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HISTORY June 1, 1828 (during the Habsburg Monarchy) - the first kindergarten, called Angyalkert (located in the Buda Castle), was founded by Teréz Brunszvik after she got acquainted with Pestalozzi. April 21, 1852 - the first nursery school was established in Pest.
HISTORY During the socialist era the previous development had been broken off and there was different Children’s Policy and Regulation than before. The Second World War has destroyed the country in many ways, leaving everything in ruins.
HISTORY Population: 13, 7 million. Victims - Holocaust: 600. 000 Jewish and during the Porajmos 20 -30. 000 Romani people were murdered. 340 -360. 000 soldiers and 80100. 000 civils died.
HISTORY Somewhere in Europe (Dir. Géza Radványi- 1948) http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=7 Ntp. GSQN 8 Ts [English subtitles] This powerful postwar Hungarian film captured the horrible situation of Hungary’s desperate war orphans.
HISTORY Title 1949 1960 9 316 074 9 204 799 9 961 044 10 322 099 10 709 463 10 374 823 10 200 298 10 014 324 177 047 190 398 146 461 151 819 148 673 125 679 97 047 90 335 per 1000 people 18, 9 20, 6 14, 7 13, 9 12, 1 9, 5 9 Total ferility rate 2, 48 2, 54 2, 02 1, 97 1, 92 1, 84 1, 31 1, 26 Population, January 1 The number of live-births 1941 1970 1980 1990 2001 2010 The number of losses of fetus . . 197 916 223 640 102 010 108 689 72 696 57 159 per 100 liveborns . . 135, 1 147, 3 68, 6 86, 5 74, 9 63, 3 The number of abortions . . 162 160 192 283 80 882 90 394 56 404 40 449 per 100 liveborns . . 110, 7 126, 7 54, 4 71, 9 58, 1 44, 8
HISTORY In 1948, the Communist Party rose to power with soviet assistance. The post-war reconstruction was managed by the Communist Party, supported by the soviet occupation army. This has resulted in industrialization.
HISTORY Notable geographical mobility: people moved to cities from the countryside. Occupational and job mobility: people started working for the industrial field instead of the agriculture. Women’s employment has started off. Educational institutions for children became necessary.
HISTORY u Two types of institutions: u nursery school, u kindergarten.
Child and Family Services I. paramedical children services prenatal care, assistance (or help) for families by giving information about nursing a newborn or a young child. u It was a caritative organization previously, which was founded in 1927,
I. Paramedical children services u From 1951, paramedical children service was founded, nurses worked together with pediatricians, u From the 1960 s, they have extended their services by working in primary and secondary schools.
II. Free of charge and obligatory vaccination Age from 2006 0 -6 weeks BCG 2 months DTPa-IPV-Hib 3 months DTPa-IPV-Hib 4 months DTPa-IPV-Hib 5 months 15 months MMR 18 months DTPa-IPV-Hib 3 years DTPa-IPV 6 years DTPa-IPV 11 years dt; MMR 14 years Hepatitis B
II. Free of charge and obligatory vaccination - BCG – antitubercular vaccination Bacille Calmette-Guérin, 1953. – DTP – antidiphtherial, antitetanic, antipertussis vaccination (earlier it was known as Di-Per-Te), since 1954. – Pw – overall antipertussis vaccination. – Pa – presently, the active ingredient containing only purified antigens, which cures pertussis.
II. Free of charge and obligatory vaccination – OPV – since 1957, an orally administered vaccination against paralysis, which contains living, weakened virus stems. IPV evolved from OPV in 1992. – IPV – inactivated poliovirus vaccination against paralysis. – HIB – anti-Haemophilus influenzae vaccination – since 1999.
II. Free of charge and obligatory vaccination – MMR – antimumps, antimorbilli, antirubeola vaccination, since 1969. – Hepatitis B - antihepatitis-b vaccination, since 1999.
