Mandatos Formales Forma imperativa Formal commands Complete each

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Mandatos Formales ”Forma imperativa” Formal commands

Mandatos Formales ”Forma imperativa” Formal commands

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 1. Los huéspedes no pagan la cuenta. Go verb Yo pag uen en o pagar Paguen Uds. la cuenta.

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 2. La profesora habla español en clase. hablar reg verb Yo hablo e No hable Ud. español en clase.

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 3. Los niños no duermen. dormir Stem change Duerman Uds. Yo duermo an

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 4. La señora no comer Coma Ud. reg verb Yo como a

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 5. Los niños juegan béisbol. jugar Stem change & go verb Yo juego en uen No jueguen Uds. béisbol.

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 6. Los turistas no hacen cola. hacer Go verb Hagan Uds. cola. Yo hag o an

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 7. La señora no viene a la oficina. Go verb Yo veng o a venir Venga Ud. a la oficina.

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 8. Los alumnos no son serios. ser irregular Sean Uds. serios. sean

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 9. El señor sale ahora. salir Go verb Yo salg a o No salga Ud. ahora.

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of

Complete each sentence or statement. - Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing. 10. Los turistas van al museo. ir irregular vayan No vayan Uds. al museo.

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object pronouns in place of any nouns. 1. El padre no le compra el regalo a su niña. le Cómpre se lo Ud. Compre lo

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object pronouns in place of any nouns. 2. Las alumnas no le dicen la respuesta al profesor. la le Dígan se la Uds. Digo Digan

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object pronouns in place of any nouns. 3. El señor le pide la cuenta al mesero. la No se la pido pida le

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object pronouns in place of any nouns. 4. Los alumnos no leen el libro. lo Léan lo Uds. Lean Leo

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object

Tell these people to do the opposite of what they are doing, using object pronouns in place of any nouns. 5. Los alumnos escriben las composiciones en inglés. las No las escribo escriban en inglés.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. 1. Primero,

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. 1. Primero, (escuchar) escuche al profesor con cuidado. 2. Ustedes, escriban (escribir) sus apuntes y repasen con sus amigos. 3. Después, (estudiar) estudie usted solo y (practicar) practique los ejercicios.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. 4. Si

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. 4. Si no comprende (leer) lea usted la lección con cuidado y 5. (Preguntar) Pregunte al profesor de español

Imperativo formal: formas irregulars Write commands using the elements below 1. ir / ustedes

Imperativo formal: formas irregulars Write commands using the elements below 1. ir / ustedes / al supermercado Vayan ustedes al supermercado 2. poner / usted / el libro en el pupitre Ponga usted el libro en el pupitre 3. poner / ustedes / el teléfono en la mochila Pongan usted el teléfono en la mochila

Imperativo formal: formas irregulars Write commands using the elements below 4. venir / usted

Imperativo formal: formas irregulars Write commands using the elements below 4. venir / usted / a clase a tiempo Venga usted a clase a tiempo 5. hacer / usted / las compras maña Haga usted las compras mañana 6. estar / ustedes / en el restaurante a las cinco Estén ustedes en el restaurante a las 5

Imperativo formal: formas irregulars Write commands using the elements below 7. salir / ustedes

Imperativo formal: formas irregulars Write commands using the elements below 7. salir / ustedes / a las ocho esta noche Salgan ustedes / a las ocho esta 8. decir / usted / la verdad Diga usted la verdad

Imperativo formal: formas irregulars Write commands using the elements below 9. dar / ustedes

Imperativo formal: formas irregulars Write commands using the elements below 9. dar / ustedes / el regalo a sus amigos Den ustedes el regalo a sus 10. saber / usted / los verbos irregulares Sepa usted los verbos irregulares

Give the formal commands for each of the following verbs. venir salir saber Ir

Give the formal commands for each of the following verbs. venir salir saber Ir estar usted venga salga sepa vaya esté ustedes vengan salgan sepan vayan estén

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Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. Escriba Ud.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. Escriba Ud. un poema. 1. (escribir)_____ compren Uds. el libro. 2. No (comprar)_____ Vaya Usted con mis primos. 3. (ir*)_______ Corte 4. (cortar)_______Ud. el césped.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. abran ustedes

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. abran ustedes la ventana. 5. No (abrir)______ Compren Uds. el libro. 6. (comprar)_____ Siga 7. (seguir)_____ Ud. derecho. Pinten Uds. la pared. 8. (pintar)_____

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. mienta Ud.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. mienta Ud. 9. No (mentir)_____ Firmen Uds. aquí, por favor. 10. (firmar)_______ lean Uds. el libro. 11. No (leer)______ 12. (venir*)_____ Vengan Uds. conmigo.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. sean ustedes

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. sean ustedes engreídos. 13. No (ser*)______ haga Ud. el trabajo. 14. No (hacer*)_______ Compren Ustedes el reloj. 15. (comprar)_____ 16. No (traer*)_____ traiga Ud. el dinero.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. Devuelva Usted

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. Devuelva Usted el suéter. 17. (devolver)______ Tengan Uds. un buen viaje. 18. (tener*)_____ Duerma Usted. 19. (dormir)_____ 20. No (comprar)______ compren ustedes el regalo.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. 21. No

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. 21. No (ir*)____ vaya usted con él. Escriba Ud. ésto. 22. (escribir)_____ cuente Ud. sus 23. No (contar)_____ beneficios.

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. 24. No

Write the formal command for the verb in parenthesis in each sentence. 24. No (hablar)_____ hablen Uds. más lentamente. Compre Usted el 25. (comprar)_____ regalo.