Muscle and Tendon Disorders Inherited genetic disorder Duchene

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Muscle and Tendon Disorders

Muscle and Tendon Disorders

 • Inherited genetic disorder • Duchene Muscular Dystrophy is the most common form

• Inherited genetic disorder • Duchene Muscular Dystrophy is the most common form of the disease • Caused by a mutated gene on X chromosome • More common in males • Issue is a lack of the protein dystrophin • This causes weak sarcolemmas that tear easily and don’t repair • Patients also have issues with Calcium function and can’t add protein to muscle in a normal manner Muscular Dystrophy

 • Begin to show signs of the disorder between the ages of 2

• Begin to show signs of the disorder between the ages of 2 and 5 • Muscles in the legs are usually weak and underdeveloped • Children with this disorder fall and have issues with motor skills • On average by the age of 12 people are in wheelchairs and need long term care by the age of 20 • No cure, but lots of gene therapy research on the use of myostatin as a possible gene based therapy Symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy

 • Painful rheumatic disorder that effects mostly women between the ages of 25

• Painful rheumatic disorder that effects mostly women between the ages of 25 -50 • Hits fibrous connective tissue associated with muscle (tendons, and tendon sheaths) • People have constant joint pain, weakness, and fatigue • Treatments are variable depending on the severity of the symptoms Fibromyalgia

 • Carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel in the wrist where neurons (median

• Carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel in the wrist where neurons (median nerve) passes through • If the nerve is compressed due to inflammation caused by repeated use of the wrist, the person can get this • Feel numbness and tingling on lateral side of hand • Can be treated by physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medicines, and surgery if necessary Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

 • Pain along the ridge of the tibia • Caused by tendonitis related

• Pain along the ridge of the tibia • Caused by tendonitis related to overuse, poor running form, or bad footwear • Tibialis Anterior muscle is effected • RICE to treat Shin Splints

 • Heel pain • Irritation of the planar aponeurosis at its origin on

• Heel pain • Irritation of the planar aponeurosis at its origin on the calcaneous • Person has mild to major pain from heel to bottom (sole) of foot • Treatments can be variable depending on the symptoms • Typical causes are overuse, long term stress on foot, poor footwear, and arch problems Plantar Fasciitis