III. Family allowance u In 1975, family allowance became an entitlement for all families with multiple children, regardless which economic sector they had worked in. u 1983 - the one child family, until the age of six. u From 1990 - universal entitlement until the age of 18 regardless whether the parent works or not.
III. Family allowance Amount of allowance in terms of average wage 1950 - 5% 1990 - 20% 2011 - 10% From 1999, parents only receive the allowance if their children attend school – the name of the service was school financial support
IV. Child care allowance u 1953 - pregnancy and child allowance for 12 weeks + one lump sum for maternity care at time of giving birth u 1969 - child care allowance until the age of three - low birth rate - labour market redundancy (in contrast with the ideological propaganda of full employment)
IV. Child care allowance u <= Between 1950 and 1956 abortion ban and the childless tax. Children born then would later lack sufficient work. u 1973 - raised fixed sum child care allowance taking only the number of children into account, and not the mother’s earnings. The compensation was relatively speaking lower for higher earners.
IV. Child care allowance u 1985 - child care benefit – equivalent to sick-pay, 75 (65)% of salary. Compensatory value is acceptable to mothers with higher earnings. (Until the age of one, and from 1987 until the age of two. ) The entitlement for child care allowance was still in place until the age of three. This enabled mothers to stay at home until their youngest child was still just three years old.
IV. Child care allowance u 1993 - mothers with three or more children could receive aid equivalent to the minimum pension as long as their youngest child was between 3 and 8 years of age.
IV. Child care allowance u When a mother removes herself from the labour market to care for her children, and receives the aforementioned government allowance, her status counts as employed from the time the amount of pension is determined.
IV. Child care allowance u There is the possibility that the stay at home father be eligible for child care support, however, the system is not conducive to this incentive – as opposed to Austria, for example. u These provisions are also available in the case of adoptions.
IV. Child care allowance u In Hungary, it is taken for granted that mothers will leave the workforce in order to take care of their children at home until the smallest child is 3 years old. u <-> The three-year period is the result of a policy decision, and does not fall back on the child/mother needs.
IV. Child care allowance u <->Disadvantaged families don’t have access to family services that would facilitate sociocultural equalization. u <-> Although mothers at this time cannot be dismissed from their jobs, they find it difficult to make their return to the labour market.
IV. Child care allowance u <->The risk of economic hardship is significant in families where the child caring mother doesn’t earn any income.
CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY Political circumstances The elected government in 2010 – 53% of the votes, 66+% of the mandates u official collaboration between two parties (in election as well as in the government, but two fractions in the parliament – FIDESZ + Christian. Democrat Party (several politicians are in both of the parties),
Political circumstances u the Christian-Democrat Party is in charge of the Ministry of National Resources and all of its departments: health, culture, education, social affairs, the ideology of this party sees the importance of women in families, and they try to encourage this,
Political circumstances u basic laws and regulations are taken in action without the asking the parliament or the society. E. g. , as for the education law: it is compulsory to teach religion or ethics, it is obligatory to put children in kindergarten after the age of 3, mandatory learning is until the age of 16, and primary, secondary schools are being taken over by the government instead of local governments,
Political circumstances u in the first 1, 5 years of the new government there was no female minister - since then this has changed, u the constitution says that life begins by the conception – this gives right to restrict abortion,
Political circumstances u in 1948, possessions of the churches have been nationalized and have not been given back after 1990. According to the agreement between the prime minister and the Vatican the church's educational or social institutions get bigger amount of financial support (150%).
Political circumstances u State funding in Hungary is onechannelled: the central budget gives support, which is not enough for covering the expenses of service, that's why local governments support their institutions with more assistance.
Political circumstances Institutions of for-profit enterprises (e. g. , kindergarten) pull high prices; non-profit organisations get their income from charity or other resources. In the last couple years several organizations and local government have handed over their institutions (e. g. , a school of a small village) to church, because they are not able to finance them.
Political circumstances u The government prefers religious schools. From 2012, governmentpaid places for university students are cut back. For example, there are 8 law-schools in Hungary, but only 2 of them will have government-paid places. 50 places at Eötvös Loránd University and 50 places at a Catholic university in Budapest.
