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行動學習的重要期刊 n n n n n Educational Technology & Society (ETS) Computers & Education

行動學習的重要期刊 n n n n n Educational Technology & Society (ETS) Computers & Education (C&E) British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) Educational Technology Research & Development (ET R&D) Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) Interactive Learning Environments (ILE) IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Electronic Library International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisations (IJMLO) 行動化學習的評量與應用實例 8

行動學習的重要作者 Mike Sharples n Kinshuk n Gwo-Jen Hwang n Lung-Hsiang Wong n Hiroaki Ogata

行動學習的重要作者 Mike Sharples n Kinshuk n Gwo-Jen Hwang n Lung-Hsiang Wong n Hiroaki Ogata n Chee-Kit Looi n Hui-Chun Chu n Ulrich Hoppe n Marcelo Milrad n 行動化學習的評量與應用實例 9

認知負荷 Sung, H. Y. , & Hwang, G. J. (2013). A collaborative game-based learning

認知負荷 Sung, H. Y. , & Hwang, G. J. (2013). A collaborative game-based learning approach to improving students’ learning performance in science courses. Computers & Education, 63(1), 43 -51. Paas, F. G. W. C. (1992). Training strategies for attaining transfer of problem-solving skill in statistics: a cognitive-load approach. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(4), 429 -434. Sweller, J. , van Merriënboer, J. J. G. , & Paas, F. G. W. C. (1998). Cognitive architecture and instructional design. Educational Psychology Review, 10(3), 251 -297. 心智負荷(Mental Load)- 教材難度 非常不 同意 1 2 3 4 5 6 非常 同意 7 這個活動中的學習內容對我而言是困 難的。 我花了很大的心力,才能回答這個學 習活動中的問題 回答這個活動中的問題令人感到非常 累 回答這個活動中的問題令我感到非常 挫折 我沒有足夠的時間來回答活動中的問 題 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 32

認知負荷 Sung, H. Y. , & Hwang, G. J. (2013). A collaborative game-based learning

認知負荷 Sung, H. Y. , & Hwang, G. J. (2013). A collaborative game-based learning approach to improving students’ learning performance in science courses. Computers & Education, 63(1), 43 -51. Paas, F. G. W. C. (1992). Training strategies for attaining transfer of problem-solving skill in statistics: a cognitive-load approach. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(4), 429 -434. Sweller, J. , van Merriënboer, J. J. G. , & Paas, F. G. W. C. (1998). Cognitive architecture and instructional design. Educational Psychology Review, 10(3), 251 -297. 心智努力(mental efforts)- 教學模式、活動設計及教材的結構方式 非常 不同 意 1 2 3 4 5 6 非常 同意 7 學習過程的解說方式造成我很大 的壓力 我必須投入很大的心力來完成這 個活動的學習任務或學會這個課 程 學習過程的解說方式是很難理解 的 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 33

Soloman & Felder 學習風格量表 Soloman, B. A. , & Felder, R. M. (2001). Index

Soloman & Felder 學習風格量表 Soloman, B. A. , & Felder, R. M. (2001). Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire. Retrieved August 4, 2011, from North Carolina State University, http: //www. engr. ncsu. edu/learningstyles/ilsweb. html l Soloman & Felder (2001) 依據Felder & Silverman(1998) 提出的學習風格理論,編 製而成的學習風格測驗 具(Index of Learning Styles:ILS) l l 容易進行測驗:問卷僅44題(二選一題型),包括四個向度八種 類型;可線上進行問卷 結果容易解釋,可作為學習與教學之參考 Felder, R. M. & Silverman, L. K. (1988). Learning Styles and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education, 78(7), 674 -681. 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 39

The subjects included two classes of fifth graders (11 years old on average) of

The subjects included two classes of fifth graders (11 years old on average) of an elementary school in Tainan County in Taiwan. A total of forty-six students voluntarily participated in the study. One class was assigned to be the experimental group and the other was the control group. The experimental group, including twenty-four students, was guided by the personalized educational computer game that met the learning styles of the individual students, while the control group with twenty-two students was guided by the educational computer game that did not meet their learning styles. All of the students had two years experience learning with information technology and in a computer-based learning environment, and were taught by the same instructor who had taught that particular natural science course for more than ten years. 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 59

The test sheets were developed by two experienced teachers who had more than ten years

The test sheets were developed by two experienced teachers who had more than ten years experiences in teaching the natural science course. The pre-test consisted of 39 questions about their prior knowledge related to the course unit "knowing the plants on the school campus". It contained fifteen yes-or-no items, fifteen multiple-choice items and nine fill-in-the-blank items, giving a perfect score of 100. The post-test contained ten multiple-choice items and fifteen fill-in-the-blank items for assessing the students' knowledge of identifying and differentiating the plants on the school campus. The perfect score of the post-test was 40. By applying the KR 20 analysis, it was found that the reliability values of the pre-test and the post-test were 0. 72 and 0. 81, respectively. These values indicate that the tests were sufficiently reliable. 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 64

The technology acceptance questionnaire originates from the questionnaire developed by Chu, Hwang, Tsai, and

