Mad Scientists Club Book by Bertrand R Brinley

Mad Scientist’s Club Book by: Bertrand R. Brinley Slideshow by: Spencer Terry

Members of the club • The members of the mad scientists club are Jeff Crocker president, Henry Mulligan vice president and chief of Research, Freddy Muldoon, Dinky Poore, Homer Snodgrass, Mortimer Dalrymple, and Charlie Finckledinck. The story is told in the view of Charlie.

Important characters • Mayor Scragg, Billy Dahr, colonel March, Zeke Boniface, and last but not least Harmon muldoon the only competitor of the mad scientists club

stories • The Strange sea monster of strawberry lake, the big egg, the secret of the old cannon, the unidentified flying man of mammoth falls, the great gas bag race, the voice in the chimney, night rescue, the telltale transmitter, the cool cavern, big chief rainmaker, the flying sorcerer, the great confrontation, the big kerplop, and the big chunk of ice

summary • With their skills with electronics and devices the Mad Scientists Club goes on many wild adventures such as… the big kerplop, the big chunk of ice, and all the others that you heard on the previous page.

Harmon’s story • Once a member of the mad scientist’s club Harmon Muldoon (Freddy’s cousin) is the only competitor of the mad scientist’s club was kicked out of the club after telling club secrets. After that Harmon created his own club although not as bright as the mad scientist’s club Harmon and his gang dose lead them on a few of their crazy adventures

Picture and names

Mayor Scragg • Mayor Scragg fooled by the mad scientists club

The first book is probably the best one out of all four of them. In it the mad scientists club dose more of a “fooling the town thing”. In the picture you see here the mad scientists club is building a sea monster for Dinky. And it all started when Dinky was late for dinner. Chapter 1: the strange sea monster of strawberry lake

The second book is maybe my second favorite. its the same as the first except different stories. In the second book the mad scientist’s club helps and fools the town. The similarities of the first book to the second book is the setup of each chapter being a different story.

The third and fourth books • The third and fourth are alike, but differ from the first and second books. The first are storyper-chapter books but the third and fourth books are story-per-books like most books.

THE END • I hope you liked my report on the Mad Scientist’s Club!!!

Bibliography • http: //www. google. com/search? q=the+mad+ scientists+club&hl=en&safe=active&client=saf ari&rls=en&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=i sch&ei=qb. Lf. Ts. HMBun. Z 0 QGzw_Wc. Bw&sa=X& oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0 CBc. Q_A Uo. AQ&biw=1914&bih=865

Bibliography 2 • http: //www. madscientistsclub. com/books. ht ml • A special thanks to: Microsoft applications!!
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