little humor; no excuse achievement; expels all students who are dangerous influences on student body.

Dangerous Minds, 1995 First female in role of hero teacher; middle class teacher values meets ghetto culture and exchange experiences; required curriculum ignored for similar learning experiences; curiosity and prizes key elements in teacher success; again, trust and respect key building blocks for student success.

October Sky, 1999 Unshakable teacher trusts in her students’ abilities and dreams; aspires teenage boys to become rocketeers; teaches boys to see and dream beyond the coal mines and cultural boundaries that would hinder them.

Boston Public The lives of 10 faculty members at a high school in Boston, Mass. weave in and out of dealing with troublemakers, having a personal life, and keeping sanity. Television show featuring inner city students and problems with zealous teachers who go way beyond to help students. Especially interesting is ambient lighting, free time, lack of bells and interruptions, and students who usually see the light. (Limited run. )

Freedom Writers, 2007 Ghetto kids “write” their way out of failure; once teacher established trust and respect with hard core academic failures, everyone invested more time after school, evenings to catch up on writing skills needed to better express their thoughts about their lives and their surroundings. Teacher worked tirelessly and sacrificed much to advocate, support, teach her students. The ultimate goal was to have their “stories” published (available in bookstores now!)

Chalk, 2007 Movie filmed in Austin, TX… In the comedic style of The Office and the films of Christopher Guest, CHALK is a spirited portrait of life in the trenches of that most honorable and frustrating profession. . . teaching. It’s the start of a memorable new year at Harrison High. The self conscious Mr. Stroope is convinced that his time has come, this year he will be furnished with the golden title of “Teacher of the Year”. If his smarter students would just stop using words that are longer than his own. Peek into Mr. Lowrey’s History class and you’ll see that he’s struggling to even call himself a teacher. Woefully inept due to a complete lack of experience and social skills, he earnestly stutters his way through class. The only interaction his students offer him is when they steal his chalk. Men aren’t much interested in the spunky and officious Coach Webb but “not all P. E. teachers are gay” and she pines for some romantic company. Her once best friend, the newly appointed assistant principal, Mrs. Reddell, doesn’t seem to have time for her either as her new power post is all-consuming; battling egos, enduring teacher conferences and her lighthouse obsessed boss. Coach Webb wonders if her former confidante has forgotten just how hard teaching really is. http: //www. chalkthefilm. com/#/home

Fact versus Fiction How will your classroom experience differ from those in the movies? ¡ Will you experience situations like those you see and hear through the media? ¡ Why are you seriously considering teaching? ¡ What are the facts that you will encounter? ¡

Teacher Realities • 10 to 12 -hour days. • wearing many “hats” daily. • the average class has a majority of students with low level academic skills, but students are expected to accomplish high academic goals. • balancing self esteem and self worth with “real” academic success. • earning low wages/held to a high standard of morals and ethics. • held accountable for student state standardized test results (TAKS).

Long Days and Nights • teach a full load of classes, 3 to 4 lesson preps. • attend numerous meetings. • complete all kinds of forms, reports, etc. • perform hall duty, fire drills, homeroom checks. • answer emails, phone calls • grade papers almost every night. • write/edit lessons and handouts. • call parents.

Master Juggler • balance classroom operations and safety procedures with administrative directives. • balance personal life, family with school life and responsibilities. • balance academic needs of a student with the academic needs of a whole class. • find a working/productive balance between lecturing and student-lead instruction. • find a productive, consistent, and flexible criteria for assigning passing and failing grades.

Teacher Jargon Trust The act of believing or having faith in someone. Teacherstudent interaction foundation from which all learning is based. A teacher word or promise has great impact in the classroom. Respect The act of recognizing one’s authority and integrity. Foundation from which both students and teacher will build bridges into the future. Principles of Learning Teaching model used by AISD to evaluate/revise student responses and progress. Accountable talk One of the elements in the Principles of Learning that focuses on students interacting with each other and using the vocabulary, key concepts and ideas of a given lesson. IPG (Instructional Planning Guide) A detailed interwoven matrix of teacher resources, lesson objectives, 6 -weeks timetable, and TAKS objectives. TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge Skills) Examination The state of Texas required examination for students from Grade 3 through 12. Presently, there are 4 exit level exams (English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science), NCLB (No Child Left Behind) President G. W. Bush’s education initiative to improve education for everyone. The initiative has a good number of provisions, goals, and mandates that affect every classroom across the country.

Required Communication ¡ ¡ Voice tones are intonations added to your voice to express happiness, excitement, sadness, disappointment, etc. Positive tones of voice are generally excitement over what your teaching. Usually, a soft spoken voice is used to convey calm, concern, respect, and objectivity. A calm and softspoken voice is effective in parent conferences, student/teacher conferences, calling parents on the phone. A stern voice demands attention, but use this voice ONLY as needed. You can wear out its effectiveness over time and constant use. An excited voice usually communicates attention and interest, but like other voice types use it sparingly and in a good context. Speak “matter of fact” when it comes to grades, student progress, and goals. This type of voice communicates objectivity and fairness. Use this voice often when referring to a particular outcome of a lesson or activity.

Effective Body Language & Eye Contact ¡ Body language - Use the 8 tips from “Tips for Positive Body Language” from Performance Learning PLUS #25. www. plsweb. com/resources/newsletters/enews_archives/25_body_language. pdf ¡ Do several simulated body language expressions and see if others can guess what they are and whether they are positive or negative; suggest/discuss more positive alternate body language actions. ¡ Eye Contact - Mean what you say with proper voice, eye contact and body language. Use highlights of “The Importance of Eye Contact in the Classroom” http: //iteslj. org/Techniques/Darn-Eye. Contact. html ¡ Complete several simulated eye contact examples and see if others can guess whether the “eye contacts” are positive, negative, or neither.

Why are Trust and Respect Important? Without trust and respect, a teacher has no credibility and no functional authority to teach anything. Just because the teacher has automatic administrative and legal authority in a classroom does NOT mean learning will automatically take place. Trust and respect are the bedrock upon which students and teachers build academic connections and relationships.

How does a teacher earn trust and respect from students? • Be consistent in word, deed, and action. • Be truthful and upfront • Be respectful of student experiences and background, whether you agree or not. • Keep the promises you make, no matter how trivial they may be. • Remember student birthdays and family connections as often as possible. • Be available to help students in areas outside your expertise or specialty.

Teaching 201 Now that you know the myths, facts and realities (at least superficially), and basics on relating to students, are you ready to walk into a classroom and face students? ¡ Will you be successful on the first day? ¡

Remember that students ¡ want success need attention are more than numbers and statistics need consistency ¡ So start with data, point A… ¡ ¡ ¡

Standardized Testing Data Opposing viewpoints and opinions about standardized testing and scores have vigorously wrestled with each other for decades. This training is not to debate further, but rather to learn HOW TO USE standardized test data to build student academic profiles. Academic profiles are used to pinpoint student academic weaknesses and deficiencies and formulate an efficient and positive action plan to remedy those deficiencies. Texas school districts are doing exactly this.

TAKS Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills state-mandated exam that covers the four core areas (science, mathematics, English, social studies). Each grade has a specific set of objectives and skills to master. Math objectives are similar from Kindergarten through 8 th grade

Other Data: Benchmark testing ¡ ¡ ¡ Beginning of Year, Bo. Y, Middle of Year, Mo. Y, End of Year, Eo. Y exams have been in effect for several years now. The tests are district-written annual “practice” TAKS examinations. The rationale for benchmark testing is to simulate TAKS test items at different grade levels and use the data to get insight into specific grade levels, areas or objectives where students are weak.

Caution… ¡ Due to the inconsistency of the data gathering process, benchmark data may, in some cases, be incomplete and out of date. Use standardized testing data sparingly and in conjunction with other forms of data.

Report Cards Six or nine week report cards present a more detailed and consistent record of academic progress. It also contains valuable information about attendance, teacher comments, academic consistency, and credits earned. Information found here can help parents, teachers, and counselors decide if the student is capable or ready to tackle pre-AP (honors) level classes.

Attendance Reports Though class attendance is shown on report cards, it may become necessary to generate one or more attendance reports from your class rosters or attendance office BEFORE the end of the grading period. Poor attendance MAY (but not necessarily) be a primary reason for the lack of academic progress, low grades, or poor attitude.

Progress Reports Most school districts require teachers to submit progress reports every 3 weeks. Most teachers usually mark “borderline” or “failing” and do not bother to mark other relevant comments (respectful, excellent achievement, lack of effort, etc. ) However, these other comments shed light on student behavior and general well being.

Special Education/504 modifications In the course of normal classroom operating procedure and routine, you will have students who are classified special education” (Special Ed) or have specific medical, physical, or mental circumstances (504) that warrant a revised teaching mode, accommodation, or specific alterations to the normal routine. The goal of data is to formulate a feasible and productive solution to unproductive student academic performance. Do not formulate a strategy or plan WITHOUT checking a student’s Special Ed or 504 status.

Disciplinary Referral Data If a student has several disciplinary referrals for short attention span and boredom, the last thing you want to do is formulate a remediation plan that requires the student to stay focused and seated for long periods of time.

Teacher and Student Interactions • • • determine what kind of interactions worked best with students (as low key tutor, as substitute teacher, as mentor/tutor, etc. ) build on successful interactions and expand/enhance them toward more of a teacher type interaction. repeat, improve, and streamline the lesson rewriting process. The goal is to make the process into a normal teacher routine.

Rewards ¡ ¡ ¡ Intrinsic rewards refer to praising the inner self with positive complements and respect and motivating it to do more good work. Extrinsic rewards refer to concrete payoffs for a job well done (pizza party, movie passes, etc. ) A balance must be struck between the two types of rewards, and a teacher will “feel” his/her way toward that happy balance. Be very careful when using rewards, as they can get out of control and make or break student success. [You can also spend money needlessly. ]

Praise and Reward Student Success Ask classroom teacher to recognize student success. ¡ Give genuine praise and respect to student for accomplishment. ¡ Ask classroom teacher to call home with a “good” report on success. ¡ Recognize student accomplishment in front of student’s peers. ¡

What are your expectations? To build a relationship with students; ¡ To make math more concrete and less abstract; ¡ To teach based on student data and needs; ¡ To reach students who can succeed, with your help. ¡

Questions? Jot down your questions to ask at the training.

Do you still want to be a teacher? o If you have separated fact from reality, understood data and student needs and still hear a calling, then you are ready for spending time with real students who need your help. o You are ready to tutor…with vision. o Sign up for face-to-face training, date TBA.

Keeping track of field experiences o o o Refer to the ACC Observation/Field Experience packet and complete 16 hours of service in the fall. Contact Sharon Duncan or Abel Villarreal about tutoring, volunteering, and training. When you visit schools, be a “fly on the wall” and thank teachers and school secretaries for the opportunity to visit their school. Networking this way will help increase your chances of employment and help you focus on the campuses where you feel most comfortable.
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