Regions u Central Hungary (Budapest and rural): in the production of GDP and making income it is above average of the EU 27. u Western Hungary is the second in development, bordering Austria, Slovenia and Croatia – this part of Hungary has many small villages.
Regions u Southern Hungary bordering Croatia and Serbia - this part has also a lot of small villages and a high number of Romani population. u Eastern Hungary - big Romani population.
Regions u Northern Hungary: the worst economical situation is here in Hungary, many people move to Central Hungary. The highest rate of Romani population.
Romani people u The risks which have been listed before concern almost all of the Romani people, that’s why a lot of disadvantaged children in Hungary is Romani. Ethnic discrimination is typical towards Romani adults and children. The number of Romani people living in Hungary: 600 000 -800 000.
Romani people u Hungary's population has decreased (in 2011 it was under 10 million), the number of Romani people has grown. There's an estimated 15% of children who starts primary school is Romani.
CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY 2007 -2032 – The national program “Children’s Odds in Hungary” (Gyerekesélyek Magyarországon) concerns Romani children and families, because they are disadvantaged.
CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY u Proportion of relative poverty: proportion of children living below 60% of the median population, according to the different types of households with children and without children in 2009. Source: “Children’s Odds in Hungary” (Gyerekesélyek Magyarországon) u http: //www. gyerekesely. hu/index. php? opt ion=com_weblinks&view=category&id=19 &Itemid=96
. CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY Total: 2006 2007 2008 2009 16 12 12 12 8 8 7 16 16 18 Childless 10 households, total: Households with 21 child/children, total: Measures of the government, elected in 2010: • Family allowance has not increased, • Tax base reducing allowance has been arranged, which can be split between parents.
CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY Children whom are dependents by their families (including university students and vocational trainees) Number of children because of whom the allowance can be taken = 0 -18 year-olds + fetus+ primary or secondary school students 1 2 3 1 62 500 2 62 500 125 000 3 206 250 412 500 618 750
CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY Average national wage in 2010: 200 696 HUF – a university professor earns this amount of money by the time of his/her 31 th year of working as a teacher.
CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY The government has prepared a national strategy for 2007 -2032 “Children’s Odds in Hungary” (Gyerekesélyek Magyarországon) , May 31, 2007. (English and French description: http: //www. gyerekesely. hu/index. ph p - graphics above show the effect of the strategy)
CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY Factors which can highly effect children's potential in life: u unemployment of the parents, u low income of the parents (legal and illegal), u no academic background of the parents, sociocultural drawback, u existence of siblings – more than 2/3 of the children who have two or more siblings live in poverty, u their home is in a small town, problems with jobs/services.
CONTEXT – REALITY OF YOUR COUNTRY Employment women who take care of children under the age of 16 (OECD 2008) women who take care of children under the age of 3 (OECD 2007) Hungary EU 27 46, 3 61, 4 15, 5 50, 9 http: //issuu. com/tarki_research/docs/workcare_syn ergies_tarki_discussion_paper
THE STRUCTURES AND THE PUBLIC u In every institution it is an important goal to tutor challenged students in an integrated way.
Children between the age of 0 and 5 who are in daycare, between 2006 -2009 (%)* 2006 Total 2007 2008 2009 49, 0 48, 6 49, 1 49, 6 Central Hungary 48, 7 48, 0 48, 1 48, 6 Central Dunántúl 49, 2 49, 0 49, 3 49, 7 Western Dunántúl 50, 2 49, 4 50, 0 51, 2 Southern Dunántúl 49, 2 48, 4 49, 3 50, 0 Northern Hungary 46, 1 46, 4 46, 9 47, 7 Northern Alföld 48, 6 48, 7 49, 3 49, 9 Southern Alföld 52, 0 51, 0 52, 3 Regions
Children between the age of 0 and 5 who are in daycare, between 2006 -2009 (%)* Size of town 1– 3000 people 42, 9** 39, 2 38, 6 44, 6 3001– 5000 people 46, 7** 50, 5 50, 8 48, 7 47, 0 47, 7 51, 6 47, 1 51, 5 51, 8 53, 1 52, 0 52, 8 52, 6 52, 2 52, 1 Boy 48, 8** 48, 4 49, 0 49, 7 Girl 49, 2** 48, 7 49, 1 49, 5 5001– 10 000 people 10 001– 50 000 people 50 001–x people Sex ** Estimated data.
