Netiquette By Gwen Clark What is Netiquette Netiquette
Netiquette By: Gwen Clark
What is Netiquette? Netiquette is etiquette on the internet. Any type of social area’s on the internet you should use etiquette. It’s a simple basic thing that is polite and a good habit to do no matter who you are talking to. In the following slides I will share with you the “rules” that you should follow.
RULE 1: REMEMBER THE HUMAN This rule is mostly called as the “golden rule”! Treat others as you would want to be treated. But with computers you don’t have the face on face interaction so people think they can just treat everyone like crap, but you really shouldn’t.
u o y e k i l t c A : 2 e e f l i l u l R a e r n i d l wou Rule 2 is pretty simple. All you have to do is act like you would if you were face to face with that person. Don’t act like a jerk to someone just because you aren’t talking to them face to face.
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace You have to know where you are to make sure the site is safe. When you enter a domain of cyberspace it’s a good idea to take a look around to make sure everything Is safe.
Rule 4: Re peop spec le’s t t othe ime a r nd ba ndwi dth Respect the fact that some people spend a lot of time doing things and you need to respect what they have done. If someone spent a long time on a blog then you shouldn’t comment on it if you really aren’t serious about your post. It just makes you look bad. Bandwidth means pretty much the same thing as time.
f l e s r u o y e k a M : 5 Rule e n i l n o d o o g look This rule explains itself. Make yourself look good online, not whorish or sluty online. Don’t say things you don’t mean online either, some people could think you weren’t kidding and take it the wrong way.
This rule is used a lot. Use your knowledge to answer some question on blogs or on yahoo answers. If you think your opinion would be to some use for someone else then share it, your information/ opinion could make a difference for someone.
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control “Flaming” means that someone expresses their feelings strongly without holding back at all. It doesn’t really help the situation it just makes it worse. You can state your opinion without “over doing it”.
Rule 8: Respect other people’s privacy Of course I’m sure you all know what this means… All you have to do is not mess or look around with other people’s stuff and you won’t have a problem. (Remember the “golden rule”)
Rule 9: Don’t ab u s e your po wer This rule means that some people have more powers than others when it comes to cyberspace. Another way of saying it is that some people know more than other’s when it comes to social networking so if you are one of these people don’t abuse your skills, someday you might not have them.
Simple rule, just be forgiving of others if they make mistakes. I’m positive lots of people make mistakes and they don’t mean to, and lots of people take it the wrong way and it starts a huge cyber fight. Just forgive others and your good.
Netiquette is etiquette on the internet. Simple rules that you should follow. The one thing that’s important is just to be yourself and act like you would if you were face to face with that person.
APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE Be carefu l what you say it cou difference ld m. ake a HU GE
Some Examples Here is a bad email: Dear xxxxx, you are a white trash no good whore. No ONE likes you and YOU should LEAVE this school. Sincerely, xxxxx • This was written to a young girl in high school. Her supposedly best friend wrote this to her because the boy she liked, liked her best friend. • What would have been a better way of dealing with this situation?
Continued… Here is an appropriate but assertive email: Dear xxxxx, I heard that you were talking about me behind my back. I just wanted to know if that was true? If it is I would really appreciate it if you would stop, it’s ruining my life not yours. Sincerely, xxxxx This is a good way of telling your feelings to someone else. It makes you look good and gets the point across.
The End!
- Slides: 17