The technology acceptance questionnaire originates from the questionnaire developed by Chu, Hwang, Tsai, and Tseng (2010). It consists of 13 items with a six-point Likert rating scheme, including 7 items for “Perceived ease of use” and 6 items for “Perceived usefulness”. The Cronbach's alpha values of the two dimensions are 0. 94 and 0. 95, respectively. This questionnaire was adopted because it had been used to measure the technology acceptance levels of subjects with similar geographic and academic backgrounds (i. e. , fifth graders in southern Taiwan). 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 65

t-test表格範例 Table 1. 2 t-test results of the scores for three group assessment dimensions.

t-test表格範例 Table 1. 2 t-test results of the scores for three group assessment dimensions. 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 69

t-test表格範例 Table 1. 3 A comparison for the number of articles posted between experimental

t-test表格範例 Table 1. 3 A comparison for the number of articles posted between experimental group and control group 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 70

ANCOVA範例-排除前測差異的 後測成績(2組) Table 3. Descriptive data and ANCOVA of the post-test results 前測用t-test 數位學習的實驗設計、測量

ANCOVA範例-排除前測差異的 後測成績(2組) Table 3. Descriptive data and ANCOVA of the post-test results 前測用t-test 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 72

ANCOVA範例-排除前測差異的 後測成績(3組) Table 1 Analysis of ANCOVA of the learning achievement test of the

ANCOVA範例-排除前測差異的 後測成績(3組) Table 1 Analysis of ANCOVA of the learning achievement test of the experimental group, and control groups A and B   N Mean (1) Experimental group 25 70. 08 SD Adjusted Mean 9. 64 F 69. 76 (2) Control group A 21 61. 90 8. 89 63. 40 (3) Control group B 24 65. 13 10. 010 64. 16 4. 26*   (1)>(2) (1)>(3)   *p<. 05 前測用ANOVA 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 73

其他進階的分析方式 二因子變異數分析/二因子共變數分析 n Pearson correlation coefficient analysis / Path coefficient analysis n 學習樣式分析 (Learning

其他進階的分析方式 二因子變異數分析/二因子共變數分析 n Pearson correlation coefficient analysis / Path coefficient analysis n 學習樣式分析 (Learning pattern analysis) n 結構方程式分析 (Structured Equation Modeling, SEM) n 數位學習的實驗設計、測量 具與數據呈現 -黃國禎 74

研究設計實例-結合紙本與行動載具 之概念構圖學習模式 Learning material Concept map Web server Resource repository Mobile device Printed book

研究設計實例-結合紙本與行動載具 之概念構圖學習模式 Learning material Concept map Web server Resource repository Mobile device Printed book Learner 行動化學習的評量與應用實例 75

Learning Achievements Group Adjusted Pairwise F(2, 88) Mean comparisons N Mean S. D. (E

Learning Achievements Group Adjusted Pairwise F(2, 88) Mean comparisons N Mean S. D. (E 1) Experimental Group 1 28 7. 23 1. 05 7. 34 (E 2) Experimental Group 2 31 6. 61 1. 50 6. 37 (C) Control Group 33 5. 73 1. 64 5. 91 92 6. 50 1. 56 Total number of students 行動化學習的評量與應用實例 7. 80** (E 1)>(E 2) (E 1)>(C) 78

Cognitive load Group N Mean S. D. (E 1) Experimental Group 1 28 3.

Cognitive load Group N Mean S. D. (E 1) Experimental Group 1 28 3. 86 1. 38 (E 2) Experimental Group 2 31 4. 35 1. 94 (C) 33 3. 55 1. 36 Control Group 行動化學習的評量與應用實例 F(2, 89) 2. 08 79

Acceptance of using the mobile technology to support printed science book reading Scale Group

Acceptance of using the mobile technology to support printed science book reading Scale Group Exp Group 1 Usefulness Exp Group 2 Exp Group 1 Ease of Use Exp Group 2 Exp Group 1 Attitude Exp. Group 2 行動化學習的評量與應用實例 N 28 31 Mean 5. 95 6. 24 5. 48 6. 04 5. 90 6. 19 S. D. 0. 97 1. 12 1. 18 0. 88 0. 99 t 1. 06 1. 82 1. 18 80

研究設計實例-概念構圖心智 具 導入蝴蝶生態觀察 n Cmap. Tools是由Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) of the

研究設計實例-概念構圖心智 具 導入蝴蝶生態觀察 n Cmap. Tools是由Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) of the Florida University System開發的 概念構圖 具(Novak & Cañas, 2006) 行動與無所不在學習的發展與研究趨勢 81

n 台南縣成功國小蝴蝶園分為 25個生態區 Hui-Chun Chu, Gwo-Jen Hwang*, Shu-Xian Huang and Ting-Ting Wu (2008), “A

n 台南縣成功國小蝴蝶園分為 25個生態區 Hui-Chun Chu, Gwo-Jen Hwang*, Shu-Xian Huang and Ting-Ting Wu (2008), “A Knowledge Engineering Approach to Developing E-Libraries for Mobile Learning”, The Electronic Library. 26(3), 303 -317. (SSCI) 行動與無所不在學習的發展與研究趨勢 82