Master of Science in Management and Master of

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Master of Science in Management and Master of Science in Health Systems Thesis and Internship Information Session Lavagnon Ika, MGT Director Jonathan Patrick, MHS Director Rania Nasrallah-Massaad, Research Development Officer

THESIS PROPOSAL • Ideally thesis proposal should be approved by the end of the second term* • Submit to the Graduate Office: • Copy of signed Telfer School of Management Master’s Thesis Proposal Report Form submitted • Thesis proposal • How to choose thesis committee members? • Complementary to supervisor(s)

THESIS PROPOSAL • The thesis proposal should include the what, how and when of your research. • Objectives / contribution • Research question(s) • Literature review • Conceptual model • Methodology • Anticipated impact/results • Other: • Confidentiality (if applicable) • Timeline and deliverables

THESIS • Register in THM 7999 Thesis (12 credits) – and keep registering in it • The completed thesis will be evaluated by a Thesis Examining Board composed of at least two approved professors who are involved in your program of study. Thesis preparation checklist

THESIS: CONTENT • Typical format is introduction, research question, lit review, methods, results, discussion (include limitations), conclusion • Theses Canada portal - http: //www. collectionscanada. gc. ca/theses canada/index-e. html

THESIS: TIMELINE Program Requirements (MSc Health Systems) Semester III Semester IV Semester VI Fall 1 Winter 1 Spring/ Summer I Fall 2 Winter 2 Spring/ Summer 2 MHS 5301 (3 units) MHS 6380 (3 units) MHA (at least 1. 5 units) or Elective MHS 6991 MHA (1. 5 units if MHS 7991 required) or THM 7999 Elective (at least 4. 5 (if required) units total) MHS 6991 THM 7999 MHS 6991 (if required) Core and elective courses; Matching with Research Institute in Preparation for Thesis Proposal Core and electives; Thesis research begins; Creation of Thesis Committee; Submission and approval of Thesis Proposal Thesis research continues Completion of Thesis Research and Defence Health Systems Research Internship with Research Institute; Thesis research continues THM 7999 Elective (if required) MHS 6991 (if required) Thesis research continues

THESIS: TIMELINE MSc in Management Program requirements: Term III Term IV Term VI Fall Winter Spring/ Summer Analysis and writing Final draft and defense THM 7999 Thesis (12 units) Minimum of 3 courses (9 units): MGT 5100 Research Design Methodologies and the Conduct of Research (3 units) MGT 5300 Foundations of Management Theory (3 units) Elective (3 units) Minimum of 3 courses (9 units): MGT 5101 Multivariate Research Methods (3 units) OR MGT 5102 Qualitative Research Methods (3 units) Elective(s) (3 to 6 units) Thesis proposal in progress Elective if required: Optional research practicum (3 units) OR Elective Thesis proposal completed and approved Data collection, analysis and writing MGT 6991 Management Research Seminar Series (MRSS) – compulsory every term until the student has attended the required total of 6 seminars

THESIS: TIMELINE • Count backwards from when you want to finish • Once submitted using a service request in your student portal, members of the Jury (examiners) will have 30 days to determine if thesis is accepted to move forward to Defense. * • Note: Submitting your thesis for evaluation by term deadlines will allow you to request a financial credit (tuition fee reimbursement) for the semester in question (provided your thesis is accepted). • Also submit your thesis online (u. O Research).

THESIS: ADVICE • Start now on all the sections you have content for • Meet with your supervisor(s) regularly • Expect to go through several revisions • Check with the graduate office to make sure you have completed all degree requirements before submitting

THESIS FORMATTING Manuscript preparation technical standards When you submit your thesis or research paper, formatting and other technical standards must be adhered to. You can learn more about these by consulting a brief summary found at the link below. https: //www. uottawa. ca/graduate-studies/manuscriptpreparation-technical-standards

MHS 7991: HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCH INTERNSHIP • A one-session research internship in an approved research institute or other health sector organization under the direction of thesis supervisor and a research mentor in the host organization • Purpose is to give students hands on experience at research to link that to what is learned in the classroom

OBJECTIVES • To immerse a student in a research-intensive environment, • To expose the student to different research programs and methods • To contribute to a knowledge transfer between health research institutes and Telfer • To prepare students to undertake future work in health services research environments; • To enhance students’ knowledge through their direct involvement in related research projects

POTENTIAL SITES FOR INTERNSHIP • Ottawa Health Research Institute, Heart Institute / Public Health Agency, Health Canada, Bruyere Continuing Care, CHEO • North East LHIN • BC Women's Hospital and Health Center • WHO – Denmark, United Kingdom, Netherlands • Health Standards Organization (HSO) • Other…

