Mind map Mental health Nicholas Bruno Effects of
Mind map Mental health Nicholas Bruno Effects of social media Sleep paralysis Using Photoshop to make me be every character in the photo Series of photos Hidden meaning Abandoned places Using my notes from personal experiences Using modern day problems most teenagers go though but stay silent
Sleep paralysis By Curtis Baxter T 3
My notes
Nicholas Bruno 28 year old photographer from New York that captures his nightmares and sleep paralysis
Equipment list Dslr Shutter timer Tripod Photoshop
Research Artists: Nichols Bruno- Nichols is a 26 year old photographer and jeweller from New York who take photos of his experiences with sleep paralysis and insomnia. What sets him apart from other artists is that he is every character in his photos, he achieves this by take multiple photos of him in different positions so when he masks them all in on photoshop it turns into one phot show his experiences what usually involve water. He uses water to represent being asleep and awake ( sleep paralysis ). He was in a short documentary by vice, where he showed how he takes his photos, Shutter timer and tripod and he almost draws all his experiences up straight after they happen so he can create art that helps him to understand the cause and meaning behind the experience. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=OI 5 A 13 fep 3 E H. R Giger- Giger was born in Switzerland in 1940 s, he also expresses his night terrors through the medium of drawings, like Nichols Bruno but Giger really emphasised his dreams and made up these scary bionic humans and landscape's, that eventual lead to him creating the alien for the film alien. His work inspires me to emphasises my experiences to make them more impactful and help others understand easier. Sleep paralysis - the dictionary definition says "A complaint of inability to move the trunk or limbs at sleep onset or upon awakening. Episodes can be associated with hypnagogic hallucinations or dream-like mentation (act or use of the brain). In my personal experiences everything is very dazed, I can make out things but don’t have full closer over what is happening. I've learnt to just stay calm and let it pass, but I've had experiences where I'm sitting at the end of my bed and not being able to move. Every episode has a meaning behind it; if I'm depressed that will show, if up angry or afraid of something that will be the causes of what I see visually. I've written and drew up most of my experience's and plan to recreate them with influences from both artists. Sleep paralysis - the
Photoshop tutorial https: //designshack. net/articles/graphics/a-complete-beginners-guide-to-maskingin-photoshop/
Nichola Bruno
Locations Dunkirk Faversham - abandoned buildings Dover - abandoned building Whitstable - sea Sandwich bike park - blue lake
- Slides: 12