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KICKOFF MEETING AGENDA ü Introduction ü Mentoring – What’s In It For Me? ü

KICKOFF MEETING AGENDA ü Introduction ü Mentoring – What’s In It For Me? ü Expectations of a Mentee ü Conclusion

INTRODUCTION ü President’s Message ü Chief, IRS DEAF Mentoring Program ü Mentees

INTRODUCTION ü President’s Message ü Chief, IRS DEAF Mentoring Program ü Mentees



BENEFITS FOR MENTEES • • • • Learn from another person Obtain advice and

BENEFITS FOR MENTEES • • • • Learn from another person Obtain advice and assistance Learn more about myself and develop my skills Align your own development to your organization’s performance culture Explore new ways to contribute to the organization Explore your career development plans with guidance Network and to learn about effective networking Become more comfortable dealing with people of different backgrounds, experience and managers/leaders Gain understanding about the organizational culture, appropriate behaviors, attitudes, and protocols ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

BENEFITS FOR MENTORS • • • • Learn new things Share your knowledge and

BENEFITS FOR MENTORS • • • • Learn new things Share your knowledge and experience Build additional professional relationships Develop leadership and management skills Network and to learn about effective networking Give back to your organization ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ __________________________

RESULTS • A survey of Fortune 500 companies showed 96% reporting that mentoring was

RESULTS • A survey of Fortune 500 companies showed 96% reporting that mentoring was an important employee development tool. 75% said it was a key factor in their own personal success. • 71% of Fortune 500 companies and private companies use mentoring in their organizations. • 77% of companies that have a mentoring program indicate that it improved both employee retention and job performance. Gallup

EXPECTATIONS OF A MENTEE • Communicate clearly • Meet as often as your schedule

EXPECTATIONS OF A MENTEE • Communicate clearly • Meet as often as your schedule permits • Take initiative to drive the relationship. Ask productive questions • Ask for suggestions and advice early in the relationship • Invite feedback and be open to discussions • Follow through on commitments • Keep confidences with mentor – Key of Trust

CONCLUSION ü Finding mentors and becoming a mentor are career-long endeavors. ü Doing so

CONCLUSION ü Finding mentors and becoming a mentor are career-long endeavors. ü Doing so pays valuable dividends in career growth, personal networking, and professional development. ü If you have not identified those people in your life who serve as mentors, take some time to build that list. ü It is important to find a relationship that holds other promise. ü Good Match: Perceived similarity; complementary perspectives, demonstrated potential or performance, and willingness to learn.

RESOURCES Take charge of your career by completing a CLP http: //hco. web. irs.

RESOURCES Take charge of your career by completing a CLP http: //hco. web. irs. gov/apps/CLP 2/mgr_check. asp Online Training (ELMS) - https: //elms. web. irs. gov/ 1. Course #59233 Mentoring - What's in it for Me? 2. Course #45067 Essential Mentoring Techniques: Building and Maintaining Mentoring Relationships 3. Course #28051 Managing from Within: Self-Empowerment 4. Course #42940 Self-Assessment and Motivation Learn and Lead 24 x 7 - https: //learningtreas. skillport. com 1. Power Mentoring written by Ellen A. Ensher and Susan Elaine Murphy 2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People written by Stephen Covey Internet – Excellent information 1. How to be a Successful Mentee: http: //pcaddick. com/page 12. html 2. Keys to Successful Mentoring Relationships: http: //www. joe. org/joe/2010 december/tt 8. php 3. Key Ingredients of Intentional/Planned/Formal Mentoring Relationships http: //www. mentoringgroup. com/html/articles/mentee_41. htm

Mentoring@irsdeaf. net http: //teams. irsdeaf. net/mentoring/

Mentoring@irsdeaf. net http: //teams. irsdeaf. net/mentoring/