Louisiana Purchase New Orleans American System Mc Culloch

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Louisiana Purchase New Orleans American System Mc. Culloch v. Maryland Monroe Doctrine Famous agreement

Louisiana Purchase New Orleans American System Mc. Culloch v. Maryland Monroe Doctrine Famous agreement which drew a line to determine the future legality of slavery in the territories. Organized by Henry Clay in 1820. System of giving gov’t jobs to friends and supporters. Begun by Andrew Jackson and continued until the reforms of the late 1800’s. Forced removal of the Cherokee Indians from the East into the Oklahoma reservations. Process begun by Jackson and finished under Van Buren. Crisis involving the State of South Carolina and the high level of federal tariffs. S. C. threatened secession if the tariff was not lowered. Occurred while Jackson was President. Spoils System Network of safe house that helped escaped slaves reach freedom in the northern lands. Harriet Tubman was the most famous of its leaders. Group of painters that glorified the American landscape. Reform movement that wanted to ban the use of alcohol. Hudson River School Underground Railroads First discovered in 1848. Large influx of people in 1849 led to early statehood. Temperance Agreement that admitted California as a free state and agreed to passing a strong fugitive slave law to satisfy the slave states, as well as establishing popular sovereignty as the method of determining future slavery issues. Law passed in 1850 to help Southern slave owners to recapture escaped slaves. Made it a crime for anyone to help an escaped slave and allowed slave catchers to find escaped slaves anywhere in the nation. Gold Rush Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Act Important court case that helped lead to the Civil War. Case determined that African Americans could not be citizens and the Missouri Compromise was illegal. Famous political race for the Senate seat of Illinois. Freeport Doctrine was developed during the campaign as a method to resist the spread of slavery. Dred Scott v. Sanford Lincoln-Douglas Debate Northern abolitionist who tried to arm slaves by raiding Harpers Ferry. Was captured and eventually hung as a martyr to the abolitionist cause. John Brown Missouri Compromise Seneca Falls Mexican War Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that described the evils of slavery. Trail of Tears -War begun in 1845 that lasted until 1848. In the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, the U. S. gained California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada. -- --- Crisis Nullification Women’s rights assembly that re-wrote the Declaration of Independence from a woman’s point of view. Led by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton Invented the cotton gin which greatly increased the importance of cotton in the south. Also led to a growth in the use of slavery. First President to die in office. Was a former Indian fighter who won fame in the Battle of Tippecanoe. Idea that the U. S. should expand its borders from ocean to ocean. Led to the addition of Louisiana, Texas, Mexican War, and Oregon Territories. Small political party that was antiimmigration. Election of Abraham Lincoln. Led to the secession of the southern states because he was elected with no electoral votes from southern states. Election of 1860 Presidential statement that informed other nations of the intention of the U. S. to keep other nations from intervening in this hemisphere. Happened in 1820. Know-Nothings Supreme Court case that determined the legality of implied powers and the ability of the government to create a national bank. Also stated that the national gov’t is supreme over the state gov’ts. Manifest Destiny Lewis and Clark Tecumseh Program of internal improvements. Included roads, bridges, canals, a national bank system, and a protective tariff. Proposed by John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay. Known as the Common Man’s President. Began the spoils system, removed the Indians from the East, and was a war hero in the Battle of New Orleans in 1812. William Henry Harrison War against Britain that was fought over continued harassment of American trading rights and impressments. Major battles in Washington and New Orleans. Ended with the Treaty of Ghent. Eli Whitney Indian leader who wanted to form a confederation of Indians to win back Indian lands. War of 1812 Famous battle in the War of 1812 that was unnecessary because a peace treaty had already been signed. The American led by Andrew Jackson defeated the British in the battle. Expeditionary group that explored the newly purchased Louisiana Territory from 1803 -1805. Andrew Jackson Land that was acquired from France in 1803 by Thomas Jefferson. It more than doubled the size of the nation. Uncle Tom’s Cabin