Narrative Writing Basics of Narrative Writing Purpose of

Narrative Writing Basics of Narrative Writing

Purpose of Narrative Writing �Narrative writing tells a story and “reports what happened” (Cooley 54).

Types of Narrative Writing �There are various types of narrative writing including: short stories essays, novels, biographies autobiographies.

Types of Narrative Writing �Narrative writing can be fiction (not true) or non-fiction (true) �Although a short story is specific type of narrative writing, there are several types of short stories (Prentice Hall): ØAdventure stories ØFantasies ØFables ØScience-fiction

Types of Narrative Writing �Autobiographical writing is nonfiction, a true story, that “tells a story about an event or experience in the writer’s own life” (Prentice Hall 49). �Autobiographical writing types: Eyewitness accounts Personal narratives Memoirs Anecdotes

Elements of Narrative Essay �Although there are different types of narrative writings, all are types of stories, therefore, require a story line.

Elements of Narrative Essay �According to Cooley (54), events of the narrative must be: üpresented, shown, or told in an orderly sequence (PLOT) üby a particular person (NARRATOR) üfrom a particular perspective (POINT OF VIEW) üwithin a definite time and place (SETTING)

Elements of Narrative Essay �What do you think are the required elements for a story?

Plot n tio ct g. A Ac sin ng Ri lli Exposition or Events (conflicts) Fa io n Climax Resolution

Narrator �One who tells a story, the speaker or the “voice” of an oral or written work. üNarrator may not be the author of the book. However, in autobiographical narrative the narrator is the author.

Narrator �The narrator is one of three types of characters in the written work: �Participant (is an active participant in the action of the story). �Observer (a character indirectly involved in the action). �Non-participant (is not involved in the action of the story).

Point of View �The point of view is “the perspective, or vantage point, from which a story is told” (Prentice Hall 907). �First person (I, me, we, etc. ) �Omniscient (narrator is all knowing – knows everything about every character including characters thoughts and feelings) �Limited omniscient (information is presented to the reader through a character; third person).

Setting �The setting is the time, place, physical details, and circumstances of a narrative. The setting may be simple or complex.

Additional Tidbits �As with any writing, you want to use words to show the reader what is happening, and not just tell the reader what is happening. from East of Eden

Additional Tidbits �Think “word choice”! Use colorful, descriptive words, provide specific details and use strong verbs. �Include DIALOGUE in your narrative. Dialogue provides additional elaboration and details through the words of the characters.

Recap �Narrative writing tells a �Common elements for all story and can be in the narrative writing include: form of short stories, v Plot essays, novels, biographies, v Narrator and autobiographies. v Point of View �Narratives can be fiction or v Setting non-fiction. v Use additional characters v Think “word choice”! v Don‘t just “tell” the story, show the story with detailed imagery v Use DIALOGUE to provide additional elaboration and details

http: //www. flocabulary. com/fivethings/

Works Cited Carroll, Joyce and Edward E. Wilson. Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Teacher’s Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall: Boston, Massachusetts, 2008. Print. Cooley, Thomas. The Norton Sampler Short Essays for Composition Sixth Edition. W. W. Norton & Company: New York, 2003, Print.
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