THE STRUCTURES AND THE PUBLIC u The proportion of children who are in daycare, 2006 -2009, % - Source: “Children’s Odds in Hungary” (Gyerekesélyek Magyarországon) http: //www. gyerekesely. hu/index. php ? option=com_weblinks&view=catego ry&id=19&Itemid=96
THE STRUCTURES AND THE PUBLIC Daycare is voluntary, but u From 2009, for those families, which get regular financial allowance, and in which both of the parents graduated from primary school, kindergarten financial support is provided twice a year (and at the registration to the school) if their child, who is younger than 5, regularly attends school.
THE STRUCTURES AND THE PUBLIC Daycare is voluntary, but u The minimum child protection measures: child protection mandate obligating the family to cooperate with child welfare services that – in conjunction with other services – may order the child to be put into a daycare center.
THE STRUCTURES AND THE PUBLIC Daycare is voluntary, but u In the cases of the most disadvantaged families, child welfare services urge and support families to put their children into day care so that they are provided a regular meal and may reduce their sociocultural disadvantages.
THE STRUCTURES AND THE PUBLIC u The proportion of disadvantaged kindergartners, 2006 -2009, % Source: “Children’s Odds in Hungary” (Gyerekesélyek Magyarországon) http: //www. gyerekesely. hu/index. ph p? option=com_weblinks&view=categ ory&id=19&Itemid=96
Towns with no nursery school or kindergarten (or service which is close to the task of these institutions) 2006– 2009 2006 Total 2007 2008 2009 870 907 919 922 Central Hungary 4 4 3 4 Central Dunántúl 98 102 108 101 Western Dunántúl 296 313 316 319 Southern Dunántúl 285 292 299 306 Northern Hungary 149 150 152 146 Northern Alföld 30 34 32 36 Southern Alföld 8 12 9 10 Regions
Towns with no nursery school or kindergarten (or service which is close to the task of these institutions) 2006– 2009 Size of town x– 499 793 811 824 842 500– 999 61 71 74 74 1000– 1999 12 18 15 5 2000– 4999 4 7 6 1 5000– – –
Nursery school – a type of institution with great traditions; – a law concerning child protection has first listed it as a social service in 1997; – before 1997, it has been part of health care, the priority was not educational;
Nursery school u In the socialist era, the national methodology institution supported trainings and professional protocols for "nurses". Therefore, a solid, professional program was established, which had its roots in Hungarian traditions, Soviet young children care and also there was the effect of Pikler Emmi, who was a pediatrician, she has accomplished her vision of child care in her children’s home, but with her books and trainings she helped the development of nursery schools throughout the country.
Pikler Emmi 1902 -1984
Nursery school - Nowadays the ministry chooses applicants from every county (19 + Budapest) and give them help by training programs for "nurses". – During the socialist era, these "nurses" were more like health care employees than "teachers". Currently there's a two-year vocational training for these "nurses" and with this certificate they can work in nursery schools. From 2011, there is a three-year BA training for "nurses" and kindergartners. The heads of nursery schools have either pediatric or social studies degrees. Male employees only function as technical staff in these institutions.
