Melody Study Guide 4 th Grade A Melody

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“Melody” Study Guide 4 th Grade

“Melody” Study Guide 4 th Grade

A. Melody 1. _______ is how the tune moves ____, ______, and _____. 2.

A. Melody 1. _______ is how the tune moves ____, ______, and _____. 2. Some examples are:

B. Interval 1. An _____ is the distance between two pitches and can be

B. Interval 1. An _____ is the distance between two pitches and can be labeled as moving by ______, or ______. 2. A _____ can be a note moving from a line to the _____ right above or below it. 3. A _____ can also be a note moving from a space to the _____ line right above it or below it.

B. Interval (cont. ) 4. A ______ can be identified as a space note

B. Interval (cont. ) 4. A ______ can be identified as a space note moving to another ______ note, a line moving to another _____ note, or anything that is a ______ or _____. 5. _______ means a note or pitch is _____ on the staff (it doesn’t move or change).

B. Intervals (cont. ) 6. Some examples of intervals are:

B. Intervals (cont. ) 6. Some examples of intervals are:

C. Direction 1. _______ is how notes or pitches move ____, ______, or ______.

C. Direction 1. _______ is how notes or pitches move ____, ______, or ______. 2. When pitches or notes are getting ____, then the direction of the melody is _____. 3. When pitches or notes are getting ____, then the direction of the melody is _____. 4. When pitches or notes _______, then the direction of the melody is ____.

C. Direction 5. Some examples of direction are:

C. Direction 5. Some examples of direction are:

D. Music Alphabet 1. The music alphabet is only __ letters: __, __, __,

D. Music Alphabet 1. The music alphabet is only __ letters: __, __, __, __ (then it starts over).

Label the xylophone bars in the correct order starting from C and using an

Label the xylophone bars in the correct order starting from C and using an apostrophe ( ) when a note is repeated higher up on the xylophone (for example c’).

“Good” Melody Criteria for composing your own melody ♫ Able to sing the melody

“Good” Melody Criteria for composing your own melody ♫ Able to sing the melody back once it has ♫ ♫ been heard (memorable) The melody moves mainly by step with a few skips The melody moves up, down and sometimes stays the same or has some repeated notes/pitches There are repeating ideas Tonic is used throughout the melody

? ? Melody Questions to ask? ? ♪ Are you able to sing it

? ? Melody Questions to ask? ? ♪ Are you able to sing it back? ♪ Is it primarily steps or skips? ♪ What is the melodic contour (up, down, same), are there repeating ideas? ♪ Was tonic (home tone) used, can you sing the tonic back?