Masters Admissions 2020 ARTS Evaluation Guidelines Criteria and
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Master's Admissions 2020 ARTS Evaluation Guidelines, Criteria and Development Tiina Kotti 22. 5. 2019
Timeline • Discussion in the ARTS Master’s Admission Working Group 1. 3. 2019, 26. 4. 2019 • Aalto University Admission Criteria 2020, AAC decision 22. 5. 2019 • School Evaluation Guidelines 2020, TSAK decision 11. 6. 2019 • Study Option Evaluation Criteria 2020, TSAK decision 28. 8. 2019 • DL for study options 14. 6. 2019 • Finding common ground for Study Option evaluation work 2021 • during autumn 2019
ARTS Master’s Admission Working Group Chair person: Vice Dean of Education Rasmus Vuori Secretary: Planning Officer Tiina Kotti Members: Master’s programme in Architecture Maisema-arkkitehtuurin maisteriohjelma Master's Programme in Interior Architecture Film Scenography & Costume Design New Media Master's Programme in Visual Communication Design Valokuvataiteen maisteriohjelma Department of Design Kuvataidekasvatuksen maisteriohjelma Taiteen laitos, kv-ohjelmat Toni Kotnik Jyrki Sinkkilä Ville Kokkonen Rauno Ronkainen (spring 2019) Anne Lakanen (autumn 2019) Liisa Ikonen (spring 2019) Sofia Pantouvaki (autumn 2019) Pipsa Asiala Arja Karhumaa Heli Rekula Maarit Mäkelä Kirsi Niinimäki Minna Suoniemi Pia Euro
From Admission Criteria to Evaluation
From Admission Criteria to Evaluation in practice University Admission Criteria ARTS Evaluation Guidelines Study Option Evaluation Criteria • Application process • Selection Committees • What is evaluated? • Eligibility • • 1 st phase vs. 2 nd phase? • Compulsory appendices of the application Process of academic evaluation at ARTS (phases, interviews etc) • Qualities you look for in an applicant? • Language proficiency • Eligibility in art education • Ranking in case of the same score • Tongji admission process? Evaluation practices at the study option
Aalto Admissions Criteria 2020 • No school level admission criteria in the Master’s level • Required application documents listed in the Aalto Admissions Criteria, do not include motivation letter (to be included in study option specific criteria). • Applicants with a degree offering eligibility cannot apply with other grounds • All the applications with other grounds will be sent to the selection committees for assessment • Applicants will submit their application in Opintopolku in stead of Apply • One applicant can apply for up to 2 study options within Aalto Ø Waitlisting will be even more important
Aalto ARTS Master’s Admission Evaluation Guidelines 2020 • Selection Committee appointed by the end of October • Chair acts as the contact person (mainly means receiving the instructions by email, invitations to info events, sorting out exceptional cases) • The selection committees documents their decisions and how they have applied the evaluation criteria for each applicant. • The selection committee rank all eligible applicants in accordance with the evaluation criteria decided in advance for each study option. The school approves the evaluation criteria used in the study-option-specific evaluation in August.
Study Option Evaluation Criteria 2020 • Transparency - applicants should know the evaluation criteria before applying • Evaluation needs to follow pre-set criteria and to be documented > facilitates giving feedback (all applicants have the right to know how to the evaluation criteria has been applied to their application) • New application system requires that all applicants are placed in ranking order • We need a system that helps us to put the applicants in a ranking order
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