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MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Gastroenterology The infrared thermography is widely used in gastroenterology. Using this method we can make diagnosis and differential diagnosis of a lot of diseases, including urgent surgical ones, and also perform an objective follow-up control during the treatment. The application of infrared thermography in children’s and neonatal practice is particularly effective and important, because it’s fast, reliable, non-contact and absolutely safe for patient and doctor. That’s why infrared thermography is a unique method for the screening of many diseases. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Normal Thermogram In the normal condition, in thermograms the abdomen has a plain isothermic symmetric picture, in most cases the umbilicus appears as a small hot point. Abdomen. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Abdomen. Right side.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Diseases of Esophagus The inflammation of spastic condition of the distal part of the esophagus and the cardiac part of the stomach manifest itself in thermograms as a warm area on the upper abdomen, often along both the hypochondrial areas. Gastritis with reflux-esophagitis © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Esophagitis.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Solaritis On the contrary, in the case of solaritis (solaralgia) these areas appear cold, because the nature of this disease is not inflammatory, but spastic. Usually cold areas are located on the midline and along the left hypochondrial area. Solaritis. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Solaritis.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Gastritis In the case of gastritis with preserved secretion, in thermograms an hyperthermic area appears above the stomach. Shape and temperature values of this area are individual, but very good correlated with the clinical manifestations of the disease. Gastritis in a 8 months baby. The hyperthermic area is quite similar to the shape of the stomach. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Non-homogenous hyperthermia of the front abdominal wall. Hyperthermia along the midline – typical case for children.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Gastritis On the contrary, in the case of gastritis with low secretion there is a cold area above the stomach. Local hypothermia on the upper abdomen. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Local hypothermia on the upper abdomen. Non-homogenous hypothermia of the front abdominal wall.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Ulcer of Stomach and Duodenum The ulcer of stomach and duodenum appears as a non-homogenous hyperthermia above the stomach with a temperature gradient of 1, 5 -3°C. The temperature gradient good correlates with the severity of the disease and can be used as an objective indicator during the treatment. Ulcer of the body of the stomach. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Pyloric ulcer. Duodenal ulcer
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Cholecystitis The typical thermovisual manifestation of the cholecystitis is a hot area above the gallbladder. The temperature gradient very good correlates with the severity of the disease and can vary from 0, 8 -1, 5°C in moderate cases up to 3°C in urgent conditions. Cholecystitis. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Cholecystitis.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Biliary Dyskinesia In thermograms we can distinguish spastic and hypotonic conditions of the biliary system. The specific symptom of the spastic type of biliary dyskinesia is the hyperthermia of the umbilicus. In the hypotonic type coldness appears on the left hypochondrial area. Spastic dyskinesia of the biliary ducts. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Spastic dyskinesia of the biliary ducts. Hypotonic dyskinesia of the biliary ducts.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Hepatitis The thermovisual sign of hepatitis is the hyperthermia above the liver. A very important fact is that this symptom appears several days before the first clinical manifestations of hepatitis, such as, for example, the jaundice. That’s why thermography may be applied for an early diagnostics of viral hepatitis. Hyperthermia above the liver. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Hyperthermia above the liver.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Liver Cirrhosis In the case of liver cirrhosis, the hyperthermia above the liver becomes rough, non-homogenous. Another important symptom of a decreased function of the liver is the hyperthermia on the palmar side of the hypothenar. Alcohol cirrhosis of the liver, ascites. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Biliary cirrhosis of the liver. Hyperthermia of the hypothenar in liver cirrhosis.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Pancreatitis In the case of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, thermograms show a non-homogenous, spotted hyperthermia on the upper part of the front abdomen wall. Acute pancreatitis. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Acute pancreatitis.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Pancreatitis Chronic pancreatitis, as well as the decrease of the functional activity of the pancreas appear as non-homogenous cold areas above the whole gland or the left part of it. This test may be helpful to detect the high risk of formation of diabetes mellitus. Chronic pancreatitis. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Chronic pancreatitis. Hypothermic area above the left part of the pancreas.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Appendicitis Acute appendicitis manifests itself as a hot area above the location of the appendix. This is a very typical symptom, and infrared thermography is very successfully used in pediatrics. Acute appendicitis. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Acute appendicitis, accompanied with cholecystitis and spastic biliary dyskinesia.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Intestinal Dysbacteriosis The most common thermographic symptoms in intestinal dysbacteriosis are some cold points next to and down the umbilicus. Intestinal dysbacteriosis. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Colitis In the case of chronic colitis, the cold area on the lower abdomen is larger and is located around the umbilicus. Colitis. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Colitis.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Ulcerative Colitis and Polyposis In these diseases, thermovisual picture of the abdomen is similar: there are several hot points above the large intestine. Ulcerative colitis. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Ulcerative colitis. Diffuse polyposis of the large intestine.
MEDICAL INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY Dysfunction of Ileocecal Valve Dysfunction of ileocecal valve is a common disease, but very difficult to diagnose. The specific thermographic symptom of this disease is a cold area to the right of the umbilicus, above the location of the ileocecal valve. Thermography can be used both for diagnostics and control during the treatment. Dysfunction of ileocecal valve. © EDP Srl, 2004 http: //www. edpsrl. com Dysfunction of ileocecal valve. The same patient after the course of acupuncture.
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