Middle School Welcome to Jing Shan Primary School Breakfast Conversations with Parents 23 July 2019 United and True. Onward We Strive
Middle School Mindfulness Trail Character Strengths: to recognise and build on each other’s character strengths Relationship building and bonding activities during post-exam week United and True. Onward We Strive
UPCOMING PROGRAMMES – TERM 3 Date/Day 4 July, Thurs Event Learning Journey to Kampong Glam 5 July, Fri Hari Raya Puasa Celebration 15 July, Mon Commemoration of Racial Harmony Day 17 July, Wed Theatre Experience (MT Fortnight) 5 Aug, Mon *Deadline for Parents’ Reply for Students to Participate in GEP Screening Exercise 8 Aug, Thurs National Day Celebration 23 Aug, Fri GEP Screening Exercise 29 Aug, Thurs Science LJ to Singapore Zoological Gardens 30 Aug, Fri Parent Teacher Meeting United and True. Onward We Strive
ASSESSMENT PLAN Level Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Total Weighting P 3 10% 15% 60% 100% Learning and Development Plan (LDP) was distributed for Semester 2 Different modes of assessment to elicit pupils’ strengths and close learning gaps United and True. Onward We Strive
Middle School Interaction Session and Thank You for joining us at Breakfast Conversations with Parents United and True. Onward We Strive