Nursery school – From 1990, only local governments support financially nursery schools. Towns with more than 10 000 residents must have nursery schools. – Before 1990, there were several nursery schools which have been supported by working places, but nowadays only a few of them exist – in 2012, with the application support of European Social Fund more of these can be established. (E. g. , the Chinoin Medication Factory's nursery and kindergarten still exists with the help of a foundation. )
Nursery school - There are private nursery schools, with high fees in bigger cities. E. g. , the government has left Pikler Emmi's nursery school, so without their allowance the prices are the following: for half a day they charge 50 000 HUF, for a whole day 70 000 HUF + food. Minimum wage in Hungary is 78 000 HUF. http: //www. pikler. hu/3. 0/hu/hubolcsode. html
Nursery school Year 1993 2009 2010 Number of functional nurseries 702 515 625 668 Places for children in functional nurseries 34 278 23 771 26 687 32 516
Nursery school Year 2010 Hereof: Places for Places Number of children in provided by functional the nursery government schools 668 32 516 31 070 Number of Hereof: Number Hereof: children who got Number of of Trained admitted to children who "nurses" nurseries got into places provided by government 35 782 34 224 6 346 92, 9
Nursery school u The service includes: u daycare (alimentation, education, etc. ) for children between the age of 0 and 3 (- 4); u children with special needs between the age of 3 and 6, who can't get admitted to kindergartens; u they're open generally on weekdays from 6 a. m. to 5 p. m. , 2 -4 weeks of summer vacation is common - if there is, during this period children can attend another nursery school in the town;
Nursery school u The service includes: u during the socialist era, there was daycare for weekday mornings and afternoons to fit special needs of families, but nowadays these intuitions don't exist; u parents pay the meal fee – it can be asked with allowance or free of charge for families with 3 or more children or disadvantaged families; u from 2012, allowance fee can be demandable for caring.
Kindergarten has more significant traditions than nursery schools - during the socialist era, a kindergarten could have been found in every town. It is a part of the educational system. Since 1990, the number of children has drastically decreased, so the places provided for them in kindergarten as well. In 2010 -2011: Number of Kindergar places kindergart ten provided ners Places equipped to provide help 4 358 Total 370 136 338 162 Educators Number of in children kindergart for one en group educator Group of children Special education 1 272 Total 14 560 Special education 158 30 359 23 11
Kindergarten In Hungary at least 3 year-old children can attend kindergarten - even during "school year", as long as they are house-trained - and they stop attending after their sixth birthday, in the next September they start 8 years of primary school. Prior to the beginning-of-school year, it is obligatory to attend kindergarten, at least to pre-school trainings. It is very common nowadays to have children in kindergarten until the age of 7. In this case they have 2 years of preschool training instead of one (which is the usual and both are included in kindergarten training) and attend kindergarten for four years. (According to the law which was accepted in December, 2011, from 2014, from the age of 3 it is compulsory that every child spends in kindergarten at least 4 hours a day. )
Kindergarten u u u they're open on weekdays from 6 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; each and every kindergarten has its own pedagogical program, but according to the new law (from 2012), these institutions must also follow the orientation of the national program; a few dozen Waldorf kindergartens and about 20 Montessori kindergartens have their very special pedagogical program especially in the Central Hungarian area; during the socialist era, it was not compulsory to do training before becoming a kindergarten assistant, but nowadays there are several kinds and levels of training which are adequate for this profession; the local government of each town pays the expenses of almost every kindergarten;
Kindergarten u u there are kindergartens which are supported and paid by for-profit enterprises and foundations, there are more left of ex-socialist enterprises' kindergartens than nursery schools; in the socialist era, many enterprises had a kindergarten, the significant part of them ceased, but more remained than nursery schools; only women were assigned to become assistants by getting a certificate in secondary school; after 1990, there's a BA training and men are also welcomed in this field of education, and students may choose to learn Waldorf or Montessori programs as well as the ordinary program.
Kindergarten u The service includes: – caring; – education, until the age of 5 there activities which are initiated by the educator, after the age of 5 active participation is compulsory at school preparation classes; – providing meal; – prevention, filtration, medical, dental, speech developmental education, exercises against scoliosis and flatfoot, education concerning dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia; – parents pay the meal fee – it can be asked with allowance or free of charge for families in with 3 or more children or disadvantaged families; – there are some outer programs as well, in which children can participate if their parents pay fee – e. g. , folkdance, English lesson, music and singing class.
