MODAL VERBS Auxiliary Verb Primary Verb Am is
Auxiliary Verb Primary Verb Am, is, are, was, were, does, did Modal Verbs Can, could, Will, would Shall, should May, might, must Used to, ought to, Dare, need
Can/Could Can – ���� /������ He can take the job. Could – ���� , ������ He could help me out very easily. Could you give me a pen?
WILL/WOULD WILL – Future Tense They will go to the market. Would – ������ , Formal conversation She would have been here. Would you give a glass of water?
SHALL/SHOULD Shall – Future Tense Should – ���� , Suggestion You should help her. Shouldn’t you start early?
MAY/MIGHT/MUST May – Probability He may come before me. May I come in? Might – Probability, May past form He might give us a discount. Must – ������ , ������� We must speak the truth. Mustn’t I eat pizza?
USED TO/OUGHT TO Used to – ������ , ��������� I used to go to that coffee shop everyday. He used to live in France. Ought to – Duty. Moral obligation They ought to fight for their country. Bikers ought to follow the traffic rules.
NEED/DARE Need – ������� He need not go there. You need not speak to me like this. Dare – ��������� How dare is he looking at me like this? I dare not to remind you the consequences.
- Slides: 8