Ethnic Groups n Ethnic groups are groups of people with common ancestry, culture, and many times, common religion and language.
Homogeneous Societies n n n Cultures with one dominant ethnicity: Ex: 99% of people in Japan are Japanese. Ex: Almost all people living in Saudi Arabia are Saudi.
Heterogeneous Societies n n n Cultures that have many ethnicities in their society. Ex: Most European nations. Ex: United States
Stateless Ethnicities n n Some ethnic groups are tied to a certain region, but have no country of their own. Ex: Kurds in Northern Iraq and Turkey.
Minorities n Minorities are groups that are the smallest sized ethnicities. These are any groups that are not the dominant ethnicity.
Ethnic Prejudice n n When minorities are treated inferior; denied political power; or otherwise controlled by the dominant group. Ex: U. S. Reconstruction.
Ethnic Discrimination n n Occurs when minority groups are denied civil or political rights. Ex: South African Apartheid – 1948 1994
Expulsion or Genocide n n Extreme actions against minorities; expulsion kicking out a minority and genocide is exterminating a minority. Ex: WWII Jews by Nazis. Muslims by Serbians in Bosnia. Darfur region of Sudan
Expulsion or Genocide In 1992 in the Republic of Bosnia. Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia.
Expulsion or Genocide A mass grave in Bergen. Belsen concentration camp.
Tutsi Genocide
Ethnic Minority Influence n Despite prejudice, discrimination, expulsion, and genocide; minorities have contributed greatly to religion, language, and other cultural ideas all over the world.