GRADUATE INTERNSHIP RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS Student presentations at leading scholarly conferences Anissa Aubin. “Emergency Surgery Capacity Planning Meeting Wait Time Targets, ” 2012 Canadian Operational Research Society Conference, Niagara Falls, ON. Jessica Scott. “Perceived barriers to the Use of Electronic Health Records for Infectious Disease Surveillance in Canada ” 2013 Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics biennial conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland Emily Rowland. “Examining the maternal experience in a neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) environment”. Academy of Neonatal Nurses 11 th National Advanced Practice Neonatal Nurses Conference, Honolulu, HI, April 23 -26, 2014

GRADUATE INTERNSHIP RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS Student presentations at leading scholarly conferences Andrea Ghazzawi, O'Sullivan T “We Don’t Have a Back-Up Plan: An Exploration of Family Contingency Planning for Emergencies Following Stroke, ” Social Work in Health Care. (2013) (6), pp. 531 -551 Fahim C, O'Sullivan T, Lane D. Supports for Health and Social Service Providers from Canada Responding to the Disaster in Haiti. PLOS Currents Disasters. 2014 Jan 13. Edition 1. Shenas SAI, Mitchell, JI. , Kuziemsky C. “Governance standards: A roadmap for increasing safety at care transitions”, Healthcare Management Forum 2015, Vol. 28(1) 28 -33

GRADUATE INTERNSHIP RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS Student presentations at leading scholarly conferences Maria El Chababi. “Are they Really Different: The Entrepreneurial Process from the Perspective of Different Generation of Immigrant Entrepreneurs” 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, 2015. Karolina Kaminska. “Applying the RE-AIM Model to Asset-based Community Health Interventions: A Multiple Case Study in Tower Hamlets, London, UK” 4 th International City Health Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2015.

GRADUATE INTERNSHIP RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS Stephanie Aboueid. . “Current Weight Management Approaches Used by Primary Care Providers in Multidisciplinary Health Care Settings in Ontario” Canada Obesity Network Summit, Banff, AB, 2017. Caroline Chamberland. “The Impact of Health Professional Migration on Health Equity in India and the Philippines” 14 th World Congress on Public Health, Kolkata, India, 2015. Shannon Tracey. “Asset Oriented Indicators for Organizational Resilience” 2015 Preparedness Summit, Atlanta, GA, 2015.

RESEARCH SEMINARS • During the Research Internship, it is advised that the students attend the research seminars offered at the research establishment • If the internship is in Ottawa the student will be expected to also attend the Healthcare Systems Management Research Seminar Series presented at the Telfer School of Management

RESPONSIBILITIES • Student: Work with thesis supervisor(s) and the MSc HS Program Director to determine a suitable research internship focus that complements the student’s thesis research • Complete the internship on time and in a responsible manner

RESPONSIBILITIES Thesis Supervisor(s) Responsibilities: • assist the student in finding a suitable internship and framing learning goals and objectives • Monitor the internship and associated timelines and deliverables

EVALUATION • The internship will be evaluated by the supervisor based on: (i) the final internship proposal evaluation and the learning objectives set at the beginning of the internship • The internship is graded on a (S) Satisfactory / (NS) Non-Satisfactory basis • Students will also be expected to do a post -internship presentation in the winter term following the completion of their internship

TARGET DATES • Appendix A (agreement form) needs to be completed prior to starting (define learning goals) • Start and end dates can be flexible and cross semesters • Presentation in Winter term is mandatory after completion • Appendix B is filled out at completion of the internship (assess learning goals)

Lavagnon Ika Director, MSc in Management 613 562 5800 x 4781 ika@telfer. u. Ottawa. ca École de gestion Telfer Université d’Ottawa 55, avenue Laurier Est Ottawa ON K 1 N 6 N 5 Jonathan Patrick Director, MSc in Health Systems 613 562 5800 x 4796 patrick@u. Ottawa. ca Telfer School of Management University of Ottawa 55 Laurier Avenue East Ottawa ON K 1 N 6 N 5 telfer. u. Ottawa. ca Telfer. u. Ottawa tlfr. ca/linkedin Telfer_u. Ottawa (EN) Telfer_Ud. O (FR)
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Master of science in management
Natural science and social science similarities
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Master of professional studies in data science
Tor vergata business administration
Vu computer science
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Math1001 uon
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Scm master data management