Family daycare u u u It has been founded as a form of daycare since 2000 - it is controlled by the child protection law; children between the age of 0 and 18 may attend this institution, but distinctively children under the age of 10, commonly young children; this kind of service has much milder restrictions than for example, kindergarten: one may not use family daycare every day, maybe only occasionally, with one's own children family daycare can only occupy up to 5 children if one of them is challenged, then there only can be 4 children in the institution. This number can be increased by 2 children, if there is an assistant to help at all times; the provider has family daycare in his/her own home or in another suitable place. It is also possible for an organization to provide family daycare service. NGOs offer this kind of help and even nursery schools and kindergartens; this kind of attendance has been invented by professionals, who had been working for the national methodology centre before 1990. After 1990, the head-department of child protection ministry has been dealing with this affair and to work out this kind of service they have adapted foreign countries’ examples;
Family daycare u u in Hungary, this service has a lot to do with increasing women's employment by making the providers, themselves create workplaces; after taking part in a short professional training, the service can be provided - by the first part of 2012 more complex vocational trainings will be worked out. Assistants who have only completed eight years of primary school have to be trained for 222 hours - including 105 hours of elearning, for managers 120 hours; critical ones say that this kind of daycare is more inefficient than nursery school or kindergarten, some say it is entirely inefficient and according to them, the reason why this kind of child care is encouraged by the fifth government since 2000, is that the establishment fees are much lower, and there are very few who establish nursery school or kindergarten (with business attempt, as an enterprise); the cost of family daycare (which equals with the net minimal wage) - the government's budget finance 1/3 of it, 1/3 is taken care of by the town it is in, 1/3 -2/3 part should be paid by the families.
Family daycare Year Places for children allowed to attend family daycare 2010 4 861 Number of children taken care of in family daycare Number of children who got admitted to family daycare Hereof: The number of children in the age of nursery schools 7 200 3 920 3 134
Nursery school, kindergarten u u In the laws related to nursery school and kindergarten school it is ordered which is the number of children for which institutions can be established. In a lot of small towns there are not as many young children as for nursery school can be established. The aim of the government was that the parents of a child, who was born after 30 th April, 2010, only got child care fee until the child is two years old. The parents of the two-year old children, who lived in small towns, could not locate the children, that is why they could not return to the labour market. That is the reason why from the September of 2009 it is possible to run a group in which at most twenty children can be, among them five who is younger than the age of three. In these groups, beside the kindergartners and technical workers, a nurse has to deal with the children.
Sure Start program for kids (Biztos kezdet gyermekházak) u u u The experts of the Hungarian Ministry of Social Affairs got acquainted with the program Sure Start of the United Kingdom during a study excursion, then they started running a program which was similar to the forementioned one. Their aim was to harmonize the given town’s services provided for the youngest children and their families in favour of the improvement of the services for them. The program got the same name, i. e. Sure Start. From 2009, an extensive project started with the appliance support of the European Social Fund, keeping the name of Sure Start. In the first phase professional network was founded which supported financially methodological materials and the establishment of childhouses. In 2009 36 childhouses were founded and until 2013 further 110 is founded. Period of application (establishment and working): 30 months + applicants pay the financial support for more 12 months – but what will happen after this? http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=eo_Vf 63 Tin 8
Childhouses u u u Children who are younger than 5 years can attend childhouses (children who are more than 5 years have to attend kindergarten for a school preparation year – from 2014 attending nursery school is obligatory from the age of 5); focus on children who are between 18 and 36 months, their siblings and families; childhouses can be found in small towns where a lot of disadvantaged people live; in easily available places and distances; free access for everyone – disadvantaged children are in the focus; constant presence of an expert;
Childhouses u u u development of skills (health + exercise, comprehension, emotions, language and communication, cognition): by regularly engaging the children with their parent’s participation – filtration of impediments, directing child to proper development professionals; strengthening of parenting: from the preparation for the childbirth, trainings, individual consultation; development of the community; access to other services and strengthening of the cooperation of services: medical, child welfare, educational, labour; principles which are uniform nationwide (methodological, the support of mentors) – program suits local specialities – the insurance of options.
