Low Stakes Questions 1 Decrease 4 582 by
Low Stakes Questions 1 - Decrease 4. 582 by 1, 739. 2 - Calculate 4, 829 + 3, 789 3 - Which number is greater, 3, 670 or 3, 067? 4 - How many days are there in a leap year? 5 - Round 789 to the nearest 100. Low Stakes Questions 1 - Which is the smallest number? 3, 659 3, 956 3, 569 2 - Complete 3/4 = ? /20 3 - 35 centimetres= millimetres 4 - What is the perimeter of a rectangle with sides of 8 cm and 4 cm. 5 - How many sides does a square have?
Low Stakes Questions 1 - Decrease 4, 582 by 1, 739. 2, 843 2 - Calculate 4, 829 + 3, 789 8, 618 3 - Which number is greater, 3, 670 or 3, 067? 4 - How many days are there in a leap year? 36 5 - Round 789 to the nearest 100. 800 Low Stakes Questions 1 - Which is the smallest number? 3, 659 3, 956 3, 569 2 - Complete 3/4 = 15/20 3 - 35 centimetres= 350 millimetres 4 - What is the perimeter of a rectangle with sides of 8 cm and 4 cm. 24 cm 5 - How many sides does a square have? 4
Learning Outcome- I can recall the inverse operations in order to be able to check calculations. Learning Outcome- I can recall how to read a table in order to retrieve data from a two-way table. Learning Outcome- I can recall my factors in order to find common factors.
Green group follow along with the Power. Point. Yellow group attempt the work.
3, 562 2, 747 815 ? Th H 232 157 2 78 30 58 1 815 3, 562 T 564 41 61 1 O 127 75 25
1, 319 + 4, 484 = 5, 803 1, 319 4, 484 Have a think Th 15 4 51 H 7 38 4 38 1 1, 319 4, 484 T 19 10 8 01 1 O 1 93 4 39
Yellow group follow along with the Power. Point. Green group attempt the work.
Activity day choices Abseiling Archery Tennis Boys 16 14 9 Girls 12 20 12 1) What does the number 20 mean in the table? 20 girls chose archery 2) How many boys chose archery or tennis? 14 + 9 = 23 Have a think 3) How many girls participated in the activity day? 12 + 20 = 44
How could we sort these shapes? Orange Blue Total Circles Squares 2 1 Total 3 3 3 6 5 4 9
Holiday destinations Year 3 France 8 Spain 14 UK 10 USA 7 39 Total Year 4 Total 5 13 0 14 25 15 13 20 72 33 Have a think France: ___ + 5 = 1) How many more year 3 pupils went to France than Complete the table USA: 7 + 13 = 2) 20 13 1 more pupil the USA? France: 8 USA: 7 8 Year 3: 8 + 7 + 10 + 14 = 39 72 39 + 33 = Year 3: 8 + 14 + 10 + 7 =
Distances between UK cities (in miles) Aberdeen 490 Cambridge 355 149 Leeds 667 343 371 Truro 1) How far is it from Aberdeen to Leeds? 355 miles Have a think 2) How far is it from Truro to Cambridge? 343 miles 3) Which two cities are closest to each other? Cambridge and Leeds
Red group follow along with the Power. Point. Yellow group attempt the work.
Find all the common factors of 10 and 20 1, 2, 5, 10 20 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 Common factors: 1, 2, 5, 10
Complete the Venn diagram Factors of 12 Factors of 8 3 12 6 1 8 2 4 Have a think
- Slides: 14