Mitosis Meiosis Chromosomes Phases Miscellaneous The Cell Cycle

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The Cell Cycle

The Cell Cycle

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The process by which the nucleus of a cell is divided into 2 identical

The process by which the nucleus of a cell is divided into 2 identical sets each with the same number of chromosomes.



What type of cells undergo Mitosis?

What type of cells undergo Mitosis?

Somatic Cells Or Body Cells

Somatic Cells Or Body Cells

How many phases are there to Mitosis and what are they?

How many phases are there to Mitosis and what are they?

4 and they are Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase.

4 and they are Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase.

What is the name of the protein disk that in Metaphase the spindle fibers

What is the name of the protein disk that in Metaphase the spindle fibers attach?



Chalones are a substance that prevent or inhibit mitosis. If you cut your finger

Chalones are a substance that prevent or inhibit mitosis. If you cut your finger what would your skin do increase or decrease the amount of chalones?



This is a special kind of cell division where the number of chromosomes are

This is a special kind of cell division where the number of chromosomes are cut in half?



A cell that has 23 chromosomes is called (hint: n)

A cell that has 23 chromosomes is called (hint: n)



In meiosis the process starts with a diploid cell and ends with what?

In meiosis the process starts with a diploid cell and ends with what?

4 Haploid

4 Haploid

How many divisions of Meiosis are there and what are they called?

How many divisions of Meiosis are there and what are they called?

2, Meiosis I & Meiosis II

2, Meiosis I & Meiosis II

The exchange of genetic material in prophase I is called?

The exchange of genetic material in prophase I is called?

Cross Over

Cross Over

These are rod shaped structures that form during cell division.

These are rod shaped structures that form during cell division.



The structure that holds two chromatids together.

The structure that holds two chromatids together.



What makes up a chromosome?

What makes up a chromosome?

2 Chromatids

2 Chromatids

How many chromosomes are in a Somatic Cell

How many chromosomes are in a Somatic Cell

46 total or 23 Pairs

46 total or 23 Pairs

Two copies of each chromosome that are similar in shape, size, and similar in

Two copies of each chromosome that are similar in shape, size, and similar in genetic information are called what?

Homologous Chromosomes

Homologous Chromosomes

What phase does the cell spend most of its life?

What phase does the cell spend most of its life?



How many phases of Meiosis are there?

How many phases of Meiosis are there?



The phase where the chromosomes line up is called what?

The phase where the chromosomes line up is called what?



What is the last phase of Mitosis and Meiosis I & II

What is the last phase of Mitosis and Meiosis I & II



Which phase does crossover occur?

Which phase does crossover occur?

Prophase I

Prophase I

What are the two processes by which cells divide.

What are the two processes by which cells divide.

Mitosis & Meiosis

Mitosis & Meiosis

How many eggs are made in Meiosis?

How many eggs are made in Meiosis?

1 egg & 3 Polar Bodies

1 egg & 3 Polar Bodies

How many types of sex chromosomes are there and what are they?

How many types of sex chromosomes are there and what are they?

2, X & Y

2, X & Y

Complete the Diagram

Complete the Diagram

2 n n Meiosis II n n

2 n n Meiosis II n n

Label the parts of the diagram.

Label the parts of the diagram.

Chromatid Chromosome Centromere Homologous Chromosomes

Chromatid Chromosome Centromere Homologous Chromosomes

The sequence of growth and division of a cell is called?

The sequence of growth and division of a cell is called?

The Cell Cycle

The Cell Cycle

Half of a Chromosome is called a?

Half of a Chromosome is called a?



How many phases of Mitosis are there?

How many phases of Mitosis are there?



How many different chromosomes are there in a normal cell?

How many different chromosomes are there in a normal cell?



What are the names of the two types of cells in organisms?

What are the names of the two types of cells in organisms?

1. Somatic Cell or Normal Body Cell 2. Gametes, or Sex Cells, or Eggs

1. Somatic Cell or Normal Body Cell 2. Gametes, or Sex Cells, or Eggs and Sperm.