Alternative daycare service u u From 1993, there is an option to provide daycare for children between 0 and 18 years of age. Basically, for children between 10 and 18 (6 -18) years of age, and without age limit common services similar to German Spielhouses and Jugendhouses were established. (László Tóbiás dealt with this in his Ph. D research. ) There was only one initiative which just provided services for younger children. Its name was the loan translation of Ludothek, but they did not deal with lending games yet with skill developmental trainings which were based on game pedagogy and game therapy, they did not provide everyday service. The state supported the establishment of these institutions, but it did not give support for their operation. Therefore, parents had to pay the entire expense. After few years, 8 institutions remained in a franchise network. The originator was a tutor from the Faculty of Special Education, Eötvös Loránd University.
Financial supports u u u u u Central budget gives support, of which total is not enough for covering the expenses of service. According to laws, parents must pay the meal fee – children from families with 3 or more children can eat free of charge, disadvantaged families can get financial support. From 2012, laws make it compulsory to pay over meal fee an extra fee. (At the moment, nobody thinks that families could pay this. ) NGOs are in the worst situation, because they have to supplement the insufficient budget support from other resources. Local governments supplement the budget support from their own resources. Churches get high sum support – it is the compensation for their assets which were socialized in 1948. The equality of odds among services and the free choice of families and access to services are ruined. Local governments and NGOs give their institutions to churches – for them the state gives that support which is not provided for others. Family daycares are supported with the least money, so this service is the most expensive, while the experts of this are the least qualified, the quality of the service is the least ensured. For-profit services freely determine their prices.
CLASSIFICATION AND TRAINING Professional training: u Graduations, diplomas – workers who deal with groups of children in full-time – the leader of the family daycare - 70 hours (there are other trainings which are under development, these were afore-mentioned) – pedagogical assistant: high-school graduation + 1 year – special educational assistant: high-school graduation + 2 years – nurse for babies and little kids, educator of new-borns and young children: high-school graduation + 2 years – 60 ECTS into the BA programs – from 2011, nurse for babies and little kids: educator BA, 3 years – Teacher for kindergarten BA, 3 years – with minority specializations: Romani, German, Croatian, Serbian, Slovakian u Specialists participating in individual and group trainings: – special education teacher BA, 3 years – speech therapist BA, 3 years – special physical education teacher BA, 3 years
CLASSIFICATION AND TRAINING u Re-trainings – it exists in the social (workers in nursery school, family daycare, alternative daycare) and pedagogical (kindergarten) sectors, there isn’t automatic transit between these two sectors – employer has to pay – from 2012, central budget practically does not give financial support – 30 -50 -hour re-trainings – the forms of accreditable activities: – trainings – conferences – study excursions – practically, it is not typical – trainers from universities, methodological nursery schools, kindergartens, professional NGOs, for-profit trainer businesses
CLASSIFICATION AND TRAINING u Non-formal training – They are not typical, they are appropriate for the acquisition of some techniques which are usable for certain activities (e. g. , handcraft). – (In Hungary, institutions are low supported financially, the government support of the NGOs was never strong, and it reduced apace in the last 2 years. The culture of the donation is quite weak, so there is not significant practice of nonformal training in Hungary. ) u Special support for families – It is only obligatory service in Sure Start childhouses. – In practice, in nursery schools and kindergartens there are one or two group consultations for parents every year, and consultations initiated by experts (or parents) about every child. – Educators are often involved in problems which are related to the separation of parents, but they are not trained for this. – Probably educators do not react to the incidents of domestic violence, because very few yet serious incidents are made public. For these incidents’ prevention, recognition and treatment they are not trained.
