Managing Workload Due tomorrow Do tomorrow Are You

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Managing Workload

Managing Workload

Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow! Are You a Procrastinator?

Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow! Are You a Procrastinator?

You have more than five unread emails.

You have more than five unread emails.

You have more than 100 unread emails.

You have more than 100 unread emails.

You ‘take breaks’ to text friends.

You ‘take breaks’ to text friends.

Cleaning gets done when you have work to do.

Cleaning gets done when you have work to do.

In fact… You have stopped working to re grout the bath!

In fact… You have stopped working to re grout the bath!

You have checked your phone at least once while doing this.

You have checked your phone at least once while doing this.

You keep Twitter and Facebook open while working.

You keep Twitter and Facebook open while working.

You stop working to alphabetise your books.

You stop working to alphabetise your books.

You combine your to do lists into one longer, neater to do list.

You combine your to do lists into one longer, neater to do list.

You have googled ‘how to stop procrastinating. ’

You have googled ‘how to stop procrastinating. ’

Scores 0 Either you are super efficient or none of the questions pin pointed

Scores 0 Either you are super efficient or none of the questions pin pointed your particular type of procrastination 1 - 5 We have hit some of your hot spots, this procrastination can be solved! There will be other hot spots… it is worth working out what they are too. 6 -10 Managing your workload will improve if you stop procrastinating!!

It’s Emotional! “It really has nothing to do with timemanagement. As I tell people,

It’s Emotional! “It really has nothing to do with timemanagement. As I tell people, to tell the chronic procrastinator to just do it would be like saying to a clinically depressed person, cheer up. ” APS Fellow Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at De. Paul University. A pioneer of modern research into procrastination

What are the top issues that your colleagues face when it comes to workload?

What are the top issues that your colleagues face when it comes to workload? It’s More Than Procrastination

NOT MANAGING WORKLOAD iou x n A s f o l l Fu s

NOT MANAGING WORKLOAD iou x n A s f o l l Fu s s stre sing s s i M line d dea in y r t ot g N Not ssed focu MANAGING WORKLOAD

NOT MANAGING WORKLOAD ious Anx f o l l Fu s s stre sing

NOT MANAGING WORKLOAD ious Anx f o l l Fu s s stre sing s s i M line d dea Not ng i y r t Not ssed focu MANAGING WORKLOAD See it coming. Plan ahead. Practice your mantras m Cal ng i t e Me lines d dea d te a v i ot M Pro Remove the unnecessary Identify procrastination hotspots e tiv c u d ply r a Sh ssed focu

Assessment How much time has this marking taken? Pupil + 5 minutes Teacher reading

Assessment How much time has this marking taken? Pupil + 5 minutes Teacher reading + 5 minutes Teacher writing + 2 minutes Full class x 30 How purposeful is this feedback compared to the time taken? Can we improve this practice?

Assessment Protocols Can peer and self assessment really help you to save time?

Assessment Protocols Can peer and self assessment really help you to save time?

Whole Class Feedback

Whole Class Feedback

IDEA FROM MR THORNTON TEACH Af. L Marking Crib Sheet PRAISE: RB shown excellent

IDEA FROM MR THORNTON TEACH Af. L Marking Crib Sheet PRAISE: RB shown excellent effort in attempting task 3 BA remembered a pen and completed task CAUSE FOR CONCERN • • Pupils were able to complete the task to a multi structural level. Support is required to show them how to apply this to real lessons LB and TA are working at uni SPa. G/ Presentation MISSING/ INCOMPLETE: SL absent – set test 25/09/2015 MISCONCEPTIONS Learning outcomes should be written on the board in every lesson TEACHING NEXT STEPS AND OUTCOMES: Explore the purpose of learning outcomes more fully so they can understand why they are useful in assessing learning. Look at link to pupil involvement and understanding. OUTCOME FOR ALL - Relational: To be able to apply the named practices to their own planning. Support required for LB & TA in exploring multi. Provide flipped learning and support sheet. Catch up work required for SL once test is complete



Create a Culture of Critique Kind, Specific and Helpful Feedback

Create a Culture of Critique Kind, Specific and Helpful Feedback

Create a Culture of Critique I like the fact that… I wonder if. .

Create a Culture of Critique I like the fact that… I wonder if. . . A good next step might be. . .

Critical Friends I like the fact that… I wonder if. . . A good

Critical Friends I like the fact that… I wonder if. . . A good next step might be. . .

Am I finished?

Am I finished?

Peer and Self Assessment • Create a regular routine • Give it purpose for

Peer and Self Assessment • Create a regular routine • Give it purpose for their outcomes • Provide assessment criteria that makes sense to them

Create a time saving idea Be prepared to share!

Create a time saving idea Be prepared to share!

Critique a time saving idea Be prepared to share!

Critique a time saving idea Be prepared to share!

Time Audit

Time Audit

Time Audit Actions • Ditch the unnecessary • Where’s your 20% QT? • What

Time Audit Actions • Ditch the unnecessary • Where’s your 20% QT? • What can others do for you? • Where are your hotspots? • Do you have routine? • How much time can you save? • What will you do with the time?

Do you live to work, or work to live?

Do you live to work, or work to live?