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Men in Moccasins PASQUALA CHAPTER 2

Men in Moccasins PASQUALA CHAPTER 2

TULE ELK � The tule elk is one of two subspecies of elk native

TULE ELK � The tule elk is one of two subspecies of elk native to California.

STALKS OF HALA Stalk: the main part of the stem � A small bamboo

STALKS OF HALA Stalk: the main part of the stem � A small bamboo plant, that grew along the river banks �

MOTAR AND PESTLE � The mortar is the bowl made of hard wood, or

MOTAR AND PESTLE � The mortar is the bowl made of hard wood, or ceramic or stone. � The pestle is a heavy club-shaped object, used for crushing and grinding.

HEAPING � Put in a pile. � Heaping duck eggs

HEAPING � Put in a pile. � Heaping duck eggs

STONE WEDGE � A piece of stone that is thin at one end and

STONE WEDGE � A piece of stone that is thin at one end and thick at the other. � I heard one of the men say he wanted to trade a stone wedge for the glass-like obsidian found in the mountains

OBSIDIAN � a hard, dark, glasslike volcanic rock formed by solid lava from the

OBSIDIAN � a hard, dark, glasslike volcanic rock formed by solid lava from the volcano. Obsidian is found in the mountains. � They make the best arrowheads �

CEDAR WOOD � The best bow maker in our village talked about how bows

CEDAR WOOD � The best bow maker in our village talked about how bows made from cedar wood were very strong and lasted many years.

ARROWSHAFTS � The long part of the arrow.

ARROWSHAFTS � The long part of the arrow.

YAPPING A sharp, high pitched bark. � With the village dogs yapping at our

YAPPING A sharp, high pitched bark. � With the village dogs yapping at our heels, I ran with the other children to meet the group of men who soon came on foot down the river trail. �

SHOSHONE TRIBE � Eastern tribe

SHOSHONE TRIBE � Eastern tribe

HEAVILY-BURDENED SACKS � Heavy things carried in a bags � The heavily-burdened shoshones were

HEAVILY-BURDENED SACKS � Heavy things carried in a bags � The heavily-burdened shoshones were bent under the weight of large net sacks filled with trade goods.

RACCOON SKIN � Hung over each mans’ shoulder was a raccoon skin quiver filled

RACCOON SKIN � Hung over each mans’ shoulder was a raccoon skin quiver filled with arrows.

TRAIL �A track or path for people to follow especially in the woods.

TRAIL �A track or path for people to follow especially in the woods.

RAMADA � An opened-sided shelter

RAMADA � An opened-sided shelter

BARGAIN � Something that you by for less than the usual price.

BARGAIN � Something that you by for less than the usual price.

HALA ARROWSHAFTS � An arrowshaft made out of hala tree.

HALA ARROWSHAFTS � An arrowshaft made out of hala tree.

CARVED STONE SCRAPER � Stone tool used for scraping.

CARVED STONE SCRAPER � Stone tool used for scraping.

BRACKEN FERN ROOTS Bracken is a large fern, sometimes growing over three feet tall.

BRACKEN FERN ROOTS Bracken is a large fern, sometimes growing over three feet tall. � Instead of the usual leaves, ferns have fronds, made up of smaller leaflets �

ABALONE SHELL NECKLACE � A large sea snail with a flat shell whose meat

ABALONE SHELL NECKLACE � A large sea snail with a flat shell whose meat people eat and whose shell lining is shiny like a peal.

CHIA SEEDS � Chia seeds come from a flowering plant in the mint family

CHIA SEEDS � Chia seeds come from a flowering plant in the mint family that's native to Mexico and Guatemala, and history suggests it was a very important food crop for the Aztecs.

WILLOW TREES � A tree with narrow leaves and thin branches that bend easily.

WILLOW TREES � A tree with narrow leaves and thin branches that bend easily. Willows are often found near water.