Our organisation u u u Foundation Gyerekparadicsom was established in 1997. It is a private foundation. The founder of Foundation Gyerekparadicsom, the members of its advisory board dealt with children voluntarily when they were young. The primary aim of the foundation is the support of the development and strengthening of sociocultural animation and the initiation of professional training of animation in Hungary.
Our organisation u Activities – Trainings of which subject is animation; – the holding and the supporting of re-trainings for social experts, educators, university students, and volunteers. – The support of interprofessional and intersectoral network building among experts and activists who deal with children – the organising of the most significant interprofessional conferences of which subject is children in Hungary, since 2003, with 500 -800 participants. – The familiarization of the most significant Hungarian experts with the animation culture of CEMEA. – International partnership building. – Professional support for the projects of other organizations and for their development. – Research. – Employment of unemployed entrants and challenged people with the support of the labour service.
Our organisation u u The foundation functions as a network, each and every partner represents a particular task. László Tóbiás, the leader of the advising board has a personal commitment in this project. His Ph. D research was about alternative daycare service in Hungary.
Our aims in the present project are: u u the insurance of the training for our activists who are related to this area, the utilization of new experience and knowledge in trainings and project support – in 2012, with the support of the European Social Fund, applications are announced for the establishment of child caring institutions and institutions which provide alternative daycare service, the familiarization of the practices of the other three countries and the events of the project for university students, building partnerships for experts in our network, who deal with children between 0 and 6 years of age, the presentation of the practices of the other three countries for Hungarian experts – that’s why we would like to make the autumnal seminar public or to ask the partners to hold an international professional day related to the seminar for Hungarian experts.
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- Pedagogical leadership in early childhood
- Newton childhood
- Eminem early childhood
- Ece in pakistan
- Chapter 9 early childhood cognitive development
- Bangladesh ecd network
- Bellfort early childhood center
- Associates in early childhood education jobs
- What is biosocial development in early childhood
- Becc brownsburg
- Attainment targets barbados
- Early childhood education
- Kentucky governor's office of early childhood
- Connecticut early childhood education cabinet
- Minneapolis preschool screening instrument-revised (mpsi-r)
- Early childhood development with differentiated instruction
- Spontaneous play
- Three uncles of rizal
- Flushing latchkey
- Operant conditioning in early childhood education
- Father involvement activities
- Holistic approach in early childhood education
- Swot analysis early childhood education
- Development
- Early childhood outcomes examples
- Ethical dilemmas in early childhood education
- Ongoing assessment early childhood
- Early childhood education
- Developmental sequence in language acquisition
- Early childhood outcomes center
- Three types of early childhood programs
- Emily dickinson adulthood
- Bf skinner early childhood education
- Early cpr and early defibrillation can: *
- Childhood rivalry in bali and new guinea
- Child development early stages through age 12
- 전위 순회
- Cft meeting questions
- Child, youth and family services act, 2017
- Anaclitic depression
- Cert 4 child youth and family intervention
- Rocky bay child and family services
- Southwest alberta child and family services
- Child and family investigator colorado
- Lorain county children services
- Kina gbezhgomi child and family services
- Caf assessment
- Unesco child and family research centre
- The boy in the striped pyjamas film analysis
- Lady macbeth calls on supernatural powers to
- New foundations anderson sc
- Conclusion on topic family
- Social development in infancy and childhood
- Adolescent egocentrism
- The developing person through childhood 7th edition
- Middle and late childhood
- Late childhood
- Ap psych schema
- Infancy and childhood psychology
- Middle childhood social and emotional development
- Internally programmed growth of a child
- Eating a balanced diet during childhood and adolescence
- Chapter 11 childhood and neurodevelopmental disorders
- Psychology chapter 10 infancy and childhood
- The developing person through childhood and adolescence
- Damon's stages of friendship
- Psychology chapter 10 infancy and childhood
- Chapter 10 infancy and childhood
- Middle childhood growth and development