Monarch Jeopardy Monarch Potpourri Hungry Caterpillar 100 100
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Monarch Jeopardy
Monarch Potpourri Hungry Caterpillar 100 100 200 200 300 300 300 400 400 400 500 500 500 Monarch body parts Migration 100 200 Metamorpho sis
When do Monarchs migrate South?
Where do the Monarchs migrate in the Fall?
Where do Monarchs hibernate in the winter?
Monarchs live here in the Summer months.
When do Monarchs migrate North?
A Monarch caterpillar does this when it out grows it’s skin.
This emerges from a chrysalis after more than two weeks.
A Monarch lays these on a leaf.
This eats and eats before becoming a chrysalis.
A caterpillar stays inside this for more than two weeks.
What does a monarch caterpillar eat?
Monarchs taste with these.
A Monarch’s tongue is called this
What do Monarchs drink while they are hibernating in Mexico?
Monarchs eat this from flowers.
On what day did The Very Hungry Caterpillar eat one apple?
The Very Hungry Caterpillar ate two of these.
On Wednesday, The Very Hungry Caterpillar ate ___ plums.
How many oranges did The Very Hungry Caterpillar eat?
On Thursday, The Very Hungry Caterpillar ate through __ strawberries.
What is an antennae?
What is the body?
What is the wing?
What is the proboscis?
What are the legs?
When is September/Octobe r?
What is Mexico?
Where are the mountains in Eastern Mexico?
Where is the USA and Canada?
When is March?
What is molting?
What is a Monarch Butterfly?
What are eggs?
What is a caterpillar?
What is a chrysalis?
What is milkweed?
What are their legs or feet?
What is a proboscis?
What is water?
What is nectar?
What is Monday?
What are pears?
What are 3?
What are 5?
What are 4?
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