MSR Internship 07 Whats cooking Jayant Gupchup MSR
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MSR Internship 07 What’s cooking ? Jayant Gupchup MSR Intern 07, Ph. D. , The Johns Hopkins University BARC, 07
Outline • Part 1: Ameri. Flux – Help Ameri. Flux scientists browse “the cube” (No more MDX, really ? ? ) – Analyze the data in Matlab (Let’s face it. . Matlab is more powerful than excel) • Part 2: Russian River – Apply Spectral and Pattern recognition techniques to try and answer Rebecca’s questions. BARC, 07 2
Ameri. Flux MDX ? ? MDX Builder Query Cube (Get the data out of the cube) Render Cube Results Plot Results using “Matlab” BARC, 07 3
MDX Builder What you want ? Group by About whom you want ? What period ? MDX : SELECT NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN ({[Datumtype]. &[32], [Datumtype]. &[8]}, {[Site]. [Veg. Type]}, {[Site]. [Longitude]}) DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN ({[Timeline]. [Year]. &[2000]: [Timeline]. [Year]. &[2006]}, {[Timeline]. [Day of Year]}) DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM Bev. Law. Cube WHERE {[Measures]. [GPPOver. LE]} BARC, 07 4
Dimensions (A Pain in the ‘@$$’) MDX BARC, 07 5
Query the cube & Render MATLAB ASP/C# MDX Query HTML/ASP Query Results “Serializer” Matlab reads HTML “Deserializer” MATLAB OBJECT : rows: 1096 cols: 10 dim 1 axes: 3 dim 2 axes: 2 dim: [1 x 2 struct] data: [1096 x 10 double] axis: [1 x 3 struct] BARC, 07 axis: [1 x 2 struct] 6
Plots using Matlab BARC, 07 7
To Do (Connect the dots !) Cube Reader MDX Builder Cube Renderer Matlab Plots BARC, 07 8
Russian River (So far) • Build Flood DB: – Identify interesting sites & ones with good data – Compute Flood cut-off values for different sites – Associate the same flood at different sites • Time Delay • Overlap between floods. BARC, 07 9
The “Cool stuff” • Address some science questions: – Correlate Discharge, Embeddedness with • Turbidity • Fish density / distribution • Landuse – 1. 5 year flow analysis. – Identify patterns and trends in Flow statistics such as <E 1. . E 4>, Time 2 Peak, Area. Under. Flow etc. – Classify flood origins using discharge signatures. BARC, 07 10
Discussion BARC, 07 11