Narcissistic Personality Disorder By Aprajita Mandrekar You need
Narcissistic Personality Disorder By Aprajita Mandrekar “You need me. ” “I am your favourite. ” “If you don’t love me, I will kill you. ”
What is NPD? • Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder believes that the world revolves around them. • The condition is characterized by a lack of ability to empathize with others and a desire to keep the focus on themselves at all times. • A need for admiration – all of which must be consistently evident at work and in relationships.
Is it Dangerous? • People suffering from NPD have an inflated sense of their own importance. • Lack empathy for others • Fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism. • Causes problems in many areas of life such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. • You may generally be unhappy when you are not given the special favours or admiration you believe you deserve. • Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.
Symptoms • “I deserve special treatment” People with NPD are frequently described as self-centered, manipulative and demanding. • “I am the boss. I know everything. ” They have very high self-esteem with no humility. They tend to be defensive when their self-esteem is threatened by any means. • “How dare to think I can be wrong? ” Reacts to criticism with anger, shame or humiliation. • “I don’t care… I will succeed by any means. ” Takes advantage of others to reach his or her goals.
Symptoms • “Without me this would have been impossible. ” People with NPD exaggerates own importance, achievements and talents. Has obsessive self-interest. • “I will bring this city to my knees. ” Entertains unrealistic fantasies about success, power, beauty, intelligence or romance. Pursues mainly selfish goals. • “I owe you so much. You should help me. ” Has unreasonable expectation of favourable treatment. • “I don’t care… I will succeed by any means. ” Takes advantage of others to reach his or her goals.
Symptoms • “Why are you ignoring me all the time? ” Requires constant attention and positive reinforcement from others. “He is rich because he is lucky. He didn’t do anything great in life. ” Easily jealous and lack empathy. - Narcissists are usually physically attractive and charming at first glance, so they have advantages when they first meet people (e. g. making a sale, gaining popularity. ) However, the long term outcomes for narcissists are quite dismal, especially socially (e. g. long term relationships)
Causes are not well understood. • Heritable narcissistic traits emerged in part. Genes seems to play a major role (approx. 50%). • Self-reflection on largely heritable traits – “I am attractive and therefore I deserve special treatment. ” • Cultural factors may bring-about narcissistic qualities (e. g. : watching narcissistic role models on TV, adverse, war-torn environments. )
Causes are not well understood. • Heritable narcissistic traits emerged in part. Genes seems to play a major role (approx. 50%). • Self-reflection on largely heritable traits – “I am attractive and therefore I deserve special treatment. ” • Cultural factors may bring-about narcissistic qualities (e. g. : watching narcissistic role models on TV, adverse, war-torn environments. )
Treatments No cure, but therapy can help. • Clinical treatment is rare because most narcissists avoid therapy. • However, narcissists can learn to be more caring about others. Narcissism can be reduced when these individuals are included in social groups. • Psychotherapy may be useful in getting the individual with NPD to relate to others in a less maladaptive manner.
Age group
CARING IS CURING. • Most people grow out of their narcissistic phase. Age, experience and involvement in new social roles lead most people to grow out of their youthful narcissism. • Narcissism can be tamed. Learning to read other people’s reactions can help people tone down their self centered focus and calm their exploitative or explosive tendencies. • Friendliness is their friend. The ability to make great first impressions can be a tremendous strength if its followed by learning to develop empathy and sincere interest in other people.
Famous Narcissists • Note: Narcissistic famous people can be both Positive and Negative role models. • Adolf Hitler • Saddam Hussein • Stalin
Famous Narcissists • • OJ Simpson Margaret Thatcher Paris Hilton Donald Trump
References. • A day in the life of Narcissist – Dr. Susan Krauss, Ph. D • Sounds like a Narcissist - Holtzman, N. S, Vazire & Mehl M. R. , 2011 • A principal components analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and further evidence of its construct validity. – Raskin. R & Terry H. , 2011 • Narcissistic Personality Disorder – American Psychiatric Association, 2013 • NPD, definitions and treatments – Mayo Clinic website, 2015.
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