Non Mendelian Genetics Foldable Fold your paper so
Non Mendelian Genetics Foldable
Fold your paper so you have 2 flaps opposite each other l l l Next cut four divisions on each side. You should have a total of 8, four on each side. Label the left side: Co. Dominance, Incomplete Dominance, Polygenetic, Gametes, Label the 1 st flap on the right side Multiple Alleles, label the 2 nd flap Epistasis, 3 rd flap Autosomes and the 4 th flap Sex-Linked Co. Dominance Multiple Alleles Incomplete Dominance Epistasis Polygenetic Autosomes Gametes Sex-Linked
Codominance l Under the codominance flap write: – Both alleles contribute to phenotype l l Normal blood cells x Sickle blood cells = both normal and sickle cell blood. In this case it would be a positive change. People who are carriers for sickle cell disease are protected against Malaria!
Incomplete Dominance – – On the first flap write: Heterozygous phenotype is halfway in between the two homozygous phenotypes l l Red flower x white flower = pink flower!!! RR X WW = RW
Multiple Alleles l Under the first flap write: – Many genes have MORE than two alleles l l Human blood type (A, B, O) Blood type is written with the letter I to represent A and B which are codominate and i to represent O which is recessive.
Epistasis l Under the 2 nd flap write: – the effect of one gene is dependent on the presence of one or more 'modifier genes', i. e. the genetic background
Polygenic Traits Under the polygenic flap write: Traits produced by interaction of more than one gene Human skin color and height l Always makes a bell shaped curve l
Gametes l l l Write the following under the gamete flap Gametes are sex cells, they have ½ the number of chromosomes as autosomes (23 instead of 46) Male gamete –sperm Female gamete – egg The gene for sex if on the Y chromosome so the Male decides the sex of the baby. 50 to 50 chance of having a male or female
Autosomes l l Under the flap write The other 22 pair of chromosomes Carry information about everything else except sex Autosomal mutations are not passed to offspring. Ex. skin cancer
Sex linked disorders l l Under the flap write: Sex link traits are traits carried on the X chromosome. Males have a 50 percent chance of inheriting a sex linked disorder. Females have a 25 percent chance. Examples: color blindness, hemophilia, muscular dystrophy
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