Ministry of Economic Development Job Creation and Trade
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Blue Water Wood Alliance Government Program Review April 29, 2020
South Western Ontario Development Fund Investment in Innovative Equipment and Expansion The program supports - eligible businesses, particularly small and medium sized businesses, investing in new equipment to expand operations in rural regions, and - municipalities and non-for-profit organizations investing in economic development projects. Eligible applicants may receive financial support and complimentary services to help navigate other government programs, tax credits and guidance on compliance and approvals. 2 RDP Overview
SWODF – Business Projects How we can support you - Funds up to 15% of eligible costs - Loans – interest free; max $5 M. Up to 30% to max of $500, 000 forgiven if company meets investment, job and payroll targets - Grants for small AND rural companies – up to $500, 000 - Strategic investments like companies facing substantive jurisdictional competition and new investments to Ontario - up to $1. 5 M Complementary Services – advisory services to help navigate other government programs, such as guidance on compliance and approvals, assistance with skills and talent, and information regarding Ontario’s corporate tax credits. https: //www. ontario. ca/page/southwestern-ontario-development-fund 3 RDP Overview
Can. Export Investment in International Business Development • • • 4 Funds up to 75% up to $75, 000 to support business development into new international markets Must be into a market that you currently sell less than $100, 000 or 10% of your total business The US is divided into 4 quarters offering flexibility into the States RDP Overview
Can. Export Eligible Expenses • • • Participation at Trade Events and Fairs Business Travel Market Research Adaption and Translation of Marketing Tools Intellectual Property Protection, Certification and Adaption of Contracts Expert Advice on Business, Legal or Tax Matters https: //www. tradecommissioner. gc. ca/funding-financement/canexport/smepme/index. aspx? lang=eng 5 RDP Overview
NRC IRAP Funding for Research and Development • • Funds research and development projects to address challenges and advance innovation in your company A typical project would include product development, but it can also include supply chain mapping and other strategic R&D Funds up to 80% of internal labour and up to 50% of contractor costs up to $50, 000 on your first project (typically) NRC reps come from industry and also offer technical advisory services https: //nrc. canada. ca/en/support-technology-innovation/financial-support-technologyinnovation-through-nrc-irap 6 RDP Overview
Canada Ontario Jobs Grant Training Funding Provides financial support to employers who wish to purchase training for their employees. It is available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training to existing and new employees • • Employers can get up to $10, 000 in government support person for training costs The training has to be delivered by an eligible, third-party trainer (vendors not permitted) Employers with less than 100 employees need to contribute only 1/6 of training costs Employers with 100 or more employees need to contribute 1/2 of the training costs http: //www. tcu. gov. on. ca/eng/eopg/cojg/ 7 RDP Overview
More Information Contact Steve Smith, MBA Senior Business Advisor E: mail: Stephen. p. smith@ontario. ca Cell: (519) 670 -7808 Business Services Branch Business Partnerships and Programs Division Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade 8